Julien, take this example and judge by yourself!
Tatãl Nostru
Tatã a nostru
care es'ti în t'eru,
s-aiseascã nuam a Ta,
s-vinã amiraliea a Ta,
s-facã vrerea a Ta,
as'i cumu în t'eru,
as'i s'i pisti locu.
Pânea a noastrã at'ea di tute dzâlele dã-nã o nau adzâ
s'i nã li iartã amãrtilili noastre
as'i cumu li iartãmu s'i noi unu a altui.
S'i nu nã du pri noi la cârtire,
ma nã aveagli di at'elu arãu.
Cã a Ta easte amiraliea s'i puterea
a Tatãlui s'i Hiliului s'i a Spiritului Sântu,
tora, totana s'i tu eta etelor.
ROMANIAN (translated as closed as posssible to the form it is preserved in Aromanian. I did so, to let you judge if those Aromanians what you are talking about, were honest enough when they said that they cannot understand Romanian).
Tatal nostru
care esti in ceruri
sa se sfinteasca numele Tau
sa vina imparatia Ta
sa se faca vrerea Ta
asa cum in cer
asa si peste loc (actual version in Romanian: " asa si pe pamant")
Painea noastra cea de toate zilele, da-ne-o noua azi
Si ne iarta pacatele noastre
Asa cum le ieratm si noi unul altuia (actual: precum ...gresitilor nostri)
Si nu ne duce pe noi in ispita
Si ne fereste de cel rau.
Caci a Ta este imparatia si puterea
A Tatalui si Fiului si Sfantului Spirt (actual: "Duh")
Acum si pururea, in vecii vecilor
( Tora in Aromanian version means NOW and is entirley a Greek word)
I avoided the "form" of the actual Romanian version of the prayer intentionally, to clearly show you the intelligibility degree between Romanian and Aromanian. I've chosen this prayer, as an example and it will give you the opportunity to see that Aromanian is in fact an archaic form...an idiom, which didn't evolve too much from the time of Aromanians isolation in the Balkan peninsula.
For showing you that Aromanian is indeed a Romanian dialect, I come here with another comparison; one between Italian and its Neapolitan dialect. See what a dialect realy means!
Pate nuoste ca staje ncielo
santificammo 'o nomme tujo faje,
vení 'o regno tujo
sempe c' 'a vuluntà toja
accussí ncielo e nterra
Fance ave' 'o ppane tutt' 'e juorne
lèvece 'e rièbbete
comme nuje 'e llevamme all'ate
nun nce fa spantecà,
e llevace 'o mmale 'a tuorno
Padre Nostro, che sei nei cieli
sia santificato il tuo nome
Venga il tuo regno
sia fatta la tua volontà
come in cielo, così in terra.
acci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano
e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti,
come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori
E non ci indurre in tentazione
ma liberaci dal male
take care!
P.S. Irina, we have spoken about Italian... if it is understandable by Romanians... and not about Spanish. With Spanish doesn't go the same way...by reading it is easier but by hearing...a clear NO!
Then, when we say "understanding" Italian, it didn't mean, understanding word by word. That was not the matter of the discussion. Word by word cannot even understand a simple Italian farmer from Napole region, without learning it, how could do it a Romanian?
Tatãl Nostru
Tatã a nostru
care es'ti în t'eru,
s-aiseascã nuam a Ta,
s-vinã amiraliea a Ta,
s-facã vrerea a Ta,
as'i cumu în t'eru,
as'i s'i pisti locu.
Pânea a noastrã at'ea di tute dzâlele dã-nã o nau adzâ
s'i nã li iartã amãrtilili noastre
as'i cumu li iartãmu s'i noi unu a altui.
S'i nu nã du pri noi la cârtire,
ma nã aveagli di at'elu arãu.
Cã a Ta easte amiraliea s'i puterea
a Tatãlui s'i Hiliului s'i a Spiritului Sântu,
tora, totana s'i tu eta etelor.
ROMANIAN (translated as closed as posssible to the form it is preserved in Aromanian. I did so, to let you judge if those Aromanians what you are talking about, were honest enough when they said that they cannot understand Romanian).
Tatal nostru
care esti in ceruri
sa se sfinteasca numele Tau
sa vina imparatia Ta
sa se faca vrerea Ta
asa cum in cer
asa si peste loc (actual version in Romanian: " asa si pe pamant")
Painea noastra cea de toate zilele, da-ne-o noua azi
Si ne iarta pacatele noastre
Asa cum le ieratm si noi unul altuia (actual: precum ...gresitilor nostri)
Si nu ne duce pe noi in ispita
Si ne fereste de cel rau.
Caci a Ta este imparatia si puterea
A Tatalui si Fiului si Sfantului Spirt (actual: "Duh")
Acum si pururea, in vecii vecilor
( Tora in Aromanian version means NOW and is entirley a Greek word)
I avoided the "form" of the actual Romanian version of the prayer intentionally, to clearly show you the intelligibility degree between Romanian and Aromanian. I've chosen this prayer, as an example and it will give you the opportunity to see that Aromanian is in fact an archaic form...an idiom, which didn't evolve too much from the time of Aromanians isolation in the Balkan peninsula.
For showing you that Aromanian is indeed a Romanian dialect, I come here with another comparison; one between Italian and its Neapolitan dialect. See what a dialect realy means!
Pate nuoste ca staje ncielo
santificammo 'o nomme tujo faje,
vení 'o regno tujo
sempe c' 'a vuluntà toja
accussí ncielo e nterra
Fance ave' 'o ppane tutt' 'e juorne
lèvece 'e rièbbete
comme nuje 'e llevamme all'ate
nun nce fa spantecà,
e llevace 'o mmale 'a tuorno
Padre Nostro, che sei nei cieli
sia santificato il tuo nome
Venga il tuo regno
sia fatta la tua volontà
come in cielo, così in terra.
acci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano
e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti,
come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori
E non ci indurre in tentazione
ma liberaci dal male
take care!
P.S. Irina, we have spoken about Italian... if it is understandable by Romanians... and not about Spanish. With Spanish doesn't go the same way...by reading it is easier but by hearing...a clear NO!
Then, when we say "understanding" Italian, it didn't mean, understanding word by word. That was not the matter of the discussion. Word by word cannot even understand a simple Italian farmer from Napole region, without learning it, how could do it a Romanian?