Italy is ONE nation, but 4/5 countries with different languages.
I love Italian
" How come Picardie is so poor? It's rather strange "
why does it surprise you? why did you expected Picardy to be a particulary rich region? Picardy is a relatively underdeveloped rural area, it lacks a major leading city, industry or tertiary employment.
The "poorest zones" are:
- The part of France north of Paris region: Picardy + Nord - Pas-de-Calais
- The North-eastern regions (except Alsace): Lorraine+Franche Comté
- The central south: massif central (Auvergne, Limousin)+languedoc
outside of continental France:
- Corsica
The richest regions are:
- Ile-de-France: Paris+its region
- south-east: Rhône-Alpes + Provence-Alpes Cote d'Azur
- south west: Aquitaine+Midi-pyrénées
- other areas in north France such Val de Loire, Champagne and Alsace.
why does it surprise you? why did you expected Picardy to be a particulary rich region? Picardy is a relatively underdeveloped rural area, it lacks a major leading city, industry or tertiary employment.
The "poorest zones" are:
- The part of France north of Paris region: Picardy + Nord - Pas-de-Calais
- The North-eastern regions (except Alsace): Lorraine+Franche Comté
- The central south: massif central (Auvergne, Limousin)+languedoc
outside of continental France:
- Corsica
The richest regions are:
- Ile-de-France: Paris+its region
- south-east: Rhône-Alpes + Provence-Alpes Cote d'Azur
- south west: Aquitaine+Midi-pyrénées
- other areas in north France such Val de Loire, Champagne and Alsace.
L’Italie est le pays le plus beau d’Europe. Ne soyez pas envieux, s’il vous plait
Italia es el país más hermoso de Europa. No seais envidiosos, por favor
Italy is the nicest country in Europe . Don’t be jealous, please
A Itália é o pais mais bonito da Europa. Não sejam envejosos, por favor
Italien ist das schönste Land in Europa. Seien nicht neidisch darauf, bitte
L’Italia è il paese più bello d’Europa. Non siate gelosi, per cortesia
Olaszország a legszebb europai ország van. Ne legyenek féltékenyek, legyen szives
Italja krasiveshaja strana Europy. Ne bud’te revnivye
Italia es el país más hermoso de Europa. No seais envidiosos, por favor
Italy is the nicest country in Europe . Don’t be jealous, please
A Itália é o pais mais bonito da Europa. Não sejam envejosos, por favor
Italien ist das schönste Land in Europa. Seien nicht neidisch darauf, bitte
L’Italia è il paese più bello d’Europa. Non siate gelosi, per cortesia
Olaszország a legszebb europai ország van. Ne legyenek féltékenyek, legyen szives
Italja krasiveshaja strana Europy. Ne bud’te revnivye
Rien d'extraordinaire. Même la plus riche région d'Espagne est probablement au-dessus de la moyenne scandinave.
But Northern Italy is not just like a Spanish region, or like a French region , let's say Ille de France. It's more like a country itself. Northern Italy has more than 100 000 km2 and 30 millions of people. There is not a contiguous portion of territory in Europe as big and as rich.
But Northern Italy is not just like a Spanish region, or like a French region , let's say Ille de France. It's more like a country itself. Northern Italy has more than 100 000 km2 and 30 millions of people. There is not a contiguous portion of territory in Europe as big and as rich.
I tuoi quattrini puoi ficcarteli sai dove... Ne ho le palle piene di coloro che mettono al centro soltanto i soldi, non vivrei mai in quelle lande desolate, fredde, nebbiose, inquinate! Viva la lucentezza, la brillantezza, il chiarore del sud e della Sicilia!! Non avete capito un cazzo della vita...
<<But Northern Italy is not just like a Spanish region, or like a French region , let's say Ille de France. It's more like a country itself. Northern Italy has more than 100 000 km2 and 30 millions of people. There is not a contiguous portion of territory in Europe as big and as rich. >>
-- Mah, ancora l'eterna auto-delusione spacciata dalla stampa italiana e dalle TV di Berlusconi, per non parlare dei seguaci del Senatur. L'Italia del Nord non è più ricca di metà della Francia, o dell'Inghilterra o della Germania, anzi, e le campagne padagnole sono le più brutte, sovrapopolate, squallide e noiose che ci sia...
E non si può dire che la situazione economica si sia migliorata dopo quasi dieci anni di stagnazione o addirittura di recessione.
Vabbene, ci sono pure molte bellezze, da Venezia alle Cinque Terre, dai laghi a tutte le vecchie città in pianura (Parma, Verona, Modena, Cremona, Mantova ecc.) ma per carità non esagerare.
-- Mah, ancora l'eterna auto-delusione spacciata dalla stampa italiana e dalle TV di Berlusconi, per non parlare dei seguaci del Senatur. L'Italia del Nord non è più ricca di metà della Francia, o dell'Inghilterra o della Germania, anzi, e le campagne padagnole sono le più brutte, sovrapopolate, squallide e noiose che ci sia...
E non si può dire che la situazione economica si sia migliorata dopo quasi dieci anni di stagnazione o addirittura di recessione.
Vabbene, ci sono pure molte bellezze, da Venezia alle Cinque Terre, dai laghi a tutte le vecchie città in pianura (Parma, Verona, Modena, Cremona, Mantova ecc.) ma per carità non esagerare.
