Which Romance language sounds more Slavic?

Dan   Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:51 pm GMT
I'm sorry to disappoint you Franco, but those guys speak a better Spanish than they ever spoke Romanian. Besides, most never held Romanian papers (no birth certificates, IDs etc).

They are all yours now, treat them gently.
Franco   Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:30 am GMT
Are you ashamed of being gypsy like 80% of Romanians? Whether they have birth certificates or not is not important. We all know that Romania is such a poor and backward country that there is not reliable census.
Ruman   Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:31 am GMT
Dan, I tried to ignore you as long as I could since you cannot attack what I say with solid scientific arguments. The source I gave is the only reliable source, all other sources about rumanian people genetics I found are biased since they have italian and hungarian authors and the author I mentioned has a good international reputation, just google. You think the german professors from the Munich Academy would have swallowed some alleged russian fake data? Lol.

You claim there is no difference between the language spoken in different areas of Rumania (voivodatele istorice). Please translate for me the following phrases writen in "grai ardelenesc" (transylvanian dialect) from Alba-Iulia (Bălgrad) - I know you won't :D (because most likely you can't), but perhaps there are other people that would find these usefull. I will use regional words of slavic origin.

Did you know that old name for Alba-Iulia was Bălgrad? Probably not. Bălgrad and Belgrad from Serbja are twin cities just like Rumanians and Serbjans are twin brother nations, born with sword in hand(romanian word for sword is Sabie from slav Sablia). Belgrad means also White City just like Bălgrad. Here are your phrases, many of these words of slav origin cannot be found in rumanian dictionaries, using a serbian dictionary will make things much easier for you:

- O plouat aşa de rău de s-or umplut vălauăle şi curau pleauăle(serbian pleh) de pe căşi
- Ia hărşeu ăsta şi adă nişte grumpiri(serbian crumpene) din grădină(serb gradina root grad like in Bălgrad). Adă şi nişte crastaveţi (serbian Krastavaţ)
O ferit un mîrtan şi s-o ţîpat cu maşîna în pălang.
La cîte-i vecăru(vecer)? La tri. La cîte-i? La tri
Trecem peste ştrec şi merem la Moldiţă(gothic mulda, connect with Mold_ova)
Bătrînu-i bolnav(accent falls on o), are rac(serbian rak).
Ţîpă o ţîr lobda(serbian lopta) mă!
Ţîpă-te lupule :D (this one is easy)
Îi iute mă hăraua! (serb orao, moldavian variant Rarau, from russian Rarog).
Meri şpargă. Oblu(slav oblu) nente

Note that plural is formed for some nouns by adding ua or uale at he end, like vălauă and art. vălauăle. Standard rumanian adds ri - "vălăuri" in both cases.
Pleu plural pleauă, standard pleuri.
Also feminine variant for some nouns is formed the same way dog-cîne female dog-căţauă(sau căţa). Standard rumanian cîine and căţea.
To check these you need to find a man living in that area, but trust me they are true.

Dan, Ukrainians asked you tho exchange currency while people in other balkanic countries ignored you? Is that a scientific argument :D?.
You are just as smart as the greek you should spend time together LOL.

I do not trust too much genetic studies, but unreliable as they are genetic studies are far more reliable than your empirical impressions or personal feelings or those of some deluded greek. Cultural and linguistic arguments are more than enough to prove what I say. I only brought in the genetic argument to piss off the greek LOL.
No hard feelings greek :D!

Also, greek, yes I am proud of what I am, does that make me a nazi? Idiot I am not, and hysterical neither.
The vast majority of true rumanians are here in their homeland most of them still working the land (55%-60% of rumanian population is still living from the land). That is deep Rumania, were my roots are. People that go to work in Greece and Italy are poor people many having low education (close to none at all), some of them good people and many of them gipsy scum.
I am sick of people that try to teach others matters they don't master, such as you, greek. I said most rumanians have light or dark brown hair not blond, stop twisting my words. I don't care about norse or germans more than I care about greeks or italians. I only care for the truth. You seem to want to teach rumanians, including me, things about my language and my people. I don't go teach greeks about Greece so why would I take lessons from you about Rumania? You think you posess superior knowledge about a place you dont know and language you can't speak? Based on what, on what you feel or touch?:D What you believe or think based on such assumptions is of no consequence, greek. And stop your blabbering about Hitler and other nonsense.
Greeks did a lot of harm to my country, greek, and you seem to want to do that too, so I defended not by attacking you but by telling you some truths about greeks. Seems that truth hurts. Ouch!:D. If I must I will tell you more hurtfull truths about your country such us the ethnic genocide you comitted against makedonians. That is all, greek. As long you stop infesting us with your dimwitted pseudo-science about Rumania I'll just ignore you.

