German is prettier and more important than Sp and Fr

greg   Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:47 pm GMT
Qwaggmireland : « Germanics are more hardworking then Romance natives. »

Ça saute pas aux yeux... Les Espagnols, Italiens et Français travaillent chaque semaine plus longtemps que les Allemands, Néerlandais et Britanniques.

Qwaggmireland : « England, Holland, Flanders, Germany, Austria, Luxemburg, Lichtenstein and Switzerland and the Scanderlands are workloving nation, France and Spain are workshy viva imperialist nations. »

Alors reprenons les données du tableau précédent :

Roumanie → 40,5 h/sem
Danemark → 39,5 h/sem
Espagne → 39,3 h/sem
Portugal → 39,0 h/sem
Autriche → 38,9 h/sem
Italie → 38,4 h/sem
France → 38,0 h/sem

UE à 27 → 38,0 h/sem

Belgique → 37,1 h/sem
Royaume-Uni → 36,9 h/sem
Luxembourg → 36,7 h/sem
Irlande → 36,4 h/sem
Suède → 36,4 h/sem
Allemagne → 35,5 h/sem
Pays-Bas → 30,8 h/sem.

Qwaggmireland : « The height of French and Spanish work effic consists of selling rotten melons, olives and stinky dryed nasty Latin sausuage and amphibian meat on the side of dusty baked pot-holed roads. »

Sans oublier les centrales nucléaires vendues par les Français aux Britanniques, dont le parc indigène est du même niveau que Tchernobyl.
Baldewin   Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:06 pm GMT
La duration du travail ne nous dit rien de l'intensité. Il ne faut pas oublier cela. Les japonais par exemple sont connus pour travailler très longtemps, mais ils partagent aussi plus leurs heures.
12345   Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:17 pm GMT
« Germanics are more hardworking then Romance natives. »

I think exactly the opposite.

The Romance people had an amazing success through the history making big empires, and that is not very easy. They had to be hardworking, efficient, more creative and technically better than the other countries.

The Romance people had 4 important empires: Rome, Spanish Empire, French Africa and Portuguese Empire.

Thanks to them, 3 Romance languages are in the top ten: Spanish, Portuguese and French.

On the other hand, only English as Germanic language is represented in the top ten languages.

So, Romance languages 3- Germanic ones 1.
Baldewin   Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:21 pm GMT
English crushed them all, unless they find a few of lumping French, Spanish and Portuguese together. Perhaps drop French and use Portuñol and make everyone in the Lusophone and Hispanophone world switch to it over the course of years (which can be done under some dictatorial rule).

Or be REALLY progresive and all speak Interlingua. Romance peoples unite!
Guest.   Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:34 pm GMT
<<English crushed them all>>


Go to Miami in Florida, Los Angeles in California or San Antonio in Texas and you wouldn't confirm me that...