Africa´s international languages
Go to Alger, Casablanca, or Tunis guys, in streets you'll hear a Arabic-french melting language (for example we start a sentence in Arabic and finish with French)
In Maghreb, French isn't official, but French is already an admnistrative and cultural language, that can't change fastly. France still is the first commercial partner of Algeria, and these last 10 years, the trades between these 2 countries doubled!
Finally a big community from the Maghreb lives in France, the young generations often undestand Arabic but don't speak it.
I heard that USA and UK give 5,000,000 $ for the development of English language (due to the big oil reserve in Sahara desired by them), I think that isn't enough, French is by far the most 2nd important language of the region...
<<A minority speak it more or less well. (perhaps a 20% of them, but I am not sure). >>
20%?! now?
No, there are 33,4 million french-speakers in Maghreb,
64% of the population in Tunisia, 57% in Algeria and 42% in Marocco, can speak French with a good level (also in Middle-east 1,500,000 french-speakers in another "arabic country", Lebanon)
<< Well, I don´t know which is the level of French in Morocco and Algeria, but I know some of them in Europe, and a lot of them don´t speak French or only a basic French. A minority speak it more or less well. (perhaps a 20% of them, but I am not sure).
Anyway, it is very interesting your point of view, youth, because you are from Africa. Thanks. >>
Well, Babel I find your messages posted in this forum are baseless and it only shows how ignorant you are to say that very few Algerians speak French.
I'm no t from Africa and all I know is that you're from Papua New Guinea and whose native language is Hiri Motu and up to now lives in the mountain and still practicing cannibalism.
Ooops! I'm sorry babel. I thought the message that contained that "You're from Africa" was for me when it was for youth.
I'm so sorry! I didn't read the message well! Forgive me.
That message wasn't from youth it was from me Guest.
Djibouti an English speaking country? I don't believe you youth and I don't even believe that your an arab from Africa.
You till haven't answered my question that Magrebians , Egyptians, and Lebanese use French as their lingua franca.
Algeria will not abolish French because the educated elite will oppose it and the Berbers will riot. You're the one who's stupid because you're twisting the fact youth and you are experiencing senelity.
So what if Algeria is not a member, The US is not a member of the British Commonwealth.
Just admit that you're dreaming that the whole world will be totally become English. Stop lying you're one of the trolls here.
Youth your dream that Maghreb will become English will not materialize because the region is not going to direction towards English only policy unlike you who's stupid by twisting the facts in here.
Imagine trying to make us believe that the berbers were rioting because they want recognition for their language.
For your information the Maghrebians prefer to write in French than in Arabic because they are more comfortable with it and they prefer Arabic over English.
Just admit that you're pro-English only.
Egypt is not heading that way to English only policy since it joined La Francophonie and if I'm not mistaken, it used to be a part of the Commonwealth.
The reason why there is a turmoil in Somalia it's because the former British held part of it wanted to seced and call it Somaliland. Southern Somalia is strongly influenced by Italians and Italian schools are well established there. So stop lying youth.
Also in Djibouti, English will not become that important since they know that they are not that important to the US and Brits because there no oil there so they might as well continue with their French policy because it is not a prority of US and UK in aid. And I don't remember that there is a presence of US troops there. All I know is the US troops were present in Somalia.
Youth you're no different from the rest of the fanatics in here. Stop pretending that you know a lot Africa and ME.
As a Somali i know for a fact you are talking utter rubbish, Italian is no longer taught in Somalia. Where it was the main language in the south. However, as there are no schools or stable government in the south, it has decline where only the older generation who where educated before the civil war know how to speak it. >>
No wonder why you're in favor of English only policy because you came from former British Somaliland. I hope your telling the truth that you're really a Somali because I see traces in your messages so similar to the messages posted by the Hispanic fanatics.
Guest wrote:
<<For your information the Maghrebians prefer to write in French than in Arabic because they are more comfortable with it and they prefer Arabic over English. >>
I'm not sure of that... Both are used.