Rumanians never left Rumania and Sarmatian(slav Iazygy and Roxolani) and Getae-Dacians met long before Romans came here. Dan, did you know that the rumanian city Iaşi got his name from the slav Iayzges people? Did you know that the name of Roxolani (from Bactrian, Persian Roshanak - meaning luminous, beautifull) is root for the rumanian name Ruxandra and also for the russian(also present in rumanian) variant Roxana? Roxana Dobre (Good Roxana) or Roxana Pîrvu (Roxana the first born) - are these latin names :D? How about Ruxandra Dragomir ? Did you know that Roxana, a Bactrian princess was the wife of Alexander Makedon(not the greek, but makedon, arumîn).
Roxolani were the "beautifull people" :D.

If you need more proof of latinization of rumanians I'll give you a quote from Nicolae Iorga great rumanian historian:

He mentions a document from Maramureş, writen in 1404 in full slavonic language (both alphabet and language) that mentions the names of some important persons of the area. Ill also quote his interesting comments:

"Pan(slav variant of Ban) Radul (rumanian variant of Radoslav- the happy one :D), viceşpan(serbian title) of Maramureş. More names: Ivanciuc(russian) and Dragomir(slav) and their brother Dan and also Coste Draguşevici(slav) - "let's use the rumanian variant of the name" says Iorga - wich is Drăguşescul (son of Dragoş).

Did you know that the rumanian voievod that created rumanian kingdom Moldova came from Maramureş and his name was Dragoş (from Draguşevici, Drăguş, Dragoş)?.
Did you know that Vlad Ţepeş (Vlad(from Vladislav) the Impaler) came from the family called Drăguleşti? Drăgulea, Drăculea, Dracul, Dracula. The root Drag meaning beloved, dear, was transformed into something horrific.

Just like our national poet became Mihail Eminescu while he was born Mihail Eminovici. More names from the document: Coste Popov - again rumanian variant proposed by Iorga- Costea Al Popii ROFLMAO, and Coste Dobrotici - rumanian variant again Costea Dobrescu.

When you know(as I and all rumanians do) how many rumanian family names (the vast majority) end in -escu like Dobrescu (original Dobrotici) , Grigorescu (Grigorevici or Grigorovici) and how many family names begin with A like A Petroaiei (Petrova, daughter of Petra), then all becomes clear. For instance Ceauşescu could have been Ceauşevici, son of Ceauş ( Ceauş meant police officer or sergent, headman, and is one of the actors of the rumanian dance Căluşarii, did you know that?). In the past a name like Ceauşescu meant for all people that you are the son of an officer while Al Popii that you are the son of a priest. Today that meaning is lost.

By adopting the stupid modern form rumanian family names lost all meaning. For instance the son of a woman called Petra would have had the family name Petrovici (Al Petrei) while her daughter Petrova (A Petrei). Modern "latin" form gives the familly name A Petrei (for example) for all newborn children no matter if they are male or female and the family name does not change each generation wich is plain stupid. To call man A Petrei (feminine form) or a woman Al Popii (masculine form) is gramatically incorrect, sounds bad and is gay.

Also since birth certificates were adopted in (end of) XIX- early XX(couldn't find exact date) century when the vast majority of rumanians were still illeterate, the authorities could make the swap from slav names to rumanian without any opposition, in fact people didn't even know their names were modified on paper.

A last quote and the last piece of free information you will get for now also from Nicolae Iorga :

The roman author Sextus Aurelius Victor says the people found by Trajan in Dacia were "pileatis sacisque nationibus" - Iorga translates this "dacians pileati(wearing conic cap), saci, meaning scythes". Iorga writes about scythians saying "they were Aryans that hold under their command turanic hordes" while the Sarmatians were "Slav people more or less mixed with elements from the steppes(eurasian plains)".

