Gobal cities and languages
If Madrid is ugly yet it is the most visited city of the second most visited country in the world, imagine if it was pretty. Anyways I don't know why people say Rome is beautiful. They have visited the touristic circuit and not the real rome with third world suburbs.
rome=athens=stones everywhere
come to barcelona ;-)
<<Caracas should not be on any list. It's the most horrible city in Latin America, so much dangers and theft, and one half of the city is in poor and ugly slums. yuck >>
I would have thought that Cuidad Juarez would have a higher murder rate than Caracas.
1. New York
2. Tokyo
3. Paris
4. London
5. Shanghai
6. Hong-Kong
7. Toronto
8. Frakfurt
9. Madrid
10. Mumbay
3rd ranking isn't for Paris alone but for Euronext, in which Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam markets have merged.
In all honesty, London should be nr 3.
Are you talking about cities or municipalities?
Paris Population 2,203,817
Paris Metro Population 11,769,433
London Population 7,556,900
London Metro Population 13,945,000
Rome Population 2,722,907
Rome Metro Population 3,700,000
Milan Population 1.299.652
Milan Metro Population 9,500,000
Naples Population 963.661
Naples Metro Population 4,996,084
Rome is only the 3rd cities of Italy.
rome=athens=stones everywhere
There are wonderful parks, churches, museums, galleries, squares in Rome. Take a look at Piazza Navona, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna. They are unique! Moreover Rome is near the sea, the climate is mild in winter too.
I have been to both, but think Rome is much nicer and has more charm. It is more colorful. Blue sky, sunshine striking on vegetation and orange buildings, colorfully dressed people, scenic vistas, narrow warm alleys. In Paris everything is grey. Sky is grey. all buildings are light grey with dark grey rooftops. Trees are all morbid and leafless, and nearly all people are dressed in black. with frowny sad faces. it is just that Paris has that sad romance about it. Different mood than happy Italy
Lisbon and Venice are my favourite cities
<<this list is really more important:
List of stock exchanges:
1. New York
2. Tokyo
3. Paris
4. London
5. Shanghai
6. Hong-Kong
7. Toronto
8. Frakfurt
9. Madrid
10. Mumbay
Creo que la bolsa de valores de Lisboa tendría que integrarse en la Bolsa de Madrid para que Madrid adquiriera un poco más de fuerza en los mercados mundiales....
Por cierto, los socialistas ahora salen diciendo que quieren hacer de Madrid la "segunda capital financiera" internacional........ en fin.......
"Punto tricontinental"
Precisamente, sobre la caja con sede en Plaza de Castilla pivotará otro de los proyectos más ambiciosos de los socialistas: la creación de un importante centro financiero internacional en los 300.000 metros cuadrados de la denominada Operación Chamartín, aprovechando su cercanía con el aeropuerto de Barajas y su conexión con los trenes de alta velocidad.
"Madrid cuenta con una situación privilegiada. Somos punto tricontinental entre Europa, América y África, pero además Madrid es la capital de la lengua castellana, de más de 400 millones de personas. En Madrid están concentrados dos tercios de la actividad financiera de España y la región es la primera en el mundo de valores de renta fija. Eso hace de Madrid el sitio idóneo para establecer la localización financiera y económica y de intermediación más importante de los mercados financieros iberoamericanos", opinó Gómez, que se mostró determinado a convertir la capital en el "puente entre Europa y países emergentes".
Se trata de un proyecto, dijo, "más ambicioso que La Defènse de París, o similar al Canary Warf de Londres, que va a significar una inversión de más de 2.000 millones de euros, la creación de más de 30.000 empleos de alta cualificación y un efecto multiplicador del valor añadido a la economía madrileña e intensidad tecnológica". Para defender su plan anunció viajes a Iberoamérica y Europa, así como que aprovechará la presidencia española de la UE, "para que Madrid sea conocida como punto atractivo de inversiones".
1 Rome:
My favorite big European city. It's got the best food, the most history, the best art. Toss in mild weather and the friendly Italians and it's a no-brainer. Rome has its faults as well... The city can be a bit overwhelming to some and as a tourist you always have to be on alert for pickpockets, especially on the subways and buses. Overall, it's worth the minor annoyances to be able to spend even a short amount of time in The Eternal City.
2. London
London, England London gets my vote for the city with the most things to do. Also, the tube is the best subway system in Europe in my opinion. It's a breeze to get around town, and London's many train stations give you the possibility for infinite day trips out of town.