Youth wrote:
<<Also Algeria has removed French as an official language and is no longer part of Francophonie. >>
Due to hard relations with Marocco (Occidental Sahara war), that's the first reason of the non-adhesion of Algeria to Francophonia (Algerians don't think that La Francophonie is a french colonialist organisation, the leader is African: Abdou Diouf (Sénégal) as the last leader: Boutros Boutros Ghali (Egypt), and the organisation was created by Indochinan, Maghrebian and African men: Norodom Sihanouk, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Bourguiba, Diori...; so...)
In addition, in Djibouti the importance of Arabic and English are also increasing, due to the presence USA army and also due to the large Yemeni population and increase trading with Yemen. >>
Certainly, that is a good thing. The presence of US army? So strange, in Djibouti there're lot French strategic bases, Djibouti was a French militar port also.
<<Arabic and English are the only major foreign Language in Somalia now, as the north Somalia, previously called British Somaliland has a stable government and a education system.>>
French too is a foreign Language, I was suprised when I heard on the international french TV France24 , a somali diplomat of African Union speaking French!
Now, it's compulsory for all the South-African diplomats to learn French.
All non-Francophone African countries are touched by the importance of French language:
Soudan with its big francophone minority (400,000 speakers)
Ouganda too (200,000 speakers)
Cap-Verde, Sao Tome & Principe, Mozambique & Ghana, Francophonie partners.
Nigeria becoming Francophone partner (2nd official language project, french language development, Conakry French universities)
South-Africa, big historical french-huguenots minority.
Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola, Gambia, Botswana, Somalia & Ethiopia privilegied french schools, special status in state administrations:
Without forgot, the African neighbour countries: Seychelles, Mauritius, Comores of French official language, Middle east: Egypt (Francophonie country), Israel (25% of the population are able to speak French, Francophonie candidacy refused by Arabic states), Lebanon (Francophone country), Syria (Historical colonial french territory), Cyprus (Francophone partner), Malte (Francophonie candidacy)
Economics: There're powerful sub-sahel African countries as Gabon, Equatorial Guinea Congo-Brazzaville with a high GPD level.
The Franc CFA is a currency of 15 African countries. The reason of French officialization in Equatorial Guinea is the Franc CFA, Guinee-Bissau (Portuguese former colony) join the Franc CFA "libre-échange".
Demographics: Nigeria is already the most populous country of Africa, in 2050 too, but french-speaker countries as Mali, Niger, RD of Congo, etc, have now a better demographic level.
One example:
Today RDC has 65 million inhabitants, Nigeria 134 million (the double), and Niger 11 million.
But demographic impacts will change the datas in 2050: projections: Nigeria will have 260,000,000 inhabitants (2006-2050 X2), D.R of Congo 200,000,000 inhabitants (2006-2050 X3,7) and Niger 55,000,000 inhabitants (2006-2050 X5).
Arabic is increasing the role of Arabic as international language not only in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia... but in countries like Senegal, Mali, Chad, Djibouti, and Niger where the study of Arabic is very important (all of them are muslims). That is the current trend.
So, in 2050 there will be a lot of people in Mali or Congo, but speaking Arabic, English, Swahili and other African language, not French.
<No wonder why you're in favor of English only policy because you came from former British Somaliland. I hope your telling the truth that you're really a Somali because I see traces in your messages so similar to the messages posted by the Hispanic fanatics.>
I am not from Somalia, I am Somali speaker from Djibouti. Therefore, you assumption that i am a Somalilander are unfounded. I more then anyone would like to see Somalia reunited.
<Certainly, that is a good thing. The presence of US army? So strange, in Djibouti there're lot French strategic bases, Djibouti was a French militar>
<Youth your dream that Maghreb will become English will not materialize because the region is not going to direction towards English only policy unlike you who's stupid by twisting the facts in here. >
You truly are a pillock, read my OP, i never said English will dominant the MAghreb. I said Arabic is becoming the most important language. Just face it.
I never said it was a good thing, i just stated that English presence is increasing in Djibouti due to the American presence.
<Finally a big community from the Maghreb lives in France, the young generations often undestand Arabic but don't speak it>
your point is? I am talking about Native speakers in North Africa.
