hola la gente
forum franco-hispanique / foro hispano-frances
Hi everyone, I'm from Europe, but I won't say from which country, because if I mention it everyone will be picking on my nationality. All I can say is that you can consider me "germanic". But whatever, what I was going to say is that due to the failure of the French Language and the success of Spanish, France (the french) are "hanging" from Spanisha and claiming some sort of brotherhood. This is interesting. You see... Appearantly the French Government started helping Romania soon after it found out the growing German influence in Romania (which the seem to consider a threat). Well know, France nowadays considers Romania as a Francophone country, ISN'T THAT IRONIC??? Romanian has some borrowed words from French, but it's definetely not French. It's like considering Portugal Hispanic. And Portuguese is definetely closer to Spanish than Romanian to French. So Frenchies, don't hang from the success of your "brother" Spanish just because your language is CONSIDERABLY A SECOND LANGUAGE.
Cherche des correspondants espagnol(e)s (13-14 ans)qui abitent en espagne pour connaitre plus de chose sur l'espagne!!!!!
ps:si vous etes daccord, envoyez moi un mail a cette adresse:
ps:si vous etes daccord, envoyez moi un mail a cette adresse:
>>to Greg<<
son otros palabras de menos usadas que usan en espanol por los falsos amigos...
puede decir...
Por favor monte el carro ( Hurry, get in the car.)
Estoy encinta ( I'm pregnant ).
son otros palabras de menos usadas que usan en espanol por los falsos amigos...
puede decir...
Por favor monte el carro ( Hurry, get in the car.)
Estoy encinta ( I'm pregnant ).
Pero, yo estoy diciendo que en espanol tambien tiene una palabra que es similar a la palara para embarrazada en ingles.
Una palabra sinonimo por emabarrazada (pregnant) en espanol es encinta. En unos de los paises Latinoamericano dice "Estoy encinta".
encinta (pregnant) en espanol /enceinte(pregnant) en frances
Una palabra sinonimo por emabarrazada (pregnant) en espanol es encinta. En unos de los paises Latinoamericano dice "Estoy encinta".
encinta (pregnant) en espanol /enceinte(pregnant) en frances
It: incinta (pregnant)
Of course, pronunciation is different (in-CHIN-ta) but you can see a clear stem. I'm confused though. Does enceinte means pregnant in French? Because I don't understand what nico was saying "non" to.
It: incinta (pregnant)
Of course, pronunciation is different (in-CHIN-ta) but you can see a clear stem. I'm confused though. Does enceinte means pregnant in French? Because I don't understand what nico was saying "non" to.
wordreference.com/fr says "prégnant" means pregnant in french. However, enceinte also means pregnant according to it...
¿Y en qué consiste exactamente el susodicho foro? Faut-il parler en français? en espagnol? En una mezcla de ambas? Quel est le but de ce forum? Je n'arrive pas à comprender? Étudier les différences entre les langues, entre les personnes de l'un et l'autre côté de la frontière?
Ya si eso, me lo vaís explicando.
Hala majos, un saludo desde los Madriles!
Good evening every one!
Ya si eso, me lo vaís explicando.
Hala majos, un saludo desde los Madriles!
Good evening every one!
the last post was not me, and of course we don't use "pregnant" in french.