Elementos (cartas) de definición-palabra para SRS

From Antimoon Translation Project

Versión original: Definition-word items (cards) in SRS

Nota: En Antimoon usamos terminología de SuperMemo. Un par de Pregunta/Respuesta se llama elemento (item). Una colección de elementos, como su nombre lo indica, se llama colección. En la primera versión de Anki un elemento se llama una carta (card), y una colección se llama un mazo (deck). En la segunda versión de Anki, una carta se llama una nota (note) y un mazo se llama colección.

P: If you think that a person is uneducated and stupid because they come from the country, you call them a ________.

R: a hick [hik]
He is an obnoxious hick. New Yorkers have a horrid way of making people feel like hicks.

Estos elementos son utilizados para aprender vocabulario. El campo de pregunta usualmente contiene una definición tomada de un diccionario de inglés. El campo de respuesta contiene una palabra en inglés, su pronunciación , y algunas oraciones de ejemplo.

Usualmente tomamos ejemplos de diccionarios. Intentamos encontrar tantas oraciones de ejemplo como nos sea posible, lo cual es por lo que preferimos usar varios diccionarios. Nosotros escribimos las transcripciones fonéticas por nuestra cuenta usando el Alfabeto Fonético ASCII, ya que usa letras y símbolos que no puedes encontrar en tu teclado de computador.


P: = to listen secretly to a private conversation

R: to eavesdrop on ['i:vz drop]
We eavesdropped on the conversation at the next table.

P: = to make an impertinent or uninvited inquiry (about a private matter, topic, etc.)

R: to pry (into sth) [prai]
Stop prying into my affairs!

P: When you gradually wear your new shoes for longer and longer periods until you can wear them comfortably all the time, you ______________.

R: ... break them in.
to break in one's new shoes
These shoes hurt my feet before I broke them in.
His new running shoes weren't broken in correctly.

P: When you seriously believe that what you are doing is right, honest, or legal, even though it may not be the case, you do it _________.

R: in good faith
The two doctors were acting in good faith.

P: If you hear something from someone who knows that it is definitely true, you can say that you hear it ______________.

R: from the horse's mouth
I got it straight from the horse's mouth.

P: When you want to criticize someone because you think they behave just like everyone else and don't think for themselves, you can say that they follow _____________.

R: to follow the herd
They are individuals; they will not follow the herd.
herd [he:(r)d]

P: When you no longer know how much time has passed since you last knew what the time was, you have ____________.

R: ... lost track of time.
to lose track of time

P: When you have made a decision, and now you doubt if it was wise, you have ____________ about this decision.

R: second thoughts
They were having second thoughts about the tax program.
He is not likely to have second thoughts at the last minute.

P: = to utter a mischievous or disrespectful laugh, esp. one partly stifled

R: to snicker ['sni k..(r)] (BrE to snigger)
The children snickered when the teacher tripped.

Arriba, la palabra equivalente a to snicker en inglés británico está etiquetada como "BrE".

P: = a special building or a room in a hospital where dead bodies are kept before they are buried or cremated

R: morgue [mo:(r)g]
mortuary ['mo:(r) tSu e ri:]

P: = a piece of paper on which you indicate your choice when you vote

R: ballot ['b@ l..t]

Estos dos elementos no tienen oraciones de ejemplo porque enseñan sustantivos simples. Los ejemplos no serían muy útiles para estos elementos. Además, en el primer elemento, "{1/2}" significa que pueden haber dos respuestas correctas, pero que solo tienes que dar una de ellas.

P: = a difficulty to be overcome; obstacle; roadblock; hindrance

R: hurdle ['he:(r) d.l]
The final exam is the student's last hurdle before graduation.

Aquí, una lista de sinónimos (obstacle, roadblock, hindrance) es dada después de la definición. Por la lista sabemos que obstacle, roadblock y hindrance no son la respuesta correcta y que debes pensar en otra palabra.

P: What idiom can you use to express that it was so quiet that even the smallest sound could be heard?

R: One could hear a pin drop.
You could hear a pin drop.

P: What adjective can you use instead of "insincere" when you want to impress somebody with your vocabulary?

R: disingenuous [dis in 'dZen ju ..s]

P: How to proverbially express the following? Make immediate use of an opportunity; choose the best time for doing anything, the time when conditions are most favorable.

R: Strike while the iron is hot.
I wouldn't delay asking the shop to return your money if you are not satisfied with the goods. Strike while the iron is hot and go to see them while they still remember you.
iron ['ai ..(r)n]

P: When you cannot be present at a meeting to vote in person, you arrange for someone to vote on your behalf. What special phrase can you use to describe such a situation?

R: to vote by proxy ['prok si:]
to vote in person or by proxy
Those not attending the meeting may vote by proxy.

P: How do you describe meat or other food that is difficult to chew?

R: rubbery ['r^ b.. ri:]
Meat or other food that is rubbery is difficult to chew.

P: How do you describe goods that are slightly dirty or damaged, because they have been displayed in a shop for a long time or have been touched by many customers?

R: shopworn goods ['Sop wo:(r)n]

P: Imagine this situation. You cannot be with a person at an important moment in their life. You regret it and you would like to be there. You will be thinking about them. What phrase can be used in this situation?

R: to be with someone in spirit
I'm afraid that we'll be abroad on the day of your marriage, but of course we'll be with you in spirit.

P: If you touch someone's feet with your own feet as a playful way of expressing your romantic or sexual feelings toward them, you do what?

R: I play footsie with them
['fut si:]

En los 8 elementos de arriba, el campo de pregunta no contiene una definición de diccionario. Ahí cambiamos la definición por una pregunta. La pregunta generalmente te da información adicional – por ejemplo, que la forma correcta de la respuesta es un modismo o una palabra muy poco común.

Cómo hacer la repeticiónedit

  1. Lee la definición en el campo de pregunta.
  2. Di o piensa en la palabra.
  3. Compara tu respuesta con la respuesta correcta en el campo de respuesta. ¡No te olvides de la pronunciación!
  4. Lee las frases de ejemplo en el campo de respuesta. Esto te ayuda a aprender cómo usar la palabra.
  5. Califícate.


Estos elementos son parecidos a los elementos "clásicos" usados en colecciones comerciales como Advanced English que puedes encontrar en SuperMemo World. (Pero los elementos clásicos no tienen oraciones de ejemplo en el campo de respuesta.) Nosotros usamos este tipo de elementos por muchos años – durante la mayoría de nuestro periodo de aprendizaje. Estos elementos son efectivos, pero hoy en día preferimos los elementos de oraciones.

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