Why didn't a proper country like Argentina or Uruguay or Chile apply?
Olympic Games 2016
Rio is a third world country with worse infraestructures and literally millions of people living in favelas.
1. There are favelas in the US too, Detroit city is one large favela with a handfull of skyscrapers to accompany it
2. Rio has successfully organized Panamerican games, and Olympic Comitee has adored it...this helped a lot
3. Rio is the most marvelous city in the world, yes, it has some poor neighborhoods, but L.A. NYC and NewOrleans also have poor neighborhoods (where white people don't go so they think they don't exist).
1. There are favelas in the US too, Detroit city is one large favela with a handfull of skyscrapers to accompany it
2. Rio has successfully organized Panamerican games, and Olympic Comitee has adored it...this helped a lot
3. Rio is the most marvelous city in the world, yes, it has some poor neighborhoods, but L.A. NYC and NewOrleans also have poor neighborhoods (where white people don't go so they think they don't exist).
Hahaha, don't compare USA slums with Rio slums. Have you seen the movie "ciudade de dios"? Hahahah!
<<Franco 66 votes to 32. >>
Developed countries are numerically less than the "emergent" ones. One more point in favor of Rio.
Developed countries are numerically less than the "emergent" ones. One more point in favor of Rio.
<<Also hosting the Games in Madrid is not that a big deal for people like me who live there >>
If you live in/near Madrid, count your blessings that the Olympics will be somewhere far away. I still recall all the hassle Lake Placid and the Adirondacks went through when they held the 1980 (winter) Olympics there, and the summer Olympics are a whole lot worse. Of course, I suppose Madrid is bigger than Lake Placid.
If you live in/near Madrid, count your blessings that the Olympics will be somewhere far away. I still recall all the hassle Lake Placid and the Adirondacks went through when they held the 1980 (winter) Olympics there, and the summer Olympics are a whole lot worse. Of course, I suppose Madrid is bigger than Lake Placid.
- don't compare USA slums with Rio slums-
Have you ever seen Prison Break of CSI Vegas?
I wouldn't ever bother going to the US. It's so dangerous.
Have you ever seen Prison Break of CSI Vegas?
I wouldn't ever bother going to the US. It's so dangerous.
Finally the world is waking up to a new world order:
2008 - China
2014 - Russia
2016 - Brazil
2020 - ¿India?
2008 - China
2014 - Russia
2016 - Brazil
2020 - ¿India?
India? Hahahaha. It has no potential whatsoever.
2020 will go to US/Europe/Israel
2020 will go to US/Europe/Israel
I keep thinking of all the Dead people that vote in every election for Daily cronies.
I keep thinking of the Democratic Convention POLICE RIOT.
I keep thinking of all the world terreists that would stream In to our country.
I keep thinking the Atlanta bombing and the FBI ruining an innocent man’s life.
I keep thinking of all the Olympic earmarked money that can now be spent on the poor of Chicago.
(Yea sure)
I keep thinking of the one Person that was a great supporter of the Olympics, Rob Bogdonuavitch,
Former Governor, He had great plans, to sell all sorts of things to the highest bidder.
Too bad Rob you will have to write a book. ( or at least a ghoste writer)
I keep thinking of how all those Chicago politicians will have to steal from the tax payers now.
The Olympics have turned into a WHITE Elephant, too big to ignore and too big to afford.
I keep thinking of all the Dead people that vote in every election for Daily cronies.
I keep thinking of the Democratic Convention POLICE RIOT.
I keep thinking of all the world terreists that would stream In to our country.
I keep thinking the Atlanta bombing and the FBI ruining an innocent man’s life.
I keep thinking of all the Olympic earmarked money that can now be spent on the poor of Chicago.
(Yea sure)
I keep thinking of the one Person that was a great supporter of the Olympics, Rob Bogdonuavitch,
Former Governor, He had great plans, to sell all sorts of things to the highest bidder.
Too bad Rob you will have to write a book. ( or at least a ghoste writer)
I keep thinking of how all those Chicago politicians will have to steal from the tax payers now.
The Olympics have turned into a WHITE Elephant, too big to ignore and too big to afford.
Probably Michelle (nor her husband) didn't want the games in her city. It is a poor city without any infrastructure whatsoever. No good airports, no highways, unfriendly people, substandard accent etc; Real "Cu do Mundo". The first couple recognized the limitations of their city and gave up in the first round itself .
Haha didn't they know that sending Oprah was a bad idea? The rest of the world sees Oprah is a symbol of American sensationalism, puerility and petty celebrity worship.
Oprah is so lame. No wonder she got kicked out from L.A.
Only fly-over-states want her. LOL
Only fly-over-states want her. LOL
The only problem of the Olimpics Games for any city or country, is that after them people have to pay the invesment in it for long time.
India is every inch a big slum country, the slums of India's best cities, such as Bombay and New Delhi, seem to be in a shocking situation, not to mention other poorer areas.
Eu me tento imaginar se ao menos um dentre esses pseudobrasileiros deste fórum são realmente brasileiros.
Ao que parece, existe uma inveja muito grande por parte da maioria dos participantes (ou talvez algum participante maníaco) para com o Brasil!
Bom, eu não perco meu tempo mais com assuntos sobre nacionalidades. O Brasil não precisa se explicar a nenhum País! Pensem o que quiser, a ignorância é uma vergonha para vocês e não para nós!
Rio 2016. Serão os melhores jogos da História!
Ao que parece, existe uma inveja muito grande por parte da maioria dos participantes (ou talvez algum participante maníaco) para com o Brasil!
Bom, eu não perco meu tempo mais com assuntos sobre nacionalidades. O Brasil não precisa se explicar a nenhum País! Pensem o que quiser, a ignorância é uma vergonha para vocês e não para nós!
Rio 2016. Serão os melhores jogos da História!