Which is the second most important language?

Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 12:46 pm GMT
French is natively spoken in Lousiana, many parts of New England states, Upper New york which borders Quebec and now in Florida thanks to French Canadians that they even have a newspaper called "Le Soleil de la Floride"

Spanish is not widely spoken in a non-hispanic countries except US thanks to illegal immigration.

While French is widely is spoken in Romania, Bulgaria, Israel, Greece, Egypt, Austria, The Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Ireland, Poland, Argentina, Ghana, Nigerai, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Equatorial Guinea and a lot more. Those countries were not even colonized by France.
Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 1:01 pm GMT
That´s not right.

Spanish is widely spoken or studied in a lot of countries: Brazil, United States, Trinidad & Tobago, France, Germany, UK, Israel, Romania, Sweden or Cote d´Ivoire.

Several sources say that now Spanish is more studied that French (taking in account USA, Brazil and European Union, all together, is obvious).

The difference is only one:

Spanish is very spoken, and French not. (Spanish is spoken by 450 million people, and French is spoken by 130 million people).

In USA the same: Spanish is spoken by 45 million people, and French by 2 million people (perhaps less).
Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 1:26 pm GMT
English and French are the most widely spoken langauge in Spain, Germany

English, German and French in Sweden, Finland, Denmark not Spanish.

Brazilians understand Spanish well but don't speak it even when they converse with hispanics. They use Portuguese. Sorry for that.

What did you say that Spnish is widely spoken in the UK and Germany? On the contrary the Spaniards are learning Englsih and German so hard because of lots of tourist from those countries frequent Spain.

In Cote d'Ivoire it is not widely spoken. Where did you get that misinformation? From Instituo Cervantes?

88% percent of Romanian children study French not Spanish. My goodness Romanians are francophiles and France was responsible for its nationhood. While the Hispanic world didn't even lend them any help. Hispanics are even downgrading the Romanians saying that they are not even Latin people. Sso how can they be hispanophile?

In the USA it's only spoken by 17 million illegal hispnic immigrants not 45 million as you exaggerated and don't you ever insist on the report of Wikipedia because the data was created by a hispanic and also the report of Instituto Cervantes.

French is spoken as a second language by more or less 300 million and Spanish but merely 30 million mostly in the USA.

<< Several sources say that now Spanish is more studied that French (taking in account USA, Brazil and European Union, all together, is obvious). >>

What sources. I heard lots of Europeans on television program about European Union speak in French if they cannot speak in English even in Eastern Europe while I never heard Spanish spoken by people from the same places. I even heard a Catalonian guy prefered to speak in halting Italian on the same program than in Spanish.
Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 1:32 pm GMT
The second most widely spoken Romance langauge in Romania after French is Italian not Spanish.
Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 1:40 pm GMT
Hey, have you ever entered Google Gibraltar? Therea re links there for Italian and Portuguese languages.

Imagine Spanish is being displaced by its closest sister languages right in its own turf. Not to mention the large number of Russian expatriates there.
A-S   Fri May 04, 2007 1:51 pm GMT
<<The difference is only one:

Spanish is very spoken, and French not. (Spanish is spoken by 450 million people, and French is spoken by 130 million people). >>

Es verdad hay muchos más hispanohablantes que francohablantes nativos.
En ce qui conserne le nombre de personne ayant pour langue seconde l'espagnol ou le français, le nombre de locuteurs francophones et supérieur au nombre de locuteurs hispanophones.
But in 2 cases, I'm a Spanish-speaker and a French speaker also.

"Eppur, si muove!"
Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 2:02 pm GMT
Spanish will not become a minor language because of its large number of speakers. Actually it's one of the most important languages for that reason.

But to say that it is the second most important language, is not believable.
Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 4:08 pm GMT
-El español es la segunda lengua más estudiada del mundo, por detrás sólo del inglés.

- Del millón de estudiantes de español que registra Brasil se pasará a un
mínimo de 11 millones en el momento en que se haga efectiva la Ley del español por la que todas las escuelas estarán obligadas a ofrecer la asignatura de español en la enseñanza media. El Ministerio de Educación brasileño estima que serán necesarios en torno a 210.000 nuevos profesores de español en los próximos años.

-En Estados Unidos hay más de seis millones de estudiantes, y las
expectativas de crecimiento de la demanda se sitúan en torno al 60% en un mercado en plena expansión.

- Francia, con más de dos millones de estudiantes. El español se ha asentado como segunda lengua extranjera por detrás únicamente del inglés.