3. Barcelona
Barcelona, Catalonia. Barcelona has the most interesting architecture by far of all major European cities, especially the buildings designed by Antoni Gaudi. It's also one of the few major cities that has good public beaches.
4. Paris
Paris, Ile-de-France. The best looking city overall, and probably the most romantic. The food is second only to Rome's. Paris is a great city of neighborhoods, each arrondissement has its own personality.
5. Vienna
Vienna, Austria Such a regal and elegant city, with countless grand buildings and palaces. Whenever I think of Vienna I always remember a bit from Bill Bryson's book, Neither Here Nor There. He wrote: "A Martian coming to Earth would unhesitatingly land at Vienna, thinking it the capital of the planet". I have no doubt!
6. Madrid
Madrid, Spain. The best nightlife of any city on my list. Do these people EVER sleep? Madrid also has some some of the best art museums of any city in the world.
7. Berlin
Berlin, Germany . You could spend weeks here and not see it all. The period of Berlin's history that is the most interesting to me is the 20th century, and it surrounds you everywhere. Between World War II and Communist era sights, this is the place to be if you're a recent history buff.
8. Budapest
Budapest, Hungary .The most "underrated" city on my list. Budapest has a fascinating history, and the Castle Hill area is just beautiful. The many thermal baths that are open to the public also make for a unique experience.
9. Munich
Munich, Bavaria Munich gets my vote for the friendliest locals of any big city in Europe. Maybe all that beer helps to loosen them up!
10. Prague
Prague, Bohemia. The most "overrated" city on my list. Yes, it is very beautiful. But compared to other major European cities, it lacks in sights in my opinion... It almost didn't make my personal top ten (I have a soft spot for french fries, chocolate and beer so I was partial to Brussels instead) , and the only reason it did is based entirely on looks. I seem to be the only one that feels that way, though!
<<6. Madrid
Madrid, Spain. The best nightlife of any city on my list. Do these people EVER sleep? Madrid also has some some of the best art museums of any city in the world.>>
Yes, i do, and Madrid have not only the best art museums of any city in the world, this museums are the most important in the world.... but Madrid have more things to offer to the visitors
This is the opinion of a foreigner about Madrid and Barcelona, he's not spaniard....
90% of people that i meet, think the same....
"Don't get me wrong . Without getting into too much detail . I am strictly reffering to very short term foreign tourists . 90 % of the ones i have met have very much liked Barcelona more . How ever the majority of the ones that either studied or worked in both cities have very much preffered Madrid .
Why? Simple really . Like myself they were fortunate enough to get to know both cities properly . Whereas Barcelona instantly catches the eye with its spectacular birds eye views from Montjuic or Tibidabo . With it's magnificent Gaudii architecture , grand avenues and ofcourse the sea . Madrid takes alot longer to know .
The longer i lived in Barcelona the more i missed Madrid . Madrid has a dynamism ( especially in the late hours ) that doesn't exist in Barcelona . Believe me . Apart from the very hectic summer months you would find Barcelona quite boring when compared to Madrid . Madrid is the quentiessential Spanish metropolis . It is the center of what was once the great Spanish empire . Barcelona doesn't play much of a roll in that sense . It is pretty much Catalan . If you want to see more beautifull old architecture and significantly more important historicall towns then Barcelonas old town , from Madrid all one needs to do is go for a day trip to towns such as Salamanca or Segovia or Avila etc....
Madrid is Spains economic engine these days . It is also the fashion and shopping capital . It is also the real deal when it comes to anything famos amongst Spain .Be it tapas, flamenco, bullfighting and especially nightlife . In short . The good life .
I also much rather prefer Madrids center . It is a perfect mix of narrow winding streets ( which seems to be made for walking and having fun ) . Unlike Barcelona where everything is more spread out and harder to get to apart from the famed Ramblas . And though Barcelona is full of impressive long and wide avenues . Madrid does have the most impressive avenue in Spain if not Europe . The paseo del Prado .
Plus Madrids beautiful parks are incomparable . And thankfully they are now at last building some of the most awsome architectural projects on the planet apart from the ones they have already built . And last but not least . The city does possess the biggest football club in the world in Real Madrid .
All in All if i had to live in Spain the only city that comes to mind is Madrid."
Larger Urban Zones of the European Union. Top five:
I live in the countryside. Those areas must be so polluted and unhealthy