'Ich habe keine Lust' - 'Guest'
Please Translate from german?
translate for me:
what is wrong with you? what is wrong with me? what is the matter with you? what is the matter with me?
>>how do you pronounce dich? that happens to be my last name<<
>>[d_hIC] = /dIC/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-SAMPA << I don't think that'd be right, since I don't think any German dialects lenis obstruents which are realized as aspirated; even if any did, as you wrote this as indicating voiced realization, such would be notationally incorrect as "aspiration" for voiced stops is actually breathy voice, not aspiration proper. Consequently, a better transcription would be simply /dIC/ -> [dIC]. If one isn't sure how to pronounce [C], it is simply the sound at the start of the words "hue" or "human" in most (but not all) English dialects. Note, though, that in most cases in English dialects such is the clusters [Cj] in realization rather than being alone, and that secondly such corresponds in English to the phonemic clusters /hj/ rather than actually being a phoneme in and of itself in English. |