Wich country has the best english speakers?

Tiffany   Monday, January 17, 2005, 23:18 GMT

Don't be disillusioned by my comment about New Hampshire. It's pretty isolated up there, unlike other states in New England. I am happy to say the other parts of New England that I lived in where much better! I went to college/university in Massachusetts and I was the recipient of a very liberal education there. In fact, all of New England is blue (meaning they voted Democratic) including New Hampshire.

I must say, my favorite city in America thus far is Boston. It does feel much older than the rest of America and I like seeing the history there. Have you ever been? In downtown Boston, there the Freedom Trail. It's actually a 2 or so mile red line. Follow it and you'll walk to many different historic sites.

I've never been to England, though I do want to explore all of Europe when I get the chance. Perhaps in a few years, I might move to Italy with my husband (to be closer to his family) and then I'll just fly or ride the train all over Europe. If and when I ever do go, I'll be sure to ask for recommendations!
Jorge   Monday, January 17, 2005, 23:36 GMT

Lamento que te hayas sentido ofendido por haber escrito en español en este foro. No volverá a pasar, este será mi ultimo post.

*Por cierto, es "viniste" no viste.

Tiffany   Monday, January 17, 2005, 23:49 GMT
¿Por qué no intentas hablar ingles en su lugar de salir?

Espero que tu entiendes. El italiano es mas facil por mi.
Tiffany   Monday, January 17, 2005, 23:52 GMT
Oh, by the way, that said (to Jorge) Why don't you just try to speak English instead of leaving?
Someone   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 01:22 GMT
"Lamento que te hayas sentido ofendido por haber escrito en español en este foro. No volverá a pasar, este será mi ultimo post.

*Por cierto, es "viniste" no viste. "

Gracias por tu corrección. A veces confundo los verbos cuando hablo en español. Aún estoy aprendiendo. Yo sé que "viste" es una forma del verbo "ver", y que "viniste" es la forma de "venir", por cierto.

Creo que deberías aprender a hablar inglés en lugar de salir también. El inglés es una lengua muy útil, ¿no? Yo mismo pienso que es muy fácil también, pero tal vez eso es porque un hablante nativo del inglés.

Por favor corríjame si me equivoqué de nuevo.
Someone   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 01:24 GMT
Sí me equivoqué.

"porque un hablante" debe ser "porque soy hablante".
Someone   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 01:44 GMT

Hablas bien el español por lo que sé, pero todavía es un solo error en tu mensaje. Debe ser "en lugar de salir" en lugar de "en su lugar de salir". ¿Es que se dice así en el italiano?
Someone   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 01:46 GMT
Ay. Siempre me equivoco cuando hablo español...

"todavía es un solo" debe ser "todavía hay un solo".
Tiffany   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 02:01 GMT
No, it's not, the su was actually a typo! Thanks for catching it. En italiano, es "invece di".

So in Italian it would be: "Perché non provi a parlare inglese invece di partire?"

Funny, they have the verb "salire" in Italian, but it means "to climb up" not "to leave". I would always make mistakes with that word. A few other "false cognates" too.
Someone   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 02:16 GMT
"Subir" is "to climb" in Spanish. BTW, there's a way to say "instead of" in Spanish that's closer to the italian one. It's "en vez de".
Tiffany   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 02:23 GMT
Ah, thanks. I want to reclaim my Spanish after I learn Italian solidly. Who knows when that will be though!
Someone   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 02:30 GMT
Oh. I just wish I could understand what they're saying on Spanish TV channels. I can only understand bits and pieces. I've been watching movies that I have on DVD in Spanish because some of them have multiple laguages available. I find that it's easier to understand when I've watched the movie in English already.
american nic   Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 04:26 GMT
Of course it is...once you understand the context, more words make sense to you.
Rod   Friday, January 21, 2005, 13:40 GMT
The country that has the best English speakers is PERU!
javier   Friday, January 21, 2005, 15:21 GMT

to Someone

"Yo mismo pienso que es muy fácil también, pero tal vez eso es porque un hablante nativo del inglés"

I agree with you that English is useful, but easy?! But I can seldom understand most of movies in English! You English-speakers speak too fast for me.