Olympic Games 2016
These Games. like other important events, are very important to promote one language. Tokyo, Rio, Chicago and Madrid are the candidates, but Friday only one will win.
So, English, Spanish, Japanese or Portuguese will be well represented by these cities, and one of these languages will be promoted: you need to know some knowledge if you want to travel to the Olympic Games in 2016.
PD. Well, English doesn't need to be promoted if Chicago wins, but the other 3 languages yes.
Good luck to all of them!
Bloody Chicago is going to win...
<<Bloody Chicago is going to win... >>
Let's hope not, for the sake of Chicago -- having the Olympics nearby is always a big hassle.
All those disgusting Obama worshipers are going to vote for Chicago...
It is all about politics and money.
Chicago is a lousy forgotten city with no prestige, and with a heavy accent (see Northern Cities Vowel Shift). Even Miami, Boston and SF are more frequent in US media than Chicago.
Until very recently, Olympic results were anounced in English, French and the local language (if applicable).
French has now been taken off the list.
<<Olympic results were anounced in English, French and the local language (if applicable).>>
If the Olympics are in Chicago, I assume they'll announce the results in RP and NCVS?
It would be a shame that Chicago gets the OG only because Obama is the president now and he is far more popular than Bush internationally. USA has hosted te OG many times , why not giving a chance to Rio .
What I wanna know is why they wanna put it in Rio when Rio is a dirty slum town. It would be better in stately and majestic Buenos Aires.
Because Buenos Aires is not even a candidate city.
Spain has bigger problems than a OG. Half country is unemployent....those corrupt politics....they wanna do business with OG
They'd better not pick Chicago because of Obama. After all, he will be long gone in 2016 anyway.
Tokyo, Rio, Chicago, Madrid
I vote for Rio (I'm not Brazilian or Portuguese)