10 defects of Chinese simplified characters

Tionghoa   Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:25 am GMT
Sorry, I'm not proficient in English translation, the following post in Chinese was written by me on a Chinese blog website, and it's hard to be translated into good English in detail, but In brief, as follows,

1. Those characters which shouldn't be simplified were arbitrarily simplified, while those which should be simplified still maintain their original appearance. The same parts of characters are simplified in some characters, and not so in other characters.

2. Reading the articles in traditional characters is as fast as the simplified ones. It almost takes the same time to understand their meanings.

3. After simplification, some simplified characters seem very close to the other ones in appearance, and become harder to avoid confusion.

4. Combining several character into one, just like consolidating X Y Z into X. Then the X characters also have the other meanings of Y and Z, and it brings a lot of confusion when tracing back to original characters.

5. Chinese characters play an important role of national cohesion and unification. No matter which dialect you speak, everybody has been always using the same Chinese characters in China.

6. Some universal parts, such as 又, メ, and so on, are regarded as simple X Y Z that occur frequently in mathematics, and used everywhere without any justifications. And those simplified ones cannot be deduced by analogy then.

7. Some cursive script in handwriting replaced the regular script to be the official standard. it destroyed the original appearance, too.

8. Educational system is the key point to wipe out illiteracy, instead of Simplified characters, and actually Traditional characters have no guilty.

9. Non-standard characters should be forbidden especially in mainstream publications such as dictionaries, books, documents, magazines, newspapers, and in formal places.

10. Simplified characters are absolutely not science and technology, frankly it's of little value for all kinds of development, and Simplified even cuts off China's culture and history to some extent.

Original text in Chinese, please see the next post below.
Tionghoa   Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:29 am GMT


一、 康熙字典中收漢字四萬餘,說文解字中收漢字九千餘,漢語專業者識漢字七千左右,台灣常用漢字為4800個,大陸常用漢字為3500個,而簡化漢字只有2200餘個(中途截止),但有些繁字未被改善,而某些不應簡化、或非理性簡化的漢字卻比比皆是。

二、 漢字的閱讀都是以圖像姿態進行的,而并非是一筆一劃地細看細數,閱讀的速度與筆劃的數目不成正比關係,況且某些簡化字之平均減筆數目僅比正體字多出兩三筆。

三、 漢字的形體越相近,就越不易辨認,越不易校對,閱讀效率也低。簡體字造成了很多形似字,增加了閱讀時和排版時會出錯的機率。簡體字默認的“宋體/新宋體”遠不如正體字的“細明體/新細明體”更清晰、更美觀、更精細。




五、 簡化字違反了六書原則,本身亦不是一套有系統的造字法,導致漢字的科學性和邏輯性變差。反之,正體字在結構上較有規律,較易理解、記憶、和學習。正體字并非“煩體字”,而是中華文明世代傳承的強大工具,更是偉大漢族同胞在精神上最有效的凝固劑。


七、 將“行草字”任意“楷書化”的漢字,字形亦無理論依據,且無法以此類推,舉一反三。例如:韦(韋)、车(車)、东(東)、头(頭)等。新造新聲字不精確,較易造成誤讀。例如:跃(跃)、灿(灿)、价(价)、坝(坝)等。



十、簡化字并不是經濟發展、科技進步、社會民主的催化劑。好多同胞至今仍未理解“文化”和“科技”的區別,誤以為“簡體字”等於“搞科研”,“簡體字”等於“ 生產力”,“簡體字”等於“新社會”,故此,才有“偽學者”評價“正體字”是塊臭“裹腳布”,一旦提到“簡體字”,這些人就會誤認為“經濟繁榮”、”科技發展“、“社會穩定”、“人文進步”都是拜“簡體字”所賜。而繁體字代表著“封建的制度”、“落後的科技”、和“倒退的人文”,看來文革的餘毒未消,貽害了無數中國人。反觀日本、韓國、台灣、香港,都在用著中華的正體字(日本有少量“和製漢字”),且台灣和日本的國語辭典依然維持“豎排版”的模式。改用簡體字的大陸不是應該比他們更發達、更輝煌,更進步嗎?還有當年廢止“二簡字“又說明什麽?
Bob   Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:09 pm GMT
2 more:

Traditional characters are prettier! 龍 is far more awesome than 龙. :-P

Also, it has actually created more work, because you now have to learn two sets of characters instead of one just to be able to read all Chinese materials.

--   Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:27 pm GMT
It's always the same with reforms of a traditional writing system: The ones who get profit form that reforms claim that with the reform, everything will be easier, but it gets much much much more complicated. And the people have to pay for that it gets much more difficult.
--   Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:31 pm GMT
K. T.   Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:06 pm GMT
I prefer the look of traditional characters as well. It's a heritage, not just a language. When I get some time this week, I'll look at your post in Chinese in detail,Tionghoa. Looking forward to it, in fact.
J.C.   Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:12 pm GMT
Thanks for the interesting article. It inspires me to study traditional 漢字 again since Japanese characters are much closer to Taiwan than China.
But I feel confused because most material I have access to is from China.
Do you know any materials for studying Chinese written in 繁體字?在日本沒有這麼書。

Tionghoa   Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:48 am GMT
To: Bob,
you're right. I think so.

