Nothing about Spanish is complicated. It is one of the easiest, most straightforward languages to learn. Most people agree that. In this topic we shouldn't even be talking about Spanish.
Most complex IE language (Morphologically)
Nothing about Spanish is complicated. It is one of the easiest, most straightforward languages to learn. Most people agree that. In this topic we shouldn't even be talking about Spanish.
I'm not Spanish, but I'd like to precise that we were talking about verbs and Spanish verbal system is highly inflected and complicated. If you don't know this, you really need some more studies of linguistics. The easiness of Spanish is a cliché. Since most people writing on the web are unexpierenced and uneducated teens, (mainly from America) this commonplace is getting more and more common. Ask a Chinese or an Indonesian whether Spanish is so easy.....
I'm not Spanish, but I'd like to precise that we were talking about verbs and Spanish verbal system is highly inflected and complicated. If you don't know this, you really need some more studies of linguistics. The easiness of Spanish is a cliché. Since most people writing on the web are unexpierenced and uneducated teens, (mainly from America) this commonplace is getting more and more common. Ask a Chinese or an Indonesian whether Spanish is so easy.....
It's not a cliché since any average learner can master the basics in like 3 months. Everyone says it's easy. I don't understand why do you want Spanish to seem so complicated when it's not. Just ask anyone who learnt it. Frankly,I can't possibly think of an European language that would be easier to learn than Spanish,with all its complicated and intriguing verbs and all. Maybe just Italian.
Because then we will find out the Spanish supporters are all one person!
The easiness of Spanish is a cliché.
Obviously! Since this forum is full of americans, they work their brains only with cliché and gross stereotypes. It's typical of little America.
They always forgot that English is the easier language in Europe, it's worldwide known.
Furthermore EVERYBODY wondered and still wonder why NOBODY write in Spanish since it's so easy!!! Never!
And everydody is going to wonder it, since most people here are able only to open their mouths to shoot bullshits and nothing else!
Don't be shy! Write in Spanish, it's so easy!
Obviously! Since this forum is full of americans, they work their brains only with cliché and gross stereotypes. It's typical of little America.
They always forgot that English is the easier language in Europe, it's worldwide known.
Furthermore EVERYBODY wondered and still wonder why NOBODY write in Spanish since it's so easy!!! Never!
And everydody is going to wonder it, since most people here are able only to open their mouths to shoot bullshits and nothing else!
Don't be shy! Write in Spanish, it's so easy!
Maybe just Italian.
maybe WHAT..?????
Why don't you stop to drink like a barrel before posting here and above all why don't you stop to write such crap? It shows all your cultural level. You won't be able to master 1/3 of Italian grammar in all your life!!!
maybe WHAT..?????
Why don't you stop to drink like a barrel before posting here and above all why don't you stop to write such crap? It shows all your cultural level. You won't be able to master 1/3 of Italian grammar in all your life!!!
Guest, you are speaking really nonsense. Nobody needs to master al Italian verbs already. But the ones that a learner should master are really easy especialy if you've ever tried Russian or Finnish ones. And if you say italian or Spanish is difficult you are no doubt a SUCKER... Coz if someone dares to say Spanish is complicated and difficult, he is definitely unaware of languages such as Finnish-Turkish-Hungarian (Finno-Ugric), Russian-Polish-Czech-Bulgarian (Slavic)... First three are the most difficult ones in terms of morphology especially Turkish is the enfant terrible! There is a word that can take you out of world: Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesineymişmiş... There are more than 30 suffixes in this word, and for a foreigner to understand this Turkish word at once, a 20 year study should be regarded...
Answer too the guest: “Can anyone translate all the seventeen Polish two's? I'm curios to know why would anyone need 17 ways to say a simple number.”
