"French and Italian"? or "French and Spanish&

kj   Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:33 am GMT
Grazie per tutti.

This is no meaning in Italian
Nanorobotic   Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:47 am GMT
Looking for a place to practice your Spanish? Think Eastern Europe. According to a report issued this week by the Instituto Cervantes, Spanish is growing in popularity among students in places such as Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The interest in Spanish is most spectacular in Poland, where the number of people studying the language is up 158.5 percent in the past four years

In Germany is the second most studied language, after English. In France is also the second, after English.

Spanish language is very studied in UK too. Spanish has more students than German.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/spanish-overtakes-german-as-languages-decline-finally-halts-1050588.html >>

AMAZING, I had no idea!
PARISIEN   Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:32 am GMT
<< In Germany is the second most studied language, after English. In France is also the second, after English. >>

-- Ne pas trop s'illusionner là-dessus. Lorsque 2 langues sont obligatoires l'espagnol est un choix fréquent comme seconde langue à cause de sa réputation de facilité. Mais les étudiants qui font ce choix sont généralement incapables de prononcer une phrase même basique.
Guest   Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:35 am GMT
Hombre, algo hay que decir siempre contra el español, no os podéis quedar callados, eh?. En los países donde no se estudia porque no se estudia y donde se estudia es porque el español es fácil y luego los estudiantes no aprenden nada. Seguro que en el Reino Unido los estudiantes de francés lo eligen porque es un idioma en extremo complicado y al mismo tiempo salen con un nivel que ni Victor Hugo. A estos ni caso, supuran envidia.
PARISIEN   Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:30 pm GMT
La Grande-Bretagne est un cas spécial. Les langues sont matières optionnelles, au même rang que musique, religion, hip-hop, rap etc. Les étudiants britanniques qui choisissent le français, l'espagnol ou l'allemand le font parce qu'il veulent REELLEMENT apprendre ces langues.

Sur le continent, c'est une autre histoire...

Dans les lycées français, les classes d'élite sont toujours les allemand-1ère-langue. Celle qui font anglais en 1 et espagnol en 2 sont identifiées comme les classes-poubelles. Simple constat.
vérité   Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:10 pm GMT
Personne ne s' intéresse au français ces dernières années, le français autant que l'allemand sont de moins en moins étudiés au niveau européen et international. Meme aux Etats Unis ces langues subissent une régression éclatante.
Guest   Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:58 pm GMT
"Dans les lycées français, les classes d'élite sont toujours les allemand-1ère-langue. Celle qui font anglais en 1 et espagnol en 2 sont identifiées comme les classes-poubelles. Simple constat"

The choice of the easiest languages is normal. I think the opposite, if they choose the easiest languages, they are clever.

There are also other factors. For example if they live near Germany, it is normal to choose German as subject.

But even in that situation, I'd choose Spanish at school. I'd prefer to pass an exam easily.

Perhaps, that's one of the most important reasons to be second in France and Germany, after English.
blanche   Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:59 am GMT
But even in that situation, I'd choose Spanish at school. I'd prefer to pass an exam easily.

ARe you sure that a French can pass an exam of Spanish easily? I don't think so... Spanish may be quite hard sometimes, for a French too. Unfortunately, Clichés never die....
Sole   Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:27 am GMT
Is Italian slightly easier to learn than Spanish for the French? I wonder...
blanc   Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:33 am GMT
Italian is slightly harder than Spanish, but I don't know whether it is easier to learn for a French.
Guest   Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:53 am GMT
That is interesting.

Spanish has the label of easy language. French is only a little harder than Spanish and English grammar is also very easy.

So, the REAL World languages (English, Spanish and French) in the last 6 centuries are EASY languages, from 1492 till 2009.

Even a little harder languages, like German and Russian, never were the dominant language.

The most difficult languages are in theory Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and Korean.


In modern times, never a difficult language was a World language. So, according to this theory, Arabic or Chinese won't be never really important, only in their influence area.
Sound the alarm   Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:52 am GMT
The contents of this Wikipedia article was altered by Hispanics in this forum.



