-90% of brazilians lives on coast
-brazils most populated regions(northeast and southeast) dont make frontier with hispanic countries
-only brazil's 3rd region make frontier with argentina,uruguay and uruguay,this region has half of population of northeast and 1/3 of population of southeast
-in brazil,those who lives far from coast are normally poor and illiterate(few exceptions são paulo, brasilia... that hasnt contact with hispanics)
-portugal receives 3 million spaniards(not added up south americans) through tourism, brazils total(all countries) is 5 millions
-portugal is narrow,furthest point of portugal is not very far from spain
-portugal belongs to eu so spaniards can enter in potugal
-portugal's education owns brazilian education,portugal population is 20 times less and have more international prizes,in nobel and international universities
-12 million people are learning spanish.sure? because only 42 thousands are learning in public schools in são paulo(11 million people,most important south american city)
-portugal is way more capitalist and globalized than brazil,portuguese people knows everything about the world,most people on brazils north-northeast-center cant even find his own country or state in a map
-despite portugal accents be "less close than spanish",eur. portuguese have more 'spanish' features than braz.port.,like more trilled r's,is less nasal and have less closed vowels(^)
-portugal cousin always was spain,nevertheless,spaniards can understand few eur.portuguese.i dont think spaniards can ear one word of "wild" brz. portuguese,like that spoke far from south
-uruguayan and argentinean accents are the closest to brazilian in spanish world,its said that uruguayan vowels features nasalization in some areas(uruguay already was one brazilian state)
-brazilian Main export/import partners(2nd place--argentina 8,9%,argentina 7,7%)
-portuguese Main export/import partners(1st place-spain 25,6%,spain 28,9%),more than 1/4 thats a big one