Catalan and Spanish

Guest   Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:14 pm GMT
"Hungarian is too difficult". Charles V never spoke in Hungarian, but he learnt some Catalan when he arrived to Spain so he could speak to the devil.

I'm really fed up with all these clichés. Hungarian is not harder than most European languages....Guys, you should learn languages instead of writing nonsense in here..
troll   Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:33 pm GMT
I don't understand some guys. If one says that their language is easy, you they "WTF, you don't know a shit about it". And if one says that it is difficut they answer "it's a nonsense, you should learn my language". I've realized that people don't like their languages to be considered difficult nor easy. Who cares, at any case those languages are a piece of shit, hahaha.
Mallorquí.   Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:41 pm GMT

You're right. Thank you.
Guest   Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:27 pm GMT
Mallorquì a qué guest te refieres?
Ian   Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:49 pm GMT
Gràcies, Mallorquí!

Els teus posts a l'altre fil em ajuda també molt. =)
Guest   Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:00 pm GMT
Ian est-ce que tu étudies le catalan ou l'as-tu appris avec tes amis valenciens? Est-ce que tu as appris aussi le portugais et l'italien?
Ian   Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:30 pm GMT
Hi Guest!

Je comprends le franc,ais mais malheureusement je le peux parler plus. J'en ai oublié trop. =( Alors je vais répondre en anglais.

I had always been interested in Catalan. But never had the chance to learn because lack of resources.
I was in València at the time of the Falles this year, and I stayed in Algemesí, around 20 minutes away from València Ciutat. From that time I informed myself a bit more about Valencian, which is basically another name for Catalan, and felt encouraged finding out that Valencian spoken with an occidental accent is much easier for me. Well, right now I'm still learning, and know some people from the Comunitat Valenciana and two Catalans.

I learned a bit of Portuguese, but as for Italian, I can only guess things. =)


Guest   Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:02 am GMT
Salut Ian,
comme je suis en train d'apprendre moi-aussi le catalan j'aimerais savoir quelle méthode tu utilises. Est-ce que tu as une grammaire, des livres, des cd ou l'apprends-tu seulement en écoutant la radio ou la télévision? Merci
Ian   Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:41 am GMT
Salut Guest!

I use some books to learn Valencian:
* Katalanisch für Globetrotter
* Einführung in die Katalanische Sprache, by Karl-Heinz Röntgen
* Praktische Grammatik der katalanischen Sprache, by Jenny Brumme

There are links to two Online Bibles in Valencian there.
I've read the New Testament a couple of times, so it's nice to read texts which I've read before in another language I understood.

I watch online:
* TVVI (Televisió Valenciana Internacional)
* TV3
* Telenoticies

A great verb conjugator:

* (Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana)




Ian   Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:47 am GMT
Oh, I forgot to say that in the thread "About Catalan..." there are also some useful links. Take a look at it!
Guest   Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:46 pm GMT
I think that learning Spanish and Catalan at the same time would be extremely difficult becaue they are very similar and you would mix them up.