If I Visit Spain.

boz   Sat May 02, 2009 6:35 am GMT
@guest : apparently some in the USA imagine people from Spain itself are somehow different from the rest of Europeans, "less European" so to speak, as crazy as it sounds.

<< In Spain it is different because they will imediatly recognise your accent and associate it with latin America. >>
Notre ami semble plutôt avoir l'accent amerloque...
Harman   Sat May 02, 2009 8:02 am GMT
Look Rolando, it doesn`t depend on wich country you visit but people you meet.
If you meet a nazi skin head you will be in problems, the same as me, he he he.
In fact i think spaniard like latin people, because they are closed to us in culture, history, religion and lenguage than norh africans. They wanna have relationship with us. (Romanian are latin too ,as french, italian or portuguese).

North africans doesn't want to integrate and they prefer to live alone in their origin socity, lenguage, religion, culture, laws (Sharia) etc.

They don`t want relationship with the rest of people in spain, spaniards or inmigrates.

That's my thought. If you a nice, people will be nice with you, if you are nasty, people will be nasty with you.
European   Sat May 02, 2009 8:18 am GMT
In my opinion, people who like generalising are not so smart and educated. Harman's post above sounds biased and racist, besides he is not too smart either, as a proof, take a look at his messages about the union of Portuguese and Spanish. I've met lots of friendly and open-minded arabs or turks in my life. On the other hand, there are lots of stupid and unpleasant latins, Italians, Frenchmen and Romanians and so on. As a matter of fact not all muslims long to apply Sharia. Last but not least there are lots of traditionalist, conservative and extremist christians as well.
boz   Sat May 02, 2009 8:37 am GMT
<<North africans doesn't want to integrate and they prefer to live alone in their origin socity, lenguage, religion, culture, laws (Sharia) etc.

They don`t want relationship with the rest of people in spain, spaniards or inmigrates.>>

If that is really the case in Spain then it is in stark contrast to the vast majority of them in France. As you say, "if you are nice, people will be nice with you, if you are nasty, people will be nasty with you": surely if the North Africans (or anybody else for that matter) are met with hostility they're less likely to integrate. I mean who would want to integrate with xenophobic idiots? So take your own advice, stop being an ignorant prick and you'll be fine with them.
JOHNsSTON   Sat May 02, 2009 8:50 am GMT
<<friendly and open-minded arabs or turks in my life.>>

En tus sueños, jilibollas.
blanche   Sat May 02, 2009 9:01 am GMT
se escribe gilipollas, analfabeto! Si no estuvieses mal predispuesto y no fueses racista les encontrarias tu también
suggestion   Sat May 02, 2009 9:22 am GMT
Spanish is the ugliest language of all and it sounds so ridiculous. Spaniards where the last in Europe and now they are getting so arrogant. It's enough to read their newspapers... stay where you are
HOMBRE FUERTE   Sat May 02, 2009 9:44 am GMT
Los españoles se nutren de la homosexualidad. Es el pasatiempo más extendido del país.
European   Sat May 02, 2009 9:48 am GMT
Los españoles se nutren de la homosexualidad. Es el pasatiempo más extendido del país.

Hombre fuerte, por lo visto te gustaria a ti tambien nutrirte de homosexualidad y chuparles el pollon a esos varones? verdad? Si no fuese asi no escribiria nada negativo sobre ese tema... como se dice en mi pais: vive y deja vivir..
guest   Sat May 02, 2009 12:13 pm GMT
" @guest : apparently some in the USA imagine people from Spain itself are somehow different from the rest of Europeans, "less European" so to speak, as crazy as it sounds. "

Yes, I know. That is because for the majority of the Americans the reference of "hispanicness" is Mexico, for obvious geographical proximity reasons. So naturally, when they think Spain, a spanish-speaking nation, their reference of what it should ressemble is, more or less conciently.

It is sometimes difficult for some Americans, who were raised in a country where Spanish language is associated with a imaginary made of tropical ambiances and climates, exotic foods, mixed-raced peoples, underdevelopped countries, tropical musics, etc. to realize that in Europe, Spain is a country like other European countries.

I think most Americans would be surprised to realize that Spain can look like this :

In the last picture it is Salamanca. i remember watching an America movie called "vantage point", supposed to took place in that city. Outside of teh aerial views and the scene in the main plaza, it was really un-spanish and depicted as having mexican ambiance (filmed in mexico); with tropical pam trees in streets, some mexican-looking people and typical mexican street markets.

Another exemple was this advertising, the second beach scene was supposed to took place in Spain... With sort of Mexican music in background, people with Mexican accents and looks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loB-3Tzll14
Guest   Sat May 02, 2009 2:12 pm GMT
It's funny but the Japanese , despite not being of European culture, have a more accurante and profound vision of Spain that the ignorant Americans. I think that it's the hamburguers they eat compulsively that hurts their minds badly.
Guest   Sat May 02, 2009 2:21 pm GMT
Los españoles se nutren de la homosexualidad. Es el pasatiempo más extendido del país.

No, la mayoría tenemos otros pasatiempos, lo que sucede es que es más inteligente de lo que parece legalizar los matrimonios homosexuales. Así no tienen necesidad de esconderse, porque como sabrás no hay nada más peligroso que los homosexuales que por aparentar se casan con mujeres o se hacen curas. Así , dejándoles que libremente se manifiesten,les tenemos fichados para cuando haya que limpiar el país.
Guest   Sat May 02, 2009 2:27 pm GMT
Last but not least there are lots of traditionalist, conservative and extremist christians as well.

Pobre idiota. Vete a chuparle las pollas a los moros anda.
boz   Sat May 02, 2009 3:26 pm GMT
<<It's funny but the Japanese , despite not being of European culture, have a more accurante and profound vision of Spain that the ignorant Americans. I think that it's the hamburguers they eat compulsively that hurts their minds badly. >>

Well the Americans are not of European culture either, so that's hardly funny.
European   Sat May 02, 2009 3:38 pm GMT
Así , dejándoles que libremente se manifiesten,les tenemos fichados para cuando haya que limpiar el país.

Este comentario es aún más insultante y racista que él de arriba. Por lo visto, aunque España y los españoles quieran continuamente dar muestras de ser un país moderno y avanzado ( es suficiente leer los comentarios en este foro) en realidad la mayoría de sus habitantes sigue siendo franquista, ignorante, malcriada y grosera.