Portuguese and Spanish are the closest Romance languages

bernard   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:17 GMT
Italian and spanish seems very similar to each other when you don't know these languages, because of prononciation and sounds. But When I started to learn Italian I realise it is not more similar to spanish than to french (the vocabulary between french and italian seems to me much closer than with spanish)

In fact, it's logical, Italy have no border with spain and is geographically distant to a minimum of 600km from Spain (and, the closest to italy : Cataluna, is non-spanish speaking Spain), Castillian speaking Spain is again more distant. While Spain and portugal share the same peninsula, with the same iberian, arabic, wisigothic influences that don't share italian, Catalan or french
Ana   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:24 GMT
Mira George, te hablo en español porque ya sabes que es lo mismo. Tu y otro millon como tu (en caso de que los encontrases que lo dudo) me podeis jurar que si escucho a un portugues hablar lo voy a entender mejor que a un italiano y aun asi..no lo hare. Osea que las conclusiones que tu saques en este foro no cambian la realidad. Y si tu mismo empezaste esto es porque sabes que muchisima gente dice que el italiano y el español se parecen más y si tanta gente lo dice pues, por algo será.
Y por ultimo, sospecho que algunos posts los pomes tu mismo pero con otro nombre y si vuelvo a meterme con este tema es porque eres un maleducado y en un post ahi atras ya me estabas faltando al respeto. MADURA!
George   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:30 GMT
Ana, I have never denied that Spanish sounds more like Italian. You are correct in saying that as far as accent goes. But as far as Galician goes, linguists and scholars would classify Galician as a dialect of Portuguese. Galego-Portuguese used to be the language of the Spanish court due to its pleasing, poetic sound. Galician and Portuguese eventually grew a little apart, but they still remain very, very close even today. So, Galician is not the closest romance language to Spanish, because it is basically a variant of Portuguese. Apart from some minor differences in orthography, Galego and Portuguese are idnetical and considered sister languages. Finally, if you understand Italian better than Portuguese, then I say good for you.
Ana   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:31 GMT
hablas español bernard? porque si lo hablas seguro que podras saber cual de los dos idiomas se entiende mejor. Si no tal vez no.
Por cierto, repito por vez numero 100 que me estoy refiriendo a como suena..estamos hablando de lo mismo o esto es un dialogo de besugos?
seguro que es lo ultimo..
Tiffany   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:31 GMT
I'd like to correct my Italian sentence. Omit the "mi" at front. I don't know what I was thinking.
Ana   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:35 GMT
I understand Galician as it keeps strong links with castilian as well (thats what makes it more understandable to me) but i don´t understand portuguese.
end of thread
George   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:44 GMT
I understood everything you wrote in Spanish. First of all, don't you dare call me a 'maleducado', because it only reflects badly on you. You don't know who I am, or my background. For your information, I have never used any other name other than my own, thank you very much. Unlike some others, I am proud to identify myself - I do not feel the need to hide behind names that are not mine. Lastly, I am writing in English, because I am respecting that in this forum, the messages are posted primarily in English. Y tu nunca me has faltado al respeto? Por favor. Acaba con tus tonterias!
Huchu   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:52 GMT
"y si vuelvo a meterme con este tema es porque eres un maleducado y en un post ahi atras ya me estabas faltando al respeto"

If there is someone here with bad manners and lacking respect for others, then it is you. By using Castilian in this forum you are being disrespectful to others participants who cannot understand it.
ONCE AGAIN THE LANGUAGE OF THIS FORUM IS ENGLISH AND NOT CASTILIAN. Is it so difficult for you to respect the rules of this forum?
Huchu   Friday, April 15, 2005, 23:54 GMT
hablas español bernard? porque si lo hablas seguro que podras saber cual de los dos idiomas se entiende mejor. Si no tal vez no.
Por cierto, repito por vez numero 100 que me estoy refiriendo a como suena..estamos hablando de lo mismo o esto es un dialogo de besugos?
seguro que es lo ultimo.

YLLA   Saturday, April 16, 2005, 01:20 GMT
Vengo in Roma (I come to Rome) Italian
Eu venho em Roma (I come to Rome) Spoken Brazilian

Noi si va (We go) Spoken Florence's Italian
A gente vai (We go) Spoken Brazilian
Tiffany   Saturday, April 16, 2005, 06:53 GMT
That's incorrect YLLA.

I come to Rome - (Io) Vengo a Roma [It]
We go/Let's go - (Noi) Andiamo [It]

The io and noi are of course not required.
Ana   Saturday, April 16, 2005, 08:36 GMT
huchu do me a favour and get lost!
Antonio   Saturday, April 16, 2005, 08:39 GMT
Huchu go suck my dick in your english OK?
Ana   Saturday, April 16, 2005, 08:42 GMT
Yes and lick my twat !
George   Saturday, April 16, 2005, 08:43 GMT
Huchu you're an anglophone idiot indeed !