Spanish is perfect as is. It does not require further reforms. it's like Classical Sanskrit right now.
Should there be a new spanish reform?
Each Hispanophone country should have its own spelling, so eventually it would diverge into several different languages that aren't mutually intelligible anymore. Hahaha.
Spanish is so phonetic that it's difficult the proliferation of different spellings.
Each Hispanophone country should have its own spelling, so eventually it would diverge into several different languages that aren't mutually intelligible anymore. Hahaha.
Chauvinist go to hell, you are a bad person you know.
We don't want you native language will divide and then die, but you want it to spanish.
Anyway that's not possible there is a global association spanish academies association to standard spanish and media also join languages.
It's a pitty old roman empire hadn't got medias... now Latin would be 'the lingua franca'. Romance languages wouldn't exist.
Chauvinist go to hell, you are a bad person you know.
We don't want you native language will divide and then die, but you want it to spanish.
Anyway that's not possible there is a global association spanish academies association to standard spanish and media also join languages.
It's a pitty old roman empire hadn't got medias... now Latin would be 'the lingua franca'. Romance languages wouldn't exist.
Old Spanish -coraçon, contemporary Spanish -corazon.
Old Portuguese-coraçom, contemporary Portuguese-coração.
Old Portuguese-coraçom, contemporary Portuguese-coração.
<<Also, "x" and "y" are ugly, too, so perhaps we should replace most "x" with "cc" and a few with "j" or "g". Some "y" would be replaced with "i" or "hi".
"ecccitar" >>
I do agree with these changes, (it makes it look better) but it will never happen.
"ecccitar" >>
I do agree with these changes, (it makes it look better) but it will never happen.
<<pickle = picle >>
How do they pronounce "pickle" in Spanish?
How do they pronounce "pickle" in Spanish?
These are NATURAL languages! They have evolved and changed over thousands of years. If you don't like how a certain language spells, then just make up your own and see how that works for you.
I, for one, like how spanish is and do not think that you should worry you little head about a spanish reform.
I, for one, like how spanish is and do not think that you should worry you little head about a spanish reform.
The question mark ¿ may be abolished, because none of Romance languages but Spanish uses ¿ as a necessary.
Actually, I prefer the pronunciation [ʒ], [ʃ], [dʒ], [tʃ] in French, Italian, and Portuguese to those harsh sounds [ð], [θ], [X] (guttural h) etc. in Spanish, for example,
[ʒ]---jardin (French)
[dʒ]---giardino (Italian)
both better than [X]---jardin (Spanish)
[dʒ]---de (Br.Portuguese)
[d]---di, de (Italian, French)
both better than [ð]---de (Spanish)
gelato (Italian) sounds better than helado (Spanish)
[ð], [θ], both sound quite harsh and with a heavier lisp than English or any other languages, & [X] just sounds like Arabic, and even less beautiful than German.
I don't like lisp or throaty sounds, I just love the clear, melodious, or nasal voice in Italian, French, & Br.Portuguese.
[ʒ]---jardin (French)
[dʒ]---giardino (Italian)
both better than [X]---jardin (Spanish)
[dʒ]---de (Br.Portuguese)
[d]---di, de (Italian, French)
both better than [ð]---de (Spanish)
gelato (Italian) sounds better than helado (Spanish)
[ð], [θ], both sound quite harsh and with a heavier lisp than English or any other languages, & [X] just sounds like Arabic, and even less beautiful than German.
I don't like lisp or throaty sounds, I just love the clear, melodious, or nasal voice in Italian, French, & Br.Portuguese.
The question mark ¿ may be abolished, because none of Romance languages but Spanish uses ¿ as a necessary.
Spanish is nearly more spoken than the rest of Romance languages combined.
Spanish is nearly more spoken than the rest of Romance languages combined.
Spanish is nearly more spoken than the rest of Romance languages combined.
Who told you that? Spanish is spoken by over 400 million population (not 500, 600, or more), certainly not more than the rest ones combined. And it almost has nothing to do with my suggestion about abolishing the question mark ¿ (? is enough).
Who told you that? Spanish is spoken by over 400 million population (not 500, 600, or more), certainly not more than the rest ones combined. And it almost has nothing to do with my suggestion about abolishing the question mark ¿ (? is enough).
Actually, I prefer the pronunciation [ʒ], [ʃ], [dʒ], [tʃ] in French, Italian, and Portuguese to those harsh sounds [ð], [θ], [X] (guttural h) etc. in Spanish, for example,
[ʒ]---jardin (French)
[dʒ]---giardino (Italian)
both better than [X]---jardin (Spanish)
[dʒ]---de (Br.Portuguese)
[d]---di, de (Italian, French)
both better than [ð]---de (Spanish)
gelato (Italian) sounds better than helado (Spanish)
[ð], [θ], both sound quite harsh and with a heavier lisp than English or any other languages, & [X] just sounds like Arabic, and even less beautiful than German.
I don't like lisp or throaty sounds, I just love the clear, melodious, or nasal voice in Italian, French, & Br.Portuguese.
You are describing Castilian Spanish only.
[ʒ]---jardin (French)
[dʒ]---giardino (Italian)
both better than [X]---jardin (Spanish)
[dʒ]---de (Br.Portuguese)
[d]---di, de (Italian, French)
both better than [ð]---de (Spanish)
gelato (Italian) sounds better than helado (Spanish)
[ð], [θ], both sound quite harsh and with a heavier lisp than English or any other languages, & [X] just sounds like Arabic, and even less beautiful than German.
I don't like lisp or throaty sounds, I just love the clear, melodious, or nasal voice in Italian, French, & Br.Portuguese.
You are describing Castilian Spanish only.
You are describing Castilian Spanish only.
What about the Latin-American Spanish (Argentine, Chilean, & Mexican Spanish)?
What about the Latin-American Spanish (Argentine, Chilean, & Mexican Spanish)?