French in Canada
"The english language has literally been the victim of a holocaust in Quebec and the persecution..."
— Most stupid comment ever seen on that forum.
Nothing in Quebec can remotely compare with the ferocious persecution the French language is undergoing in Belgian Flanders.
"Considering that english is the language of business..."
— Yep, like in Zimbabwe.
Anglo arrogance at its finest.
Ever wondered why English speaking nations are so disliked worldwide?
Ignorance and arrogance, the key to the anglosphere.
France is disliked worlwide too. Look at Tchad for example. The want to cook Sarkozy.
"Considering that english is the language of business..."
— Yep, like in Zimbabwe.
Anglo arrogance at its finest.
You are just envious of English.
Zimbabwe is better than Congo.
"Ever wondered why English speaking nations are so disliked worldwide?
Ignorance and arrogance, the key to the anglosphere"-OïL
You didn't really write that, did you?
The english language has literally been the victim of a holocaust in Quebec and the persecution has surprise surprise been successful. Considering that english is the language of business, it's probably going to screw their economy but to each his own.-JLK
The use of the word "holocaust" is extreme and it waters down the word for people who know what it really means. I don't know what languages you speak, but I do find it odd that you use "english" instead of "English"...
My point is this: I get it. You think English has been played down, why not find a word that is more accurate than "holocaust" for your feelings on the subject.
Are you interested in any real language issues? How about discussing aspects of grammar, usage, accent, translation, pronunciation, or even methods of learning languages?
"— Most stupid comment ever seen on that forum.
Nothing in Quebec can remotely compare with the ferocious persecution the French language is undergoing in Belgian Flanders."
The flemish can do whatever they want with their country. Why do you care?
Besides, this is irrelevant to the current discussion.
"— Yep, like in Zimbabwe.
Anglo arrogance at its finest.
Ever wondered why English speaking nations are so disliked worldwide?
Ignorance and arrogance, the key to the anglosphere."
It's not a matter of arrogance, it's the truth. I doubt any American or Brit cares that we are disliked if that is actually the case. It's jealousy for the most part...We rule the world, other peoples opinions simply don't matter.
Oil, you have a rival, JLK. His level of idiocy is even higher than yours.
Guest: That's not fair mon ami. You haven't placed enough content in your posts to allow us to judge your intelligence. LOL...
"It's jealousy for the most part..."-JLK
I actually agree with you on this part, just the jealousy part.
I glanced at your Wiki link (the neutrality is disputed) and understand what you mean to an extent, but it sounds isolated, more than widespread.
I'd have to research it more, but it still doesn't reach the level of a word like "holocaust" imo.
Josh: Is it my imagination or do you sympathize with the francophones in every thread? Of course, with a name like Lalonde I am not surprised. No wonder there are so many unmonitored French speaking trolls on this forum. It's like they have free reign...
The persecution of english in Quebec is a well known fact and I can use whatever term I wish to describe it. It is ignorant of you to presume the holocaust of WWII somehow sets the standard usage of the word. It is fair to describe the situation in Quebec as a linguistic holocaust.
"But Quebeckers can't? Why do *you* care about language policy in Quebec?"
There have always been english speakers in quebec. Not so in flanders...
JLK, you are on of those unmonitored trolls.
Josh Lalonde, I understand what you mean.
Thank you for your information.
Notice that JLK says "LINGUISTIC holocaust" in a hyperbolical way of course, though IMO the steps taken by the Quebec government isn't a threat towards English at all. English has an unprecedentedly strong position in North America, or in the whole world, for that matter.
I understand that the Quebeckers are just trying to protect their language, although I doubt whether their policies are economically advantageous.
Why don't we talk about people's rights instead of languages as living entities? Who cares if English is strong. Yes it is and Quebec's restrictive laws probably wont change that. But Anglophone citizens in Quebec have human rights who are considerably repressed by the Quebecer authorities. Languages are not more important than people.