To: K. T.
Thanks, hope you can understand it well. Perhaps what I wrote is kind of inclined to báihuà (白話文) of early stages, a little different from colloquial Mandarin in daily life.

To: J.C.
Thanks, I suggest you read some books of traditional characters which are published by Taiwan (generally, better than Mainland, maybe also better than Hongkong), and if you really want to read the books that published in Mainland, please remember one of the most famous bookshop, 中華書局 (luckily, sometimes, it still publishes some important traditional books, but not a lot, but the quality of the paper and especially the print ......). In Mainland, there're actually a great deal of good books, but unfortunately they're mostly printed in simplified characters.

中華書局: http://www.zhbc.com.cn/ (Simplified Website of Mainland China).
Realtrue   Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:34 am GMT
Then I should ask you:

Why can Japanese Kanji be simplified? Why not Chinese?
Tai-oan-lang   Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:55 am GMT
Personally, I am from Pingtung, the southern part of Taiwan. I perosnally dislike Traditional Chinese characters but I like Chinese characters.

I think Traditional Chinese characters should be replaced by Simplified Chinese characters in Taiwan and I hate "Traditional Characters Chauvinism"

"1. Those characters which shouldn't be simplified were arbitrarily simplified, while those which should be simplified still maintain their original appearance. The same parts of characters are simplified in some characters, and not so in other characters. "

I think every Chinese character should be simplified unless they are romanized or easier than romanized latin alphabets.

"2. Reading the articles in traditional characters is as fast as the simplified ones. It almost takes the same time to understand their meanings. "

So, Chinese characters should be simplified more than ever from now.

"3. After simplification, some simplified characters seem very close to the other ones in appearance, and become harder to avoid confusion. "

I just think simplified Chinese characters are nice in appearance than traditional characters.

"4. Combining several character into one, just like consolidating X Y Z into X. Then the X characters also have the other meanings of Y and Z, and it brings a lot of confusion when tracing back to original characters. "

English also has such a phenomenon. I think it's natural for linguistic evolution. Don't use as an excuse to attack simplified Chinese. Otherwise, those users of traditional Chinese will have more reasons and excuse to attack English because English has so many such a kind of vocabularies.

"5. Chinese characters play an important role of national cohesion and unification. No matter which dialect you speak, everybody has been always using the same Chinese characters in China. "

So, they use simplified Chinese characters.

"6. Some universal parts, such as 又, メ, and so on, are regarded as simple X Y Z that occur frequently in mathematics, and used everywhere without any justifications. And those simplified ones cannot be deduced by analogy then. "

I think Traditional Chinese also disobey the rule of "Liu Shu"(Six Scripts). When you talk about "Six Script", why not comparing between "Ancient Chinese Characters" (甲骨文)and "Traditional Chinese characters". The only Chinese characters which obey the rule of Six Scripts is Ancient Chinese characters, not traditional Chinese characters. I think you should go back to read your Chinese language history book.

"7. Some cursive script in handwriting replaced the regular script to be the official standard. it destroyed the original appearance, too. "

I think Traditional Chinese also disobey the rule of "Liu Shu"(Six Scripts). When you talk about "Six Script", why not comparing between "Ancient Chinese Characters" (甲骨文)and "Traditional Chinese characters". The only Chinese characters which obey the rule of Six Scripts is Ancient Chinese characters, not traditional Chinese characters. I think you should go back to read your Chinese language history book.

"8. Educational system is the key point to wipe out illiteracy, instead of Simplified characters, and actually Traditional characters have no guilty. "

Japan's Education System was very good and the illiteracy of Japan was wiped out before World War II, then why don't you think of Japan's simplifying Kanji?
It proves Traditional Chinese characters have the biggest guilty. So, Japan can does simplification work, why not China can't?

"9. Non-standard characters should be forbidden especially in mainstream publications such as dictionaries, books, documents, magazines, newspapers, and in formal places. "

No, they shouldn't.

"10. Simplified characters are absolutely not science and technology, frankly it's of little value for all kinds of development, and Simplified even cuts off China's culture and history to some extent. "

Surely. But Japan's simplifying Kanji to make their Japan more modern than ever.
Traditional Characters are absolutely not science and technology, frankly it's of little value for all kinds of development, and Traditional even cuts off people's interest and time to some extent.
Tionghoa   Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:08 am GMT
Realtrue Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:34 am GMT
Why can Japanese Kanji be simplified? Why not Chinese?
1. as we all know, the grammar of Japanese is rather different from Chinese.
2. characters can be simplified, but what is that for? For creating a false system without rational reasons? It doesn't mean anything valid for its possibility of being simplified.
Tionghoa   Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:18 am GMT
To: Tai-oan-lang(臺灣人)

Tai-oan-lang   Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:38 am GMT
"談一下簡化字(所謂的規範字),不少同胞說過,與其恢復正體字,不如改用甲骨文(或篆字),這種說法是非常謬誤的,也是造成誤區的主因之一,我在此想重申:甲骨文和篆字都是漢字的原始初級階段,而正體字是高度發展之後形成的成熟漢字。简体字之“各项弊端”如下: "


