Guest : as-tu la preuve formelle que <bateau> n'est pas d'origine néerlandaise, stp ?
spanish,french, english
As-tu la preuve formelle que <bateau> est d'origine néerlandaise, stp ?
" It does not times infinity. It does not times infinity plus one. Children, children! "
Hahaha ! :-)
Hahaha ! :-)
In French:
" Non jusqu'à l'infini. Si jusqu'à l'infini plus un. Ah les enfants ! "
" Non jusqu'à l'infini. Si jusqu'à l'infini plus un. Ah les enfants ! "
Guest : non je n'ai pas la preuve formelle que <bateau> est d'origine néerlandaise. Ni toi, apparemment, la preuve formelle que <bateau> serait d'origine anglo-saxonne. C'est pour cette raison que j'affirmais qu'on ne sait pas si le mot français est d'origine néerlandais ou anglo-saxonne. Ce qui est sûr, en revanche, c'est que la Flandre a longtemps fait partie du royaume de France et que les échanges économiques entre Paris ou la Champagne et la Flandre (y compris par voie maritime ou fluviale) étaient importants.
The english language is a difficult language to understand's hard enough to pick up enough to get by many words that look the same yet used in differing circumstances with or without enhancement have different meanings.That apart the English language is made up of Anglo Saxon french and germanic words as well.I know my english history and my native english language is made up of these two languages.It might not take too long to pick up basic english but to fully undertsand would take a long time depending on the level you want to aim for,and i can teach it.As many as 2 - 3 words in english are french related a smaller percent germanic and the rest is pure invention between the two.Good luck all you who try.
=>That apart the English language is made up of Anglo Saxon french and germanic words as well.I know my english history and my native english language is made up of these two languages.<=
I begg you're pardon, "Anglo Saxon French" , "Germanic" are those languages?!
I begg you're pardon, "Anglo Saxon French" , "Germanic" are those languages?!
You don't know the history of your country, and your mum is a bitch
You don't know the history of your country, and your mum is a bitch
I see that parts of Flanders were a part of the Kingdom of France around 1000 thanks for the information!
I see that parts of Flanders were a part of the Kingdom of France around 1000 thanks for the information!
Je crois que le comté de Flandre a longtemps fait partie du royaume de France :
Je crois que le comté de Flandre a longtemps fait partie du royaume de France :