<The reason why there is a turmoil in Somalia it's because the former British held part of it wanted to seced and call it Somaliland. Southern Somalia is strongly influenced by Italians and Italian schools are well established there. So stop lying youth.>
Your knowledge of the Somali History is atrocious. The reason Somaliland no longer wants to rejoin the south, is because of the widespread instability . The warlords have returned after the Islamic Court Union (ICU)where ousted by the Ethiopian with American army based in Djibouti. The situation is worse then it was at the start of the Civil war, now there is a real threat that there could be suicide attacks, like the one happening in Iraq as the remaining ICU in Somalia try to claw back control.
Therefore, the whole education system in south Somalia was destroyed, on a few years ago has a new university been constructed, such as University of Mogadishu (MU). Where the languages of instruction are Somali and Arabic (religion) with English being the preferred extra Foreign Language.
THat why Italians is dead in Somalia, it is no longer taught the Transitional government main language is Somali and Arabic.
People need to understand my argument is Arabic Importance is increasing amongest the Countries in the Arab league.
<Algeria will not abolish French because the educated elite will oppose it and the Berbers will riot. You're the one who's stupid because you're twisting the fact youth and you are experiencing senelity.>
Tell me this why would the Berbers care if French was no longer spoken, when they have been fight for their own language to be recognized.
Also i said that French is the language of the Educated by the government no longer speaks it, the major news outline speak French. The Arab world is becoming more intergrated thats is why MSA is becoming the language of communication.
Lebanese speak to Syrians in Arabic as their dialect are similar. Lebanese and Syrians speak to North Africans in MSA, haven't you seen the arab version of Pop idol, that have contestant from all the Arab states.
<Also i said that French is the language of the Educated by the government no longer speaks it, the major news outline speak French>
meant to say the major new outlet are in Arabic.
Don't lie Youth, I know that you're not from Djibouti, and you're the hispanic Sam you judt created this thread to attack the French language this time in a very subtle way. Sam is bringing the issue about Arabic and Swahili and you're doing the same thing. You don't really care about Arabic, English and Swahili. All in your mind is Spanish but Spanish will never be spoken the African continent.
<< Arabic is increasing the role of Arabic as international language not only in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia... but in countries like Senegal, Mali, Chad, Djibouti, and Niger where the study of Arabic is very important (all of them are muslims). That is the current trend.
So, in 2050 there will be a lot of people in Mali or Congo, but speaking Arabic, English, Swahili and other African language, not French. >>
Really Sam? in 2050 a all the people in Non-Francophone Africa, Hispanic, America, and Spain will be speaking French not English, Arabic, Swahili, and especially Spanish.
In the former Italian held Somalia, Italian is the number 1 language and is the language of education, commerce, and government not English and Arabic is used only in religious ceremony acording to my Somalian friends from that area. So stop lying Youth.
If I were you youth, I would build an English Language monument and I pay homage before it and worship it.
<< Therefore, the whole education system in south Somalia was destroyed, on a few years ago has a new university been constructed, such as University of Mogadishu (MU). Where the languages of instruction are Somali and Arabic (religion) with English being the preferred extra Foreign Language. >>
What a stupid analysis. If Italian was destroyed and so with English and Arabic schools. Italian sent troops there too not just the US and they are the ones who rebuilt the Itlaian schools there according to Somalians I know. Stop lying Sam alias Youth.
<< People need to understand my argument is Arabic Importance is increasing amongest the Countries in the Arab league. >>
You need to understand our arguments too that although MSA is implemented but Maghrebians still prefer French over Arabic and that's why even though the constitution declared that Arabic is the official language, French is prefered language in government, commerce, education, and literature. Over 75% of the activites in those sectors are done in French and the rest in Arabic. They are more comfortable using French than Arabic. Also the most of the news broadcast there are in Frencfh and it has more viweres than news in Arabic.
The Maghrebians, Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians only use Arabic as lingua franca with non-francophone Arabs like Saudi Arabians, Iraqis, etc. but they use French with each other.
Also if Arabic is universal among moslems then why is it that in Iran Arabic is not the official language and they get rid Farsi of Arabic words to be replaced by native terms. The same thing in Indonesia and Malaysia they only use Arabic in religious ceremonies they use Bahasa in official purposes not Arabic.
In other words non-arab moslems do not use Arabic other than in religion.