Abajo del rio Po son todos unos pasiegos iletrados, no hay que hacerles caso.
I love Italian
Dante Alighieri è considerato il primo grande poeta della lingua italiana, nonostante già i primi componimenti poetici in lingua volgare risalgono a Francesco d`Assisi e Jacopone da Todi . Dante Alighieri adottò per molti dei suoi scritti la lingua della borghesia comunale colta di Firenze a cui inserì in modo creativo i gerghi, i linguaggi specialistici, i particolarismi di élite, e le citazioni di lingue straniere che risuonavano nella società del tempo . Dante Alighieri è il simbolo d'una cultura di partecipazione che animava la vita dei Comuni : argomento di confronto fu la stessa lingua letteraria da adottare, il De vulgari eloquentia, dove il letterato analizza in modo scientifico la questione del volgare, rivolgendosi in latino ai massimi intellettuali dell'epoca . E così il fiorentino, o più in generale il toscano, viene ancora portato entusiasticamente a esempio di italiano `corretto` nonostante Dante individuasse genericamente nel volgare dei letterati, provenienti da ogni città italiana senza appartenere a nessuna, la soluzione da adottare. Nel Rinascimento varie correnti si definirono propugnando differenti soluzioni : tra le posizioni autorevoli, quella dei `puristi` riunitisi attorno alla figura di Pietro Bembo (1470-1547), che volevano ripristinare la lingua illustre del Trecento. Pur tuttavia una lingua moderna standard cominciò ad affermarsi nel XIX secolo . Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873) lottò contro il toscano per conferire al suo stile di scrittura un più ampio fascino `nazionale` nella stesura della sua opera più importante, I promessi sposi . In effetti, ciò che propose Manzoni fu di adottare il fiorentino parlato dalle persone colte: in sostanza, scelse dei personaggi popolari della Lombardia, ambientò la storia in quei luoghi e dopo aver "sciacquato i panni in Arno", li fece parlare con l'idioma toscano.
In your dreams! coglionazzo comunista, tu, il fatto quotidiano e travaglio.
<<Italians don't care about Spanish and other Third-World languages.>>
Italy IS a third world country honey (as well as Portugal), just ask anyone from real developed countries and they'll all wonder why is it even considered in the first place, thing sin Italy don't work, everything is disorganized and chaotic, people aren't disciplined and professional, etc. If it wasn't for all the money Italy gets from tourism and they had less people, they would be as poor as Portugal.
Italy IS a third world country honey (as well as Portugal), just ask anyone from real developed countries and they'll all wonder why is it even considered in the first place, thing sin Italy don't work, everything is disorganized and chaotic, people aren't disciplined and professional, etc. If it wasn't for all the money Italy gets from tourism and they had less people, they would be as poor as Portugal.
" things in Italy don't work, everything is disorganized and chaotic, people aren't disciplined and professional, etc. "
well, it is the same in France, we're always striking, are not much disciplined, etc. that doesn't helps us to the the 5th world power. Italy is sixth.
Concerning Italy, it is cut in two sides: one half is among the richest in the EU, and the other one has more economic problems (but their not that important if we compare to former easter block countries. I think a lot of people find more interesting like to focus on the southern part (mafia, etc), than on the northern half that shows economic levels above most of France, more similar to switzerland's:
well, it is the same in France, we're always striking, are not much disciplined, etc. that doesn't helps us to the the 5th world power. Italy is sixth.
Concerning Italy, it is cut in two sides: one half is among the richest in the EU, and the other one has more economic problems (but their not that important if we compare to former easter block countries. I think a lot of people find more interesting like to focus on the southern part (mafia, etc), than on the northern half that shows economic levels above most of France, more similar to switzerland's:
Concerning Italy, it is cut in two sides: one half is among the richest in the EU, and the other one has more economic problems
I would say that the northernmost third part of Italy is among the richest in the EU. Central Italy is as rich as Spain only.
I would say that the northernmost third part of Italy is among the richest in the EU. Central Italy is as rich as Spain only.
How come Picardie is so poor? It's rather strange.
How come Picardie is so poor? It's rather strange.
I would say that the northernmost third part of Italy is among the richest in the EU. Central Italy is as rich as Spain only.
are you talking about history? if so, ok...nowadays, it's nothing compared to the wester Germany, France or the UK.
are you talking about history? if so, ok...nowadays, it's nothing compared to the wester Germany, France or the UK.
No, I'm talking about economy. Northern Italy must be extremely rich because thanks to a small fraction of territory and population Italy achieves almost the same GDP than France. If it was an independent country it would be the richest of Europe.
A mi la parte de Italia que más me gusta es Lombardía porque es una región opulenta, con un gran patrimonio artístico y mucha clase. El clima es más frío que en el resto de Italia pero no está mal tampoco.
" No, I'm talking about economy. Northern Italy must be extremely rich because thanks to a small fraction of territory and population Italy achieves almost the same GDP than France. If it was an independent country it would be the richest of Europe. "
I don't think so. Italy as a whole is considerably less wealthy than other major developed economies:
(GDP per capita, USD)
46,859.058 USA
46,015.921 France
45,428.225 Canada
44,660.407 Germany
43,785.343 UK
38,996.165 Italy
35,331.488 Spain
I don't think so. Italy as a whole is considerably less wealthy than other major developed economies:
(GDP per capita, USD)
46,859.058 USA
46,015.921 France
45,428.225 Canada
44,660.407 Germany
43,785.343 UK
38,996.165 Italy
35,331.488 Spain
Perhaps, but my point is that Northern Italy is richer than France or Germany.
Maybe. What are you trying to say? Italy is ONE country (and not 2), you can't separate the north and the south.
OK...Northern Italy is richer than France or Germany? But Ile-de-France is richer than nothern Italy...it's so stupid to say it.
OK...Northern Italy is richer than France or Germany? But Ile-de-France is richer than nothern Italy...it's so stupid to say it.
<< Perhaps, but my point is that Northern Italy is richer than France or Germany. >>
- Rien d'extraordinaire. Même la plus riche région d'Espagne est probablement au-dessus de la moyenne scandinave.
De plus, l'Italie du Nord n'a économiquement plus le sens restrictif d'autrefois (Lombardie + régions voisines). Toscane et Latium ont aujourd'hui un PIB/hab égal ou supérieur au Piémont. Le Nord et le Centre (= 70% de la population) forment maintenant un ensemble homogène.
La richesse moyenne dans le Sud est à seulement 55-60% de la moyenne des autres régions : c'est une disparité similaire à ce qu'on trouve dans les autres pays d'Europe.
La différence est qu'en Italie ces région pauvres font un ensemble culturel et historique compact, géographiquement groupé. Et il reste le souvenir des années 50, quand au-delà de la ligne Gaeta-Pescara on tombait brusquement dans le tiers-monde.
- Rien d'extraordinaire. Même la plus riche région d'Espagne est probablement au-dessus de la moyenne scandinave.
De plus, l'Italie du Nord n'a économiquement plus le sens restrictif d'autrefois (Lombardie + régions voisines). Toscane et Latium ont aujourd'hui un PIB/hab égal ou supérieur au Piémont. Le Nord et le Centre (= 70% de la population) forment maintenant un ensemble homogène.
La richesse moyenne dans le Sud est à seulement 55-60% de la moyenne des autres régions : c'est une disparité similaire à ce qu'on trouve dans les autres pays d'Europe.
La différence est qu'en Italie ces région pauvres font un ensemble culturel et historique compact, géographiquement groupé. Et il reste le souvenir des années 50, quand au-delà de la ligne Gaeta-Pescara on tombait brusquement dans le tiers-monde.