They now have the power and monopoly of the said website just like what happened in this forum that previous moderators were fired but replaced by hispanic moderators.
Visitor   Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:00 am GMT

Education 1st or 2nd foreign language, according to the curriculum of the student.

Number and percentage of students learning French:
* At the primary level: 11,340 (early French)
* At the secondary level: 115,600 (25%)
* At the university level: 12,000 (in 5 universities)

Many teachers of French as a foreign language: about 600

French presence in the country: about 30% of the population has learned French and speak more or less.

Accession of Albania to the status of associate member of the OIF
National de la Francophonie
Universities (Polytechnic and Tirana) members of the AUPELF-UREF
Municipality of Tirana, a member of the AIMF
Membership of a group of parliamentarians at the APF
Forum Francophone des Affaires

French presence in the media:
* TV5 taken by radio in a dozen cities
* IFC Films subtitled in Albanian national television
* RFI on the FM band in Tirana
* Daily Bulletin in French of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency
* All channels and French satellite

Cultural Institutions:
* 2 Alliances Françaises: Tirana and Korca
* 2 antennas: Shkoder and Elbasan

1. The teaching of French in Bulgarian schools is organized as follows:

1.1 First degree general education / 8 years of primary school education college + /

1.1.1 primary-school education:
1st - 4-Year French as their first foreign language - early teaching of foreign languages - according to the school from 1993 until the 1999-2000 school year:

3 hours / week in 1st year, 2 hours / week in 2-Year and 3 hours / week in 3rd and 4th years. The teaching of French as a second foreign language beginning in the second school year.

- French as a first foreign language - teaching foreign language early - according to the school from 1994 until the 2001-2002 school year:

3 hours / week in 1st year, 4 hours / week in 2nd year and 5 hours per week in 3rd and 4th years. The teaching of a second foreign language begins at 5th grade.

For all students who are first-year school year 2002/2003 is valid on the school according to which the teaching of a first foreign language must start from the second school year and a second foreign language -- since the fifth grade.

1.1.2 college-education:
5th - 8th year - French as a first foreign language for students who continue their education in terms of early foreign language with 5 hrs / week

in 5th and 6th years and 4 hours / week in 7th and 8th grades.

5th - 8th year - French as a first foreign language for students who begin their studies in foreign language in school in 1992 with 4 hours / week, the French as a second foreign language beginning in the 9th years;

5th - 8th year - French as a second foreign language for students who study a foreign language in terms of early foreign language with 4 hours / week.

1.2 Second level of general education

1.2.1 Secondary schools - education: schools
9th - 12th year - the first French as a foreign language - 2 hours per week until the 10 th and an option for additional hours required in 11th and 12th years.

- French as a second foreign language - 2 hours per week until the 10 th and an option for additional hours required in 11th and 12th years;

High Schools / Secondary Schools and Sections profile in schools with an entrance examination after the 7th school year with intensive courses in French: compulsory education

French as their first foreign language: 8 th - 12 th years

8th year with intensive courses in French - 18 hours / week + 1 hour new technologies in French; 9 th to 12 th year - 4 hours per week.

French as a second foreign language:
Schedule Required: 9 th - 12 th year - 2 hours per week;

Learning profile: 9th - 11th year - at least 3 hours / week; 12th year - at least 4 hours / week. Lycées professionals with an entrance examination after the 7th year with intensive courses in French:

French as their first foreign language - mandatory schedule: 8th year - 13 hours per week; 9-Year - 4 hours per week; 10 th to 12 th - 3 hours / week.

French as a second foreign language - mandatory schedule: 10th and 11th - 2 hours / week. Professional Schools and colleges with a review after 8 - grade school:
French as a first / second language - mandatory schedule: 9th and 10th grades - 2 hours / week.

The number of students who studied French in Bulgaria during the school year 2001/2002 is approximately 104 000.

1st - 4th year - 4887 students
5th - 8th school year - 45 939 students
9 th - 12 th year - 28 000 students

11 149 students studying in 54 special schools and schools with bilingual classes Franco-Bulgarian.

25 000 students studying French in professional schools, 32 have an entrance examination after the 7th grade and intensive courses in French.