We should have a pole to answer this question, but I will make a practical try using examples:
1. dwa: 2
2. dwie dziewczyny: two girls
3. dwoje: a couple
4. dwóch chlopców (or dwu): two boys
5. dwaj zawodnicy: two players
6. dwiema metodami: with two methods
7. dwom ludziom (or dwóm): to people that did something
8. dwoma sposobami: two ways (of doing a task)
9. dwojga jestescie: you (two) are
10. dwojgu wam dam: you two I will give
11. dwojgiem szli razem: they went (two) together
12. dwójka: two people
13. dwójki: two in groups
14. dwójkę zostali zaczymani: two people got stopped
15. dwójką szli: they went (two)
16. dwójce dali coś: the (two) received something
17. dwójko: about two
We should have a pole to answer this question, but I will make a practical try using examples:
1. dwa: 2
2. dwie dziewczyny: two girls
3. dwoje: a couple
4. dwóch chlopców (or dwu): two boys
5. dwaj zawodnicy: two players
6. dwiema metodami: with two methods
7. dwom ludziom (or dwóm): to people that did something
8. dwoma sposobami: two ways (of doing a task)
9. dwojga jestescie: you (two) are
10. dwojgu wam dam: you two I will give
11. dwojgiem szli razem: they went (two) together
12. dwójka: two people
13. dwójki: two in groups
14. dwójkę zostali zaczymani: two people got stopped
15. dwójką szli: they went (two)
16. dwójce dali coś: the (two) received something
17. dwójko: about two
It gives sense to both me and poles, but it is completely disaster to master it. I have heard that poles on countryside (without education) are inn real trouble separating these 17 forms from each other.
Suomekkokaselaista, if there is a sucker here then you are without any doubt.
-I talked about EUROPEAN languages, I can't remember Turkey is in Europe so continental Russia....
-I did not talk about Italian verbs but Italian grammar, learn reading
-I didn't mentioned Spanish, a language so EASY that everybody here master it perfectly....writing in English!!!!
-Languages are not made only by "suffixes" etc. maybe you are not aware about it.
According to your post, English, for ex, must be a piece of cake.
-Nobody needs to master Russian-Finnish-Turkish-Hungarian-Polish-Czech-Bulgarian (etc. etc.) verbs too, even less that Italian.
Learn a language verb declension is difficult as for any other language becuase you have to learn by heart one by one and having other languages in mind.
-If you say Italian is "easy" you don't have ANY knowledge about languages, like all the stupid ones claiming it.
I know many foreigners who have been living in Italy or Spain for 20 years and speaking Italian or Spanish badly, just because they are so easy. This must be the reason obviously.
-Complication DOES NOT mean beauty and "Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesineymişmiş" (or whatever it is) does not impress me at all! It sounds simply horrible to me. I did not employ a minute of time in studying it, let alone "20 years study"!
Again: judging a language on a single word is a rate of your "professionality"
-AS USUAL I did not see ANY example in Spanish or Italian considering how easy they are!
Everybody on internet can say all the bullshits he wants!
-Keep your very poor claims and nonsense for you and above all keep your useless arrogance
-I talked about EUROPEAN languages, I can't remember Turkey is in Europe so continental Russia....
-I did not talk about Italian verbs but Italian grammar, learn reading
-I didn't mentioned Spanish, a language so EASY that everybody here master it perfectly....writing in English!!!!
-Languages are not made only by "suffixes" etc. maybe you are not aware about it.
According to your post, English, for ex, must be a piece of cake.
-Nobody needs to master Russian-Finnish-Turkish-Hungarian-Polish-Czech-Bulgarian (etc. etc.) verbs too, even less that Italian.
Learn a language verb declension is difficult as for any other language becuase you have to learn by heart one by one and having other languages in mind.
-If you say Italian is "easy" you don't have ANY knowledge about languages, like all the stupid ones claiming it.
I know many foreigners who have been living in Italy or Spain for 20 years and speaking Italian or Spanish badly, just because they are so easy. This must be the reason obviously.
-Complication DOES NOT mean beauty and "Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesineymişmiş" (or whatever it is) does not impress me at all! It sounds simply horrible to me. I did not employ a minute of time in studying it, let alone "20 years study"!
Again: judging a language on a single word is a rate of your "professionality"
-AS USUAL I did not see ANY example in Spanish or Italian considering how easy they are!
Everybody on internet can say all the bullshits he wants!
-Keep your very poor claims and nonsense for you and above all keep your useless arrogance
I'm learning Hungarian and It's quite easy (more or less like Finnish) no noun gender, simple tenses and mood, simple articles. (Finnish does not even have any articles. Finnish and Hungarian are on the whole much easier than Russian or most European languages. Those 15 cases are just prepositions that you have to attach to nouns. The only difficult aspect is the vocabulary, so different from indo-european languages. If you compare Finnish verbal system to the Spanish one, Spanish is much more inflected and complicated (difference between perfect and imperfect, subjunctive mood and so on) Finnish does not have a synthetic future tense, either. Sterotypes never die
Spanish and Italian are easy. You are simply jealous because everybody can learn them effortlessly while on the other hand you can't learn Turkish, Hungarian , German or Arabic so easily.
STupid guest write down in Those languages then instead writing bullshit in English