Gobal cities and languages
I agree about Tokyo-not a lot to see there. I lived there and I certainly wasn't bored (there are things to see, but not the class of things western tourists enjoy). Kamakura is close to Tokyo and it's easy to get around it, but it's mostly temples. Kanazawa is great, though. It's like visiting a Samurai village.
In my opinion the most beautiful cities in Europe are in France, Italy and Spain.
<<n your dreams! Spanish people you're really pathetic! keep on doing your siesta con el sombrero puesto :-) >>
Bueno, mis compañeros ya han contestado por mi, solo tienes que entender que Madrid tiene el tercer o cuarto mayor aeropuerto de Europa, la tercera bolsa de valores de Europa, es un nudo de comunicaciones mundial por aire, carretera y alta velocidad, tres de las mayores pinacotecas del mundo, cuatro carreteras de circunvalación M-30, M-40, M-45, M-50, Madrid y su area metropolitana es la tercera mayor ciudad de Europa, asique.... a joderse :)
<<Fucking political correctness.
Too much politeness and courtesy to underdeveloped shitholes.
What are Madrid, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Caracas, Santiago?
All of them, less important that Zürich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin or Munich. Or Barcelona. Let alone Brussels.>>
Yes, fuck political correctness, you dumbass obviously don't know that Mexico City is one of the biggest cities in the world, along with New York and Tokyo.
And if you cared to check its HDI you see it's pretty fucking high.
In my opinion the most beautiful cities in Europe are in France, Italy and Spain.
the most beautiful cities in Europe are In Italy.....France .....Spain
this is the correct order, sorry
What the hell is Auckland doing there? Auckland is completely and utterly overshadowed by Sydney which is the major city in the region. New Zealand in fact is in many ways just like a province of Australia, so Auckland is a provincial centre at best (in fact, it is not even the capital of New Zealand!), and falls behind all 4 major Australian cities (Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane).
What about "Madrid vs Rome" and "Barcelona vs Milan".
Madrid > Milan > Rome > Barcelona
In my opinion:
Madrid > Milan > Barcelona > Rome
You're completely crazy
You can't even compare Madrid with Rome
Rome is the nicest town in thw world along with Paris. Rome has more artistic and architectonical heritage than any other town in the world. It's a museum on the open air. Uncomparable with the ugly Madrid. Guys be serious once in your life. Barcelona is pretty much nicer and more pleasant than Madrid
1) Siena (Italy)
2) Floence (Italy)
3) Paris (France=
4) Rome (Italy)
5) Prague (czech Republic)
6) Istanbul (Turkey)
7) London (England)
8) Coimbra (Portugal)
9) Venice (Italy)
10) Barcelona (Catalonia)
11) Budapest (hungary)
12 Benjiin (China)
13 ) Sydney (Australia)
14) New York (STAtes)
15) Seville ( Spain)
<< Who cares the cities you would include or not? >>
Umm, perhaps whoever started this thread? This is a discussion, the whole point of it is to give your opinion about the topic at hand. If it doesn't interest you, then don't read it. Perhaps you should spend more time with the English-learning content of this site, because the one sentence you managed to write was not grammatically correct.
«French: 2 cities Paris, Brussels»
How about Montréal now?
<<You can't even compare Madrid with Rome
Rome is the nicest town in thw world along with Paris. Rome has more artistic and architectonical heritage than any other town in the world. It's a museum on the open air. Uncomparable with the ugly Madrid.>>
Indeed Madrid has more museums than Rome. El Prado is the most important Art gallery around the world. Rome only has old stones from 2000 years ago. Considering Vatican City a different city , Rome really has not much to visit.
gallery around the world. Rome only has old stones from 2000 years ago. Considering Vatican City a different city , Rome really has not much to visit.
buy a book of art history Idiot! You're such an uneducated guy! In Rome you can find all art styles: its squares are famous all around the world! Just Paris may be comparared with it but Rome has more interesting monuments, not only about ancient history of course! Those are a small part! Educated people know that, fortunately