The total number of French teachers in Bulgaria is 1365.

2. In Bulgaria there are 6 channels in French schools:

including one at the University of Chemical Technology and steel, one with the Technical University, another at the Academy of Medicine, a fourth at the University of Sofia. Since 1997 there is a French chain with the Higher Institute of the food industry to the city of Plovdiv and since 1999 - French branch of political science at New Bulgarian University in Sofia.

Since 1996 in Sofia was established Francophone Institute of Directors and management - a high school for French regional importance with students from Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Macedonia.

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education of Georgia, foreign language teaching in secondary schools takes place in classes V-XI at a rate of 19 hours per week.

Special schools (with teaching of French, English and other languages) start learning foreign languages from the second class and, at a rate of 42 hours per week.

The Ministry of Education has developed educational programs and has published manuals for French schoolchildren and books for teachers.

In Georgia, the French are taught in 354 schools and of these 30 schools are specialized. 55,076 students study French.

Along with state schools, private schools (Collège Saint-Exupéry, Ecole Franco-Georgian Noe Jordania, College Marie Brosset) work since the 90s.
Republic of Hungary

In general, French is the third foreign language (fourth) taught in Hungary, preceded by German and English.

However, the French under an approval, may be taught as a second language as young as 6 years. In this case, French retains its status as a second language in secondary education where it is normally optional fourth language.

There are a number of primary and secondary schools specialized in teaching French as a second language and some courses are taught in French.

There are also 4 lycées completely bilingual French-Hungarian.

In general, French is the second or third (with German) foreign language taught in Lithuania, preceded by English.

In some parts of Lithuania, French is taught in secondary schools and universities as a foreign language major.

For historical and cultural reasons, the Francophonie in Macedonia is quite alive and well represented.

This goes back to the 19th century when France, for Macedonia under occupation, was the land of the free and safe for the children of rich families Macedonian who went to schools to study in Paris, Strasbourg and elsewhere.

On the other hand, until the Second World War in Macedonia there were French schools and colleges which were run by nuns.

As to the immediate past, it should be noted that France played a leading role regarding the recognition of the new Macedonian state by international institutions.

According to the statistics of 1994 in primary schools, French is represented with 35% (compared with 57% going to the English, 5% - in Russian and 2% - in German).

In secondary education, as the first language, French returning 30% (English: 55% Russian: 9%; German: 6%). As a second language in secondary schools, French is represented with 42% (English: 42%; German: 8% and 8% Russian).

The number of teachers of French 314 (English: 344; Russian: 70; German: 15).

French is taught in schools mainly primary campaign.

The introduction of a compulsory second language for foreign students last year (the fourth) of the primary level, under the new curriculum should be for the benefit of the French language.

In 1997, bilingual sections have been introduced in secondary schools.

At the moment such sections exist in secondary schools in Kumanovo, Tetovo, Skopje, Prilep, Bitola and Negotino, with a total of 13 classes and 360 students.

These are sections where certain subjects are taught in English in four years. Each section has a firm linguistic features a library, a VCR, a television with satellite dish and a computer.

As for higher education, language and French literature is very present.

In French philology near the University "Saints Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, in first grade are about 50 students.

The Council of the Faculty of literature has adopted the principles of teaching French for beginners, which should increase the number of pupils learning French.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia, following the recommendations of the Council of Europe is determined to continue the policy - learn two foreign languages. This determination will be in favor of teaching the French language and prevent the trend of decline of French in the schools where he held the position of first language, in direct competition with English.

It should be noted that the French Cultural Center in Skopje (established in 1974) contributes to the promotion of ties between the Republic of Macedonia and France, and thus those with the Francophonie.

The Republic of Moldova is a country of Latin civilization, the only republics of the former USSR in which the official language is a language of Latin origin.

Most Moldovans are francophone.

The Moldovan government remains very committed to the French tradition and support all efforts to keep the French at the forefront of foreign languages taught in Moldova

Currently, the Republic of Moldova, French is taught by about 2,000 teachers, approximately 700,000 students - or 67% of the total number of students - in 1124 secondary schools. In these institutions known as "general culture", the French language is studied as a foreign language at the rate of 2 to 3 hours per week (from second to twelfth).

