Choosing between languages related to International Business
Depends. All four are very local globally seen. I'd go with German, because it has the most written sources and have a good media.
Problem with Arabic is that the literacy of its area is too low and that it's too often linked to religion. It's not as 'advanced' as the three others are.
Japan may be interesting because it's well-developed and it's a whole different culture, but I don't think it outweighs German culturally. Same with Russia, with the addition that I don't like the country. Very harsh culture, but civilized enough to be efficient.
Where I live German is most important after English and French in job prospects. Of all four I identify myself the most with the German culture, so I might be biased.
<<Between Russian, Arabic, German or Japanese, which would u say is the most important language to learn in terms of global business, culture and job prospects? >>
i'd go with German too. It's the only one among the languages cited above that rings my bell.
Even if Spanish speaking world outranked English and French speaking worlds, the thing is the per capita of hispanic countries remain low as compared to ther linguistic entity.
Francophone Africa had a population of 335 million in 2009. In 2050 their population is forecasted to reach between 684 million and 719 million plus add the number Portuguese speaking people who are more closely allied to Francophone world culturally than to the hispanics. This projection surpasses the forecasted number of Hispanics only. Therefore the combine GDP of Francophone countries even if they still remain third world will surpass that of Hispanics much as hispanic GDP outranked that of Francophone's, Russophones, Germanophone's, Arabophones, etc. nowadays but in 2050 it will be a very big different story.
France(40)+Canada(1)+Belgium(3)+Switzerland(1)+Luxembourg(1) = 46
Spain + Mexico + Venezuela - USA = 17
46 = 29 A big difference indeed
What a stupid logic that this hispanic Colette has. Anglophone USA is included in Hispanic world?
Keep on dreaming because almost 1oo% of the 2nd generation hispanics in the USA are Emonlingual in English and Anglo-Saxon in culture.
Hispanics have no right to claim these companies because they belong to Anglos. Hispanics in the USA only have the rights in making those toliets clean and remove the stinking odor by absorbing them.
Dear Blue Tier,
Take it easy Blue. In Africa, the African languages are more important nowadays and also Arabic. French is only a SECOND LANGUAGE OR A FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR SOME AFRICANS.
Swahili is very important in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and Congo.
Arabic is very important in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lybia, Egypt, Djibouti, Comores, Niger, Mali, Tchad, Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Erythrea, etc.
English is very important in Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, South Africa, Botswana, Seychelles, Mozambique, Madagascar, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Gambia, Malawi, Swazilandia, Rhodesia, Lesotho, Erythrea, Zambia, etc.
English is at this moment the most important language in Africa, official in over 20 countries.
It is true that Africa is growing in population. But that is also a problem for French. When an African language is spoken by 50 million people (a lot of them in 2050), African people are aware of the importance of the langauge and they will study African ones, English as global lingua franca and Arabic because of the religion.
PD. Please don't be ridiculous and don't mention the Portuguese speaking people. You don't understand a Brazilian or a Portuguese and a Spanish speaker understand them, and also the opposite.
Spanish is ABSOLUTELY DEAD just like its mom, Latin. For example, only 1 in the 150 richest The world's top cities offering the best quality of life
has Spanish. French is spoken in 5(+ 1 Portuguese, 1 Italian, 1 Catalan = 8 cities),English by 20, Chinois 11(all languages of China 1,....etc. Spanish is dead,and Chinese too in 15 years. http://www.citymayors.com/features/quality_survey.html And this list is made in 2.005; today probably French+Portuguese+Italian+Catalan are in 10 cities, English in 25, Spanish in 0,....etc.; French is the future without discussion.
"Please don't be ridiculous and don't mention the Portuguese speaking people. You don't understand a Brazilian or a Portuguese and a Spanish speaker understand them, and also the opposite. "
Shut up nick,your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance.
Portuguese+French ftw!
Go go french.
Spanish sucks.
<<What a stupid logic that this hispanic Colette has. Anglophone USA is included in Hispanic world?>>
You are always ridiculous and that is not easy. It is a difficult task but you do it very well. Congratulations!
First, there are over 50 million people speaking Spanish in USA and in the near future they will be 60 (the population of France and similar economic power).
Only in USA and Mexico there are more Spanish speakers than French speakers in all the World!
PD. It is true that Spanish is the second language in USA and not the first one, but FRENCH IS ALSO THE SECOND LANGUAGE IN BELGIUM, SWITZERLAND, CANADA, LUXEMBOURG AND FRENCH AFRICA, MY FROGGY MATE!
Yes but spanish is only spoken by african(spain,the french say that africa starts in spain),comunists(or else south america argentina venezuela),waitresses and prostitutes(mexicans) and potheads(central america).
French is spoken by rich and decent people.
<< French is ABSOLUTELY DEAD. For example, only 5 in the 150 richest citiest in the World(by GDP)speak French. Spanish is spoken by 18(+Portuguese=28 cities),English by 25, Chino 11(all languages of China,because MandarĂn only 6 cities),....etc. French is dead,and English too in 15 years. http://www.citimayors.com/statistics/richest-cities.2005.html And this list is made in 2.005; today probably Spanish+Portuguese are in 32 cities, English in 22,French in 4,....etc.; Spanish is the future without discussion. >>
Sure, those hispanics cities included in cities will have the highest GDP's just like Addis Ababa in Ethiopia for one reason, and that is those hispanic metropolisis is overpopulated because the people there breed like rabbits. But in reality they their quality of life remains poor and they are poorer than rats.
Poor hispanics! They really have poor logic and their argument is weak.
First, they argue that Spanish is second most important in the world because of the 320 million native speakers but when someone posted that its non-native speakers is just around 20 million. Fewer than that of English, French, Russian, German, Otalian, Arabic, and even Portuguese, Hindi, and Swahili thus making it less international.
Second, they brag that Hispanic world is second only to that of Anglophone's in terms of GDP. Bullshit because of of large number of hispanics who are poor.
Third, the hispanic world has the largest number of cities included among Richest Cities in GDP. Sure, because of overpopulated hispanic metropolis but in terms of quality of life, those cities remain poor.
It should have been quality above quantity not the other way around.
I don't know if you are rich but I am sure you are stupid.
<< First, there are over 50 million people speaking Spanish in USA and in the near future they will be 60 (the population of France and similar economic power). >>
Almost 100% of them knows no Spanish just English.
And even if there are 50 million hispanics in the USA, technically and logically USA is not a hispanic countries just like Brazil which you always claim.
Besides non of those 50 million hispanics in the US owns one of those companies in the US but rather they're own by Anglo-Saxons. Du Pont is owned by French descent.
It's not right to covet things that do not belong to you.
With your argument that USA and Brazil are part of the Hispanic world, you appear like stupid child full of non-sense and baseless comments.
<< I don't know if you are rich but I am sure you are stupid. >>
I 'm sure that you are not rich but I am sure you are imbecile therefore illogical.
<<It should have been quality above quantity not the other way around.>>
I confirm you. ALL your posts are stupids. Congratulations! It was very difficult.
So, according to your clever post, Dutch is more important than French!
At the same time Norwegian is more important than Dutch!
Finally Luxemburgish is more important than Norwegian!
Wow, what a stupid man!
Bolivians, paraguayans and venezuelans should be counted as belonging to the Hispanophone world?