- Alemania, con casi 500.000. La demanda de cursos especializados en los negocios, la economía y el turismo denota su enfoque esencialmente

- Italia, con más de 300.000. En los últimos 10 años el crecimiento del número de alumnos universitarios de español ha sido del 52%.

- Suecia, con más de 163.000. Se ha convertido en el primer idioma de estudio después del inglés.

-Reino Unido, con más de 100.000. El incremento del número de alumnos de español ha ido en detrimento de las lenguas tradicionalmente estudiadas,
francés y alemán.

- En Rumanía se ha producido en los últimos cinco años un aumento de más del 20% en el ámbito universitario.

-- En Africa los datos más notables corresponden a Senegal, con más de 100.000 estudiantes, y Costa de Marfil, con 235.000 y donde el 74% de los estudiantes de secundaria eligen español como segundo idioma.

"Enciclopedia del español en el mundo"
Guest   Fri May 04, 2007 5:08 pm GMT
'88% percent of Romanian children study French not Spanish. My goodness Romanians are francophiles and France was responsible for its nationhood. While the Hispanic world didn't even lend them any help. Hispanics are even downgrading the Romanians saying that they are not even Latin people. Sso how can they be hispanophile?'

I find it amusing that the largest concertation of Romanians are inside Spain.

'French is spoken as a second language by more or less 300 million and Spanish but merely 30 million mostly in the USA.'

Biased. Alltogether (native or learner) Spanish is spoken by 600 million plus. French can't beat that. Sorry ;)

'English and French are the most widely spoken langauge in Spain, Germany'

Actually English is the most studied in Spain.
A-S   Fri May 04, 2007 7:09 pm GMT
"Res, non verba"
"Des réalités, non des mots."

Franchement, je l'ai déjà dit, mais comme le dirait si bien le proverbe latin suivant, <Bis Repetita Placent> "Les choses répétées, redemandées, plaisent."
Honestly, I already told it, but as count very well this next one Latin proverb, < Bis Repetita Placent > "The repeated things and asked, please."

<<El español es la segunda lengua más estudiada del mundo, por detrás sólo del inglés. >>
<<Biased. Alltogether (native or learner) Spanish is spoken by 600 million plus. French can't beat that. >>

C'est extrêmement vite dit, ne prenez pas ça comme du chauvinisme de ma part, encore une fois je demande une preuve **concrète** de ce qui est dit, et une bonne comparaison entre le français et l'espagnol.
Je pense qu'il est très dur de trouver la véritable réalité.
It's said extremely quickly, don't take that as jingoism of my part, once again, I ask for a proof * * concretized * * of what is said, and a good comparison between French and Spanish.
I think that it's very hard to find the real reality.
Es rápidamente dicho, no tome esto como chauvinismo de mi parte, una vez más, pregunto una prueba ** concreta ** de lo que es dicho, y una buena comparación entre el francés y español.
Pienso que sea muy duro de encontrar la verdadera realidad.

"Res, non verba"
Andrew   Fri May 04, 2007 7:45 pm GMT
French is not only spoken in Florida by French Canadians, but by Hatians ! Miami Florda has the largest French-speaking population in the US !

North Miami, Florida (population 59,880) - 40% French-speaking
NTSL   Sat May 05, 2007 12:58 am GMT
<< I find it amusing that the largest concertation of Romanians are inside Spain. >>

Visit this link http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/09/29/europe/EU_GEN_Romania_Francophone.php

Very well, then they are the only ones who speak Spanish since they stay in Spain for quite sometime and I'm sure that they speak French long before they begin to speak Spanish. When they return to Romania they cease to speak because they have no reason to.

Spanish is not taught in academic schools in Romania like French and even in foreign language schools, Spanish is not on the top five foreign languages preferred.

Just admit that there are fare more speakers of French as second language than speakers of Spanish as second language as much as we francophiles and francophone accept the reality that there are more native speakers of Spanish than French or even than English.
Franco   Sat May 05, 2007 11:10 am GMT

You people are like fucking robots.




4. AND LONGER... (it's not the number but the quality!, nobody likes French!, Spanish to take over the world!, Mexicans uneducated!, French is not declining!, German has great architecture!)



HAHAHHAHAH you are silly robots.
A-S   Sat May 05, 2007 11:23 am GMT
Pour une fois, Franco, je suis d'accord avec toi!
For once, Franco I agree with you!

"Errare humanum est"
A-S-S   Sat May 05, 2007 12:55 pm GMT
Nobody likes French!