Perhaps I need a good night sleep as well. :-)
Perhaps I need a good night sleep as well. :-)
Question For Non Navite Spanish Speakers
I've heard Spanish is easy, but I've never taken it before. Nobody speaks it where I live; I have only heard one person in real life speak it once at a ski resort!
Phonetics is a piece of cake once you catch its simple rules but grammatically sometimes could be a nut.
Phonetically is one of the easiest languages. We have only 5 basic sounds in vowels: a, e, i, o, u. The language is very clear. That it is because of the influence of the Basque. Some experts say that this ancient language (Very interesting language) have influenced a lot in Spanish.
Well, in Spain we admire the Spanish of Colombia. The accent, the pronunciation, and the expressions are almost perfect. It is amazing that they speak better than us!!! Argentinian and Mexican Spanish are very funny and also very interesting. There are a lot of reason to say that Spanish is an important language, but I tell you only 1: it is the most spoken language of the Western Hemispher (population of Europe and the Americas).
My Spanish teacher is from Costa Rica, and her spanish has seemingly "perfect" pronunciation. That is, she pronounces every vowel and consonant with purity, in conjunction with an almost singsong intonation. Is this typical in tico speech? Aside from the wealth of tiquismos, what are some characteristics of Costa Rican pronunciation? How would you guys rate it in comparison to other Spanish-speaking nations in regard to its overall beauty? Just interested in getting some native perspective.
The Costa Rican and Colombian Spanish are very similar because they are the most neutral, we pronounce even long consonant clusters completely eg. obstrucción in several dialects may be pronounced
/ostrusión/, /ostruzión/, /ostruksión/ or /ostrukzión/ instead of the correct Latin American /obstruksión/ and Iberian /obstrukzión/ A piece of advice: Do NOT try to imitate CNN en español Spanish, it sounds way too 'gringo'for us!
<< How do you find the language Easy? Hard?'
Do you consider Spanish as a important language in the international area??? if you do or not please explain your reasons. And also what do you think of the grammar and the various accents of Spanish? >> Hi Sigma! I personally think the Spanish pronunciation is not that easy. The grammar is not that easy either. I do think Spanish is important, but not internationally. It is important in Latin America and Europe. About the various accents, I don't have any problems. You just have to get used to some.
Spanish verbs are a mess, particularly the subjunctive mood, take a look at some posts in here written by no native Spanish speakers, consequently the verbal syntax is quite hard. On the other hand, pronunciation and spelling are quite simple and regular, but not as easy as many people think.
estás loco , no hay nada en el mundo más fácil que los verbos españoles.... los tuve bien entendidos después de una sola semana de estudio... Estás exagerando mucho... el español es sin lugar a dudas el idioma más fácil del mundo, y al pensarlo un poco, es de esperarse... Por favor no me digas más que es difícil, ¡es más fácil que comer una manzana! No me sorprendería si algunos fuesen capaces de aprenderlo en dos o tres meses de estudio...
estás loco , no hay nada en el mundo más fácil que los verbos españoles.... los tuve bien entendidos después de una sola semana de estudio... Estás exagerando mucho... el español es sin lugar a dudas el idioma más fácil del mundo, y al pensarlo un poco, es de esperarse... Por favor no me digas más que es difícil, ¡es más fácil que comer una manzana! No me sorprendería si algunos fuesen capaces de aprenderlo en dos o tres meses de estudio...
Me encantaria conocer tu lengua madre? Al parecer no sabes un comino de linguistica como, por otro lado, la mayoria de las personas que acuden a este forum
Is there a non-native Spanish speaker? Oh yes those 2nd or 3rd generation hispanics in the US and Australia whose native language is English. They studied Spanish because they were forced to not to cut ties with their ancestral language that they are ashamed of.
"estás loco , no hay nada en el mundo más fácil que los verbos españoles"
Qué tio tan necio! Un ejemplo: los verbos del inglés son mucho mas sencillos que los del espanol! El castellano tiene uno de los sistemas verbales mas complejo entre las modernas lenguas indoeuropeas.
Depende de cada uno, eso es subjetivo. A mí me parece más difícil los verbos en inglés porque no siguen patrones fijos, en cambio los verbos españoles son más regulares.
no digas tonterias
ex. simple past: Morir: traducir to die to go (irregular) Morì traduJe I died I went moriste traduJiste you died you went mUriò tradujo he/she died he she went morimos tradujimos we died we moristes tradujisteis you died you mUrieron tradujeron they died they went Yeah English verbs are very difficult! of course, I'm joking, probably only Swedish, Norwegian and Danish have easier verbs in Europe |