There are also specialized schools, further education in one or several subjects, including English. The schools are specialized in French to the number of 115.

In these institutions, the French language is taught from second to twelfth at 4 to 5 hours per week. In addition to elements of general linguistics, are studied in French, a number of subjects, including literature, geography, or more specific disciplines and techniques.

In higher education, State University of Moldova, Chisinau Pedagogical University, Pedagogical University in Baltimore and the Free University of Moldova international offer their courses in English and are in total in the English language, almost 750 students per year. The Technical University has been 4 years with a channel for lessons in French. It forms each year, more than 80 construction engineers, radio, clothing, electrical engineering.

Since 1998 educational institutions and libraries of Moldova have received a donation of 80,000 pounds of the Alliance Française.

Emissions of a French language schools are broadcast on national radio, 'Dis-moi tout' and television, 'The French space.


Based on the 2005-2006 school year, to 3.3% of pupils in primary and secondary schools, French is a compulsory language, but 65.0% of students studying English, 33.6% -- German, 6.1% - Russian.

Furthermore, as additional language, 1% of pupils in primary and secondary schools study French, 14.1% - English and 10.7% - German. English, German, Russian and French are the languages most commonly taught in school, but there are schools where we study other languages such as Spanish or Italian.

In elementary school (grades 1 - 6), for 0.5% of students, French is a compulsory language, to 48.4% - English to 15.0% - German and 2, 1% - Russian. Furthermore, as additional language, 0.7% of students studying French, 24.6% - English and 7.8% - German.

In college (grades 7 - 8), for 1.5% of students, English is a compulsory language, to 73.8% - English to 27.9% - German and 2.6% -- Russian. Furthermore, as additional language, 2.5% of students studying French, 12.0% - English and 26.7% - German.

In grammar school (grades 10 - 12) where two languages are required, French as a compulsory language is studied by 13.2% of students, English - 97.4%, German - 71, 0% and Russian - 11.4%. Furthermore, as additional language, 0.3% of students studying French, English - 0.3% and German - 0.4%.

In Romania, the general education extends over 8 years, it includes primary and secondary education (classes I to IV and, respectively, V-VIII).

Starting from the third grade, students can choose between several languages, namely English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian and even Japanese.

The study of a second modern language begins in secondary school, in fifth. The study of the figures shows that the number of students learning foreign languages is increasing year by year, and among these, the French occupies a privileged place.

For example:

* for the academic year 1994/1995, in the 562,212 primary school pupils studying French and 250,693 pupils in English and in secondary education, 706,097 have studied French as their first language and modern 210,755 as a second language, while 296,820 students learned English as their first language and 328,923 as a second language;

*For the academic year 1995/1996, in the 593,979 primary school pupils studying French and 271,868 pupils in English and in secondary education, 698,258 have studied French as their first language and modern 214,965 as a second language, while 318,165 students learned English as their first language and 322,513 as a second language;

* For the academic year 1996/1997, in the 609,877 primary school pupils studying French and 293,589 pupils in English and in secondary education, 692,325 have studied French as their first language and modern 217,882 as a second language, while 907,780 students learned English as their first language and 991,896 as a second language.

According to Article 32 of the Constitution and the provisions of the Education Act No. 84/1995, education in Romania can also be provided in a language of international communication.

Law No. 84/1995 stipulates that the Ministry of Education to approve the organization of units and institutions for this purpose.

In these schools, language and Romanian literature, history of Romanians and Geography of Romania are taught only in Romanian.

Under these provisions, the Ministry of Education adopted a regulation on the organization and functioning of bilingual classes and intensive.

The intensive study of a language of international communication is the form of education in which the first modern language is taught in an increased number of hours of study.

This program is introduced in primary schools from the 3rd class and in the secondary from the 5th grade. The bilingual program is the form of organized education at high schools (grades IX and XII), in which education is taught in Romanian language and language of international communication for some discipline of study.

