French in Canada
"There have always been english speakers in quebec. Not so in flanders..."
— This deserves a good laugh. Thanks for the entertainment.
JLK, just for your information, the Flemish upper classes have been speaking French since the Middle-Ages...
In the 17-18th centuries 10 to 15% spoke French in all major urban centres in Flanders, includig Brussels. In the past hundred years, the Flemish majority has undertaken to eradicate the use of French in Flanders. Successfully. This was the legitimate revenge of the underdogs, I don't object.
But as a result, the relationship has been reversed in Brussels.
"I understand that the Quebeckers are just trying to protect their language, although I doubt whether their policies are economically advantageous."
— Yep, the Irish heard the same argument when the British told them that cutting all ties to UK and the Commonwealth would hurt their well-being...
Now, the Republic of Ireland enjoys a 40% higher GDP per capita than Britain.
<< — Yep, the Irish heard the same argument when the British told them that cutting all ties to UK and the Commonwealth would hurt their well-being...
Now, the Republic of Ireland enjoys a 40% higher GDP per capita than Britain. >>
That's pretty amazing indeed.
Still, in Ireland there were no policies to enforce Irish comparable to the ones in Quebec. That would be quite impossible anyway, considering that the great majority of the Irish have English as their mother tongue.
Furthermore, Ireland have the advantage of being in the EU and not being landlocked, whereas Quebec is practically surrounded by English speaking giants.
But I might be wrong here. After all I don't have much knowledge upon economics. =)
JLK, just for your information, the Flemish upper classes have been speaking French since the Middle-Ages...
In the 17-18th centuries 10 to 15% spoke French in all major urban centres in Flanders, includig Brussels. In the past hundred years, the Flemish majority has undertaken to eradicate the use of French in Flanders. Successfully. This was the legitimate revenge of the underdogs, I don't object.
But as a result, the relationship has been reversed in Brussels.
They spoke french as a second language as did many of europe's aristocracies. The french language isn't native to flanders. French and English speaking peoples arrived in Quebec arround the same time.
"— Yep, the Irish heard the same argument when the British told them that cutting all ties to UK and the Commonwealth would hurt their well-being...
Now, the Republic of Ireland enjoys a 40% higher GDP per capita than Britain."
What is the relevance? Every irish man speaks english. If they only spoke gaelic, their economy would be shit. A no english Quebec would not be economically successful...
I think that we should deport all the French speakers to Quebec and give them the independence.
JLK : « Josh: Is it my imagination or do you sympathize with the francophones in every thread? Of course, with a name like Lalonde I am not surprised. »
Le procédé est aussi misérable que son utilisateur. Carrément facho...
Hello :
I want to know,why in Quebec the population speaks French?Is it the mother tongue?And i want Know too, in this city the childrens study with school, French litérature or the English literature?:)
Because the French were the first settlers in the province (since late 16th centuriy) and have remained the majority ever since (as well as in neighbouring counties of New-Brunswick and to a minor extent of Ontario).
French is the mother tongue of around 85% of people.
The originality of Quebec in North America is just like if Europe was entirely English speaking with Norway as sole exception using another language!
At school, French literature, naturally.
The whole life is in French. Many Quebecers have a good command on English but it's not rare to meet successful scientists or businessman unable to speak English. Let alone hostel wardens and waiters in remote areas!
'' but it's not rare to meet successful scientists or businessman unable to speak English.''
That's a lie.
but it's not rare to meet successful scientists or businessman unable to speak English.''
That's a lie
that's the truth, many Nobels don't speak it. I can't see which is surprising in it
I suspect that some people in business understand English, but it's easier to use an interpreter for several reasons.
A. Decreases chances of being misunderstood
B. Power and polite distance
C. Easier for the listener
Mr. Chirac knew English, I understand, but I can't remember him speaking it.
Some Japanese Company presidents probably came into their positions before English Conversation was widely taught in schools. Of course, that probably would not have helped them much.
Unless one is VERY good in a foreign language, speaking another language puts one at a disadvantage, imo.
B. Power and polite distance -------> What do you mean exactly?
It's more powerful to speak in your own language. If you don't use English, people may keep their distance and you won't be roped into a discussion which could put you at a disadvantage.
Also, there is this, lol. You can hear what people will say when they don't think you understand.
The previous post wasn't mine. Whoever keeps on stealing my identity, you have my sincere pity and condolences. I know you may look up to me and hold me in high regards, but please have enough respect for yourself to assume your own identity. Thanks.
Josh: Please delete it.
Again, that wasn't me. He should have said "they ONLY have a little knowledge of English". If you're going to steal my identity, you need to master English first. You're sentences don't flow like a native English speakers is writing...
I guess I should be flattered, but I simply don't want the words of an idiot attributed to me. Ok?!
To the forum members: From now on, I'm going alter my screen name for every post to avoid this mess. It's still going to be JLK, but simply a variation of it. For example, it might be J.L.K or J*L*K or Jlk. The point is it will different for each post. No two posts from me will have the same sequence and if it does, you will know it's someone pretending to be me. Of course, it would be so much easier if Josh or an other moderator banned these identity thieves, but no one seems to have the desire to do so.
I hate trolls