L’Italie est le pays le plus beau d’Europe. Ne soyez pas envieux, s’il vous plait
Italia es el país más hermoso de Europa. No seais envidiosos, por favor
Italy is the nicest country in Europe . Don’t be jealous, please
A Itália é o pais mais bonito da Europa. Não sejam envejosos, por favor
Italien ist das schönste Land in Europa. Seien nicht neidisch darauf, bitte
L’Italia è il paese più bello d’Europa. Non siate gelosi, per cortesia
Olaszország a legszebb europai ország van. Ne legyenek féltékenyek, legyen szives
Italja krasiveshaja strana Europy. Ne bud’te revnivye
---Corrado, no seas estúpido. Chacun son gout....n'est-ce pas? ;-)
Italia es el país más hermoso de Europa. No seais envidiosos, por favor
Italy is the nicest country in Europe . Don’t be jealous, please
A Itália é o pais mais bonito da Europa. Não sejam envejosos, por favor
Italien ist das schönste Land in Europa. Seien nicht neidisch darauf, bitte
L’Italia è il paese più bello d’Europa. Non siate gelosi, per cortesia
Olaszország a legszebb europai ország van. Ne legyenek féltékenyek, legyen szives
Italja krasiveshaja strana Europy. Ne bud’te revnivye
---Corrado, no seas estúpido. Chacun son gout....n'est-ce pas? ;-)
Northern Italy is rich but they don't speak standard Italian there. In Veneto and Friuli everyone speaks dialect normally, and when they try to speak Italian, it always had that dialectal sound to it, in Milan everyone speaks nasally and with wrong stressed vowels (they even write incorrectly: perchè, ventitrè instead of standard spelling: perché, ventitré)...Pardon my French, but incorrect spelling in publications from Northern Italy make them look very unprofessional. Yuck!
Spain is richer than Italy, and it is 1000 times more tolerant (when it comes to women's rights, workers' rights or gay/lesbian rights). Italy is backward.
Spain is richer than Italy, and it is 1000 times more tolerant (when it comes to women's rights, workers' rights or gay/lesbian rights). Italy is backward.
Spain is richer than Italy, and
Where do you live? On the moon? You are ridiculous! When the Spaniards try to compete with France or Italy are so pathetic. FRance and Italy are still richer and powerful than Spain. For Instance it is not a member of G8 and Spain is only an invited guest like The Nederlands at the G20. France and Italy are nicer, they've got beautiful architectonical and artistic heritage, which is incomparable with the Spanish one. European Intellectuals (writers, film directors, artists can speak French fluently and would rather speak Italian than Spanish!!) Spanish is the second most studied language around the world? Who cares! Those stupid kids generally forget Spanish once they finish school. Anyway the funniest statement I've read on this forum is about Madrid, according to some Spanish people it would be nicer than Paris or Rome. This is simply absurd: I know states differ but Paris and particularly Rome are so rich of gorgeous monuments (ancient ruins, renaissance squares and buildings, barroque churches, neoclassical bridges and houses, art galleries in the middle of lovely parks and gardens) that a whole life is not enough to visit them in depth.
Where do you live? On the moon? You are ridiculous! When the Spaniards try to compete with France or Italy are so pathetic. FRance and Italy are still richer and powerful than Spain. For Instance it is not a member of G8 and Spain is only an invited guest like The Nederlands at the G20. France and Italy are nicer, they've got beautiful architectonical and artistic heritage, which is incomparable with the Spanish one. European Intellectuals (writers, film directors, artists can speak French fluently and would rather speak Italian than Spanish!!) Spanish is the second most studied language around the world? Who cares! Those stupid kids generally forget Spanish once they finish school. Anyway the funniest statement I've read on this forum is about Madrid, according to some Spanish people it would be nicer than Paris or Rome. This is simply absurd: I know states differ but Paris and particularly Rome are so rich of gorgeous monuments (ancient ruins, renaissance squares and buildings, barroque churches, neoclassical bridges and houses, art galleries in the middle of lovely parks and gardens) that a whole life is not enough to visit them in depth.
realidad, you are ridiculous
<<FRance and Italy are still richer and powerful than Spain>>
GDP per capita 2008
France 26,900 107.3%
Spain 26,100 103.9%
Italy 25,200 100.4%
<<France and Italy are nicer, they've got beautiful architectonical and artistic heritage, which is incomparable with the Spanish one.>>
World Heritage sites, Unesco:
1. Italy 44
2. Spain 41
3. China 38
4. France 33
<<FRance and Italy are still richer and powerful than Spain>>
GDP per capita 2008
France 26,900 107.3%
Spain 26,100 103.9%
Italy 25,200 100.4%
<<France and Italy are nicer, they've got beautiful architectonical and artistic heritage, which is incomparable with the Spanish one.>>
World Heritage sites, Unesco:
1. Italy 44
2. Spain 41
3. China 38
4. France 33
<< padagnole
Che vuol dire? :-) >>
-- J'ai inventé ce mot.
Je trouve qu'il sonne très drôle.
Non ?
Che vuol dire? :-) >>
-- J'ai inventé ce mot.
Je trouve qu'il sonne très drôle.
Non ?
According to the United National Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) two third of the world's historical artistic heritage is in Italy. Tuscany for example boasts by itself more artistic treasures than the entire Spain which is at the second position in the list of world heritage. We can confirm that all the most important styles of Western architecture can be found in the Italian peninsula.
According to the United National Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) two third of the world's historical artistic heritage is in Italy. Tuscany for example boasts by itself more artistic treasures than the entire Spain which is at the second position in the list of world heritage. We can confirm that all the most important styles of Western architecture can be found in the Italian peninsula.
thank god, they're not Italian, but only in Italy. Made in Roman Empire, not modern Italy..