This program applies only to the teaching of the first foreign language. Now (1998-1999), in Romania there are 60 sections in schools with bilingual French students in 5199.


Language teaching is not usually in the program mandatory Czech schools. In such cases, the figure among the French languages.

There is, however, the Czech Republic in 1500 qualified teachers in learning the language.

French is the third foreign language taught in the Czech Republic, after English and German. It is taught to 6% of pupils in primary schools. In secondary schools follows the course of 14% of French students.

Czech Republic 4 schools are bilingual Franco-Czech.

In Prague there is a school system or the enseingement is provided in French, started kindergarten to secondary schools.

In some other Czech cities are also institutions that provide instruction in French, but it remains relatively rare.

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Translated from http://apf.pcf.be/ROOT/apf/enseignement_francais.html
Juan Carlos II Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:04 am GMT
More French to be taught in Serbian schools

The Minister said that French as a first foreign language is taught in 50 primary schools and as a second language in 600 schools.

He added that 25 mentors for the French language have been trained and that this agreement confirms a good educational cooperation between France and Serbia.

Terral said that there are at least three reasons for France wanting to promote the French language in Serbia, France refuses to accept the world’s uniformity, ‘Francophonie’ and Serbia’s European perspective.


Anti-lune   Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:07 am GMT
The Republic of Moldova is a country of Latin civilization, the only republics of the former USSR in which the official language is a language of Latin origin.

Most Moldovans are francophone.

The Moldovan government remains very committed to the French tradition and support all efforts to keep the French at the forefront of foreign languages taught in Moldova

Currently, the Republic of Moldova, French is taught by about 2,000 teachers, approximately 700,000 students - or 67% of the total number of students - in 1124 secondary schools. In these institutions known as "general culture", the French language is studied as a foreign language at the rate of 2 to 3 hours per week (from second to twelfth).

There are also specialized schools, further education in one or several subjects, including English. The schools are specialized in French to the number of 115.

In these institutions, the French language is taught from second to twelfth at 4 to 5 hours per week. In addition to elements of general linguistics, are studied in French, a number of subjects, including literature, geography, or more specific disciplines and techniques.

In higher education, State University of Moldova, Chisinau Pedagogical University, Pedagogical University in Baltimore and the Free University of Moldova international offer their courses in English and are in total in the English language, almost 750 students per year. The Technical University has been 4 years with a channel for lessons in French. It forms each year, more than 80 construction engineers, radio, clothing, electrical engineering.

Since 1998 educational institutions and libraries of Moldova have received a donation of 80,000 pounds of the Alliance Française.

Emissions of a French language schools are broadcast on national radio, 'Dis-moi tout' and television, 'The French space. >>

If Moldovans gets disappointed with the current language situation in their country because of the rivalry between Romanian and Russian, I believe that they would adopt French as their official language and eventually as their first language which would lead Romania and Bulgaria to follow.
Visitor   Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:30 am GMT
<< In Germany is the second most studied language, after English. In France is also the second, after English. >>

En Allemagne, le français reste de loin la 2nde langue vivante la plus étudiée dans l’enseignement général (19,4 % des élèves à la rentrée 2007), en léger recul après plusieurs années de progression (2004 : 17,7 %, 2006 : 19,7 %) avec une avancée dans certains Länder (Bavière, Brême, Hambourg), un recul dans d’autres (« nouveaux » Länder, Berlin).


In Deutschland ist Französisch an allgemeinbildenden Schulen immer noch die am zweithäufigsten gelernte lebende Sprache. Nach einem Anstieg von 2004 (17,7 %) bis 2006 (19,7 %) ist der Anteil jedoch 2007 leicht zurückgegangen (19,4 %). In einigen Bundesländern ist er zuletzt gestiegen (Bayern, Bremen, Hamburg) und in anderen gesunken (ostdeutsche Länder, Berlin).


In English:

In Germany, the French remain by far the 2nd foreign language most studied in the general education (19.4% of students in September 2007), slightly down after several years of growth (2004: 17.7%, 2006 : 19.7%) with a breakthrough in some Länder (Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg), a decrease in other ( "new" Länder, Berlin).