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Most complex IE language (Morphologically)
"Russian-Polish-Czech-Bulgarian (Slavic)"
What an uneducated guy! Bulgarian possesses a completely different structrure from the other slavonic languages. It has lost the rich system of cases but it retains the most archaic verbal system amongst Slavonic languages. From a grammatical point of view Bulgarian differ a lot from Polish or Russian
What an uneducated guy! Bulgarian possesses a completely different structrure from the other slavonic languages. It has lost the rich system of cases but it retains the most archaic verbal system amongst Slavonic languages. From a grammatical point of view Bulgarian differ a lot from Polish or Russian
It gives sense to both me and poles, but it is completely disaster to master it. I have heard that poles on countryside (without education) are inn real trouble separating these 17 forms from each other.
What a nonsense. No language is difficult for a native speaker
What a nonsense. No language is difficult for a native speaker
Spanish and Italian are easy. You are simply jealous because everybody can learn them effortlessly while on the other hand you can't learn Turkish, Hungarian , German or Arabic so easily.
What a PROFESSIONAL answer!!!
jelaous?? yes sure! of what? Of Turkish, Hungarian, German or Arabic ??!!!! aahah! I don't give a fuck about them!! fix it in your mind.
Why do I have to learn them??
Do you like them so much? learn them and fill your brain of suffixes I can't care less!
Anyway considering your (non-existent) knowledge of languages I can surely learn them better than you....
In my opinion you would have learned Italian or Spanish but you ar enot able, so you are so angry. the way: I AM STILL WAITING your Spanish and Italian, dull!
What a PROFESSIONAL answer!!!
jelaous?? yes sure! of what? Of Turkish, Hungarian, German or Arabic ??!!!! aahah! I don't give a fuck about them!! fix it in your mind.
Why do I have to learn them??
Do you like them so much? learn them and fill your brain of suffixes I can't care less!
Anyway considering your (non-existent) knowledge of languages I can surely learn them better than you....
In my opinion you would have learned Italian or Spanish but you ar enot able, so you are so angry. the way: I AM STILL WAITING your Spanish and Italian, dull!
….There are more than 30 suffixes in this word….
Really? So it must be a really stupid language
Really? So it must be a really stupid language
In my opinion the most difficult IE language morphologically is English and Danish
The "easiest" germanic language morphologically is
The "easist" romance language morphologically is
French and Brazilian portuguese
The "easiest" slavonic language morphologically is
The "easist" romance language morphologically is
French and Brazilian portuguese
The "easiest" slavonic language morphologically is