"一、 康熙字典中收漢字四萬餘,說文解字中收漢字九千餘,漢語專業者識漢字七千左右,台灣常用漢字為4800個,大陸常用漢字為3500個,而簡化漢字只有2200餘個(中途截止),但有些繁字未被改善,而某些不應簡化、或非理性簡化的漢字卻比比皆是。 "


"二、 漢字的閱讀都是以圖像姿態進行的,而并非是一筆一劃地細看細數,閱讀的速度與筆劃的數目不成正比關係,況且某些簡化字之平均減筆數目僅比正體字多出兩三筆。 "


"三、 漢字的形體越相近,就越不易辨認,越不易校對,閱讀效率也低。簡體字造成了很多形似字,增加了閱讀時和排版時會出錯的機率。簡體字默認的“宋體/新宋體”遠不如正體字的“細明體/新細明體”更清晰、更美觀、更精細。 "




(4)“回覆”和“回復”,在表“回答”義時可通用。 "


"五、 簡化字違反了六書原則,本身亦不是一套有系統的造字法,導致漢字的科學性和邏輯性變差。反之,正體字在結構上較有規律,較易理解、記憶、和學習。正體字并非“煩體字”,而是中華文明世代傳承的強大工具,更是偉大漢族同胞在精神上最有效的凝固劑。 "


"六、簡化字以同一符號取代不同偏旁(萬能字符“又”和“メ”),以致字形無理據可言。例如:鸡(雞)、汉(漢)、欢(歡)、仅(僅)、权(權)、凤(鳳)、邓(鄧)、戏(戲)、树(樹)、对(對)、轰(轟)、。。。其中“又”部均代表不同的字形,讓人摸不著頭腦,找不到依據。再如:赵(趙)、风(風)、冈(岡)等字亦是如此。 "


"七、 將“行草字”任意“楷書化”的漢字,字形亦無理論依據,且無法以此類推,舉一反三。例如:韦(韋)、车(車)、东(東)、头(頭)等。新造新聲字不精確,較易造成誤讀。例如:跃(跃)、灿(灿)、价(价)、坝(坝)等。 "


"八、大陸若想真正減少文盲(半文盲),還須考慮很多其它因素,例如:教育的普及度可能影響更大。如今,希望工程雖已初見成效,但相對於基數龐大的農村人口,普遍落後的教室校舍,捉襟見肘的師資份額,恐怕想讓多數人受益仍是杯水車薪,急需政界、商界、及各界華人關注教育、多做善事、貢獻力量。另外,小學生、中學生的學業負擔太重?請教師不要罰學生抄寫數十遍、上百遍作業就行了,根本問題還在於教育方式,早晚自習、中午補課、假期補習、大考小考、學生分數與教師利益掛鉤、。。。依我看來,這些弊端遠比恢復繁體字要嚴重得多,但我贊成有少量“特繁字”可考慮合理簡化,俗體字和異體字理應棄用。 "


"九、古代中國的民間市井,也有一些人書寫俗/異體字,但值得注意的是,那些不規範的漢字只流通於日常瑣事,比如:隨手寫個記事帖、留言條、親友間非正式的書札或底稿,而官方正規的書籍、詞典、經書、詩詞文章、公文詔書,一律只得用正體字書寫或印刷。至於手寫體,我覺得可以不限制民間的俗異字,不過,所有正式的、官方的各種媒體及印刷品(公文、報刊、電視臺、詞典、書籍等)理應采用正體字,對於印刷機和電腦來講,并不存在任何效率和技術問題,印刷繁體也是固定工序,印刷簡體依然如此,至於電腦更是無所不能了。故此,想當然認為繁體字有損效率的觀點,只是經由表面錯覺而轉達給人們的夸張現象。 "


"十、簡化字并不是經濟發展、科技進步、社會民主的催化劑。好多同胞至今仍未理解“文化”和“科技”的區別,誤以為“簡體字”等於“搞科研”,“簡體字”等於“ 生產力”,“簡體字”等於“新社會”,故此,才有“偽學者”評價“正體字”是塊臭“裹腳布”,一旦提到“簡體字”,這些人就會誤認為“經濟繁榮”、”科技發展“、“社會穩定”、“人文進步”都是拜“簡體字”所賜。而繁體字代表著“封建的制度”、“落後的科技”、和“倒退的人文”,看來文革的餘毒未消,貽害了無數中國人。反觀日本、韓國、台灣、香港,都在用著中華的正體字(日本有少量“和製漢字”),且台灣和日本的國語辭典依然維持“豎排版”的模式。改用簡體字的大陸不是應該比他們更發達、更輝煌,更進步嗎?還有當年廢止“二簡字“又說明什麽? "

Tionghoa   Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:41 am GMT
Tai-oan-lang Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:38 am GMT

Tai-oan-lang   Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:45 am GMT
Tionghoa Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:41 am GMT
Tai-oan-lang Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:38 am GMT