Scythians from Dacia and Sarmatians were traditional allies for a long time just as shown on the Trajan's column. Also dacian capital was named Sarmisegetuza (Sarmi se Getusa - Sarmatians and Getae). An interesting fact, the mentioned roman author says that the leaders of the people found by Trajan in Dacia were "Decibalo rege ac Sardonio" - Iorga translates this as follows: "these people were under(the rule of) Decebal and under(the rule of) another king wich he calls Sardonius" - think about it.

Source for the quotes is: Nicolae Iorga - "Studii Asupra Evului Mediu Românesc", Ed.Stiinţifica şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1984. Don't know if it's available in english

A last amusing fact: Did you know that the name of the main character of one of the most famous novels of the rumanian literature called "Moromeţii", Ilie Moromete, is the rumanian variant of the russian name Ilya Muromets - most famous russian popular hero? Again I guess not :D.

To get to the truth you must dig deep. If you can't do that at least stop spreading your old deceitfull cliches and pseudo-scientific crap.

Franco those gypsies went in Italy for a reason, they look just like you and many many southern italians. As an old rumanian saying states: "The flies will always be attracted by shit". We may be poor, but we can still dispose our garbage unlike italians it would seem.
Not even gypsies live like that. Garbage and Mafia. What else has Italy got to offer? I'm out of here, the place stinks :D
Dan   Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:45 am GMT
Franco said:

"Are you ashamed of being gypsy like 80% of Romanians? Whether they have birth certificates or not is not important. We all know that Romania is such a poor and backward country that there is not reliable census. "

Haha, don't lose much sleep about it, in a generation they'll be 80% of the population in your prosperous shit hole too.
Ruman   Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:46 am GMT
Franco you are from Spain it seems. I thought you were Italian since they seem to complain of gypsies a lot. Nvm you are a piece of shit too just like ure neighbours. Spain, Italy and Greece, filthy holes full of arabs, afro-semites and scum you can all eat shit and die.
Franco   Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:55 am GMT
OriginalGuest   Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:59 am GMT
Is there any accent in this romanian song?

OriginalGuest   Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:03 am GMT
This is the kind of music Vlad Tepes used to listen :)
looling Joao   Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:40 pm GMT
«Do these genetic studies have something to do with an accent? »

Good question (lol).

Anyway, Genetics whether poven or just speculative, cannot be a national identity pattern. In all the European countries, people are mixed-up. And it's getting more and more mixed up.

Europe has had many periods of horror because of this genetic assumptions.
Joao   Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:56 pm GMT
Ruman, the only purpose of Franco here is to insult everyone. Often, he does so in Spanish so that most of you do not understand.

He called the Romanians "thieves", and Russians as "disgusting".

He insulted the Brazilians while later he asked if the Brazilians in general liked Spain (ROFL).

Just a correction in geography, Greece is not a neighbour of Spain. Italy itself is quite far from Spain. Greece and some areas of Italy are closer to Romania than to Spain or Portugal.
The reason why Greece is considered a Western European country are political. It has to do with the former cold war staus.
Geographically, Greece, as well as Finland, are in Central/Eastern Europe. Sweden, Austria and Italy are in Central Europe as much as the Czech Republic, Poland or Slovenia
Prague is located more westerly than Viena, Stockholm, Helsinki and Athens.
Athens and Helsinki are more easterly than Warsaw, Budapest, Bratislava, Zagreb, Belgrade or Tirana.

The cold war ended 20 years ago. These old concepts of Western and Eastern European countries are obsolete and misleading.

If you have doubts, check a map of Europe. Pay attention ti its coordinates.
looling Joao   Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:58 pm GMT
... oops... I mean looling Joao, not any other Joao, real or fake.
Mér(i)da   Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:27 pm GMT
Stop spreading lies you little spies.
Lili Marléne   Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:39 pm GMT
Could somebody translate this into English:

Baldewin   Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:45 pm GMT
Roughly translated:
Notice! No entrance for dog and Romanians, violators will get kicked out.
Anglicki   Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:11 am GMT
This is in English, sung in "mock Slavonic accent", by Zladko Vladcik:


This is a link Aszykbajew gave in another forum about a pilot landing in Lisbon International Airport:


Refer to Aszykbajew's link on the previous page on the other Slavonic-sounding languages.