spanish,french, english
It's popular among majority of Europeans. E.g. which language are you speaking now? :)
I use it by necessity, not for the pleasure. English is used and usefull, but it is not a very popular language.
Si je me souviens bien, 70 % du vocabulaire anglais de base est germanique (même pas anglo-saxon). Ce qui doit nous laisser 30 % de français ou latin (ou autre chose). Ça a quand même plus d'impact et de portée qu'un soumo mangeant des sachimis devant un tsounami ou qu'un type ouvrant son atari pour magasiner en ligne...
<I use it out of necessity, not for pleasure. English is used and useful, but it is not a very popular language.>
To me it's more than just a mere tool. I love this language. But I hate the fact that many people don't care to learn any other language than English.
<<But I hate the fact that many people don't care to learn any other language than English. >>
My theory is that if you learn English first, its simplicity spoils you. Unless you have a real knack for languages, it's tough to master all the ghastly complexities of most foreign languages.
Sorry if this is completely out of context here, but I was wondering if someone could tell me the Spanish phrase equivalent to "English as a foreign language", "Deutsch als Fremdsprache", and so on. I'm interested in learning Spanish without any English translations - as if I were an immigrant in a Spanish-speaking country with no Spanish knowledge at all. I want to search online for books on learning Spanish as a foreign language, but I don't know the phrase to search for. If someone could tell me a suitable search term, or better yet, a specific textbook, I would greatly appreciate it.
For what it's worth, I'm based in Scotland and have found two Spanish bookselling websites:
If someone knows of any others that would also be greatly appreciated. As I'm based in Scotland I'd prefer actual Spanish websites, as opposed to South American, to keep the delivery costs to a minimum, but I'd appreciate any suggestions at all.
Thanks in advance.
That would be : "El Español como idioma extranjero"
<<My theory is that if you learn English first, its simplicity spoils you. Unless you have a real knack for languages, it's tough to master all the ghastly complexities of most foreign languages. >>
I agree 1000% with you.
Spanish is easy for English speakers because the pronunciation is easy. The grammar is actually harder than French grammar. French pronunciation is more difficult. However, once you get the hang of French pronunciation it's all pretty much the same. French is a beautiful language, but Spanish is more useful to Americans. I want to learn Italian because it was my mother's mother tongue.