Romanian a MADE up language

Athena   Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:30 pm GMT
romenian is not the closest to latin, the closest is Greek because latin was formed from greek with words and sytax and gerund plus supin and some morfologic structure.

Romenian is a joke not closest to latin
S.P.Q.R   Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:09 pm GMT
@ Athena you are corect to some idea, greek is close to reasembling latin, but in syntax supin and gerun the ectorum nobile is conforming with my treferences. i'm talking about the 'Ignoro quid ags from morfologico in latin and 'skitis' in greek and modern greek.Yes greek is closer to latin syntax than portoghese reasemblin the adjectives and the supin is never like gerund.or it is ? no.
Latino   Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:23 pm GMT
>I'm not a troll i gave treferences of what i'm talking<

And where are they ? some cheeps amator books you buy from second hand In Italy in 1941 the Mussolini "pre-forza italia" nationalistic era ?the internet is more acurate than your Italian nationalistic outdated cheep books.The internet is listing online acurate publications and international linguistic websites, not roumors from the 1950.Sorin at last give you some official references homework (compito).Grazie.

**LINGUISTIC References

Uwe, Hinrichs, Handbuch der Südosteuropa-Linguistik N. Vincent: "Latin",
The Romance Languages, M. Harris and N. Vincent, eds., K. P. Harrington, J. Pucci, A. G. Elliott, Medieval Latin
Rosetti, Alexandru, Istoria limbii romane,
Bennett, Charles E. Latin Grammar (Allyn and Bacon, Chicago, 1908)
N. Vincent: "Latin", Romance Languages, M. Harris and N. Vincent, eds, (Oxford Univ. Press. 1990),
Waquet, Françoise, Latin, or the Empire of a Sign
Wheelock, Frederic. Latin: An Introduction.**
VERITAS   Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:31 pm GMT
After looking in the archive… very interesting, Brennus aparently like Romanian language, and he consider is the closest to clasical Latin !

What is your favourite Romance language?
Brennus Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:56 am GMT

Probably, Romanian. It is the closest to Classical Latin in many ways and still preserves some words used by classical writers like Cicero, Livy, Ovid and Appolonius of Tyre which have disappeared in the Western Romance languages. For example, burã (breeze) and boarã (North Wind) from the Classical Latin 'Boreas' (North Wind).

Brennus Monday, April 25, 2005, 22:09 GMT

"Romanian" is right to some extent. While the Romanian language is not without its Vulgar Latin elements it contains more words of a Classical Latin nature to like - a s,opti - "to whisper" from sopteo "to sigh", - înt,eleg - "I understand from Intellego (used by Cicero)”
greg Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 07:59 GMT

Romanian appears to be more conservative than Western Romance. Or, I should write, than some Western Romance languages since Old French maintained a bicasual declension – nominative vs non-nominative – while (according to what I read) Romanian has four cases with two case-endings – one for nominative and accusative, another for genitive and dative. Plus Romanian seems to have kept vocative for human animates.

Which living language is the closest to Latin
Romanian Wednesday, April 27, 2005, 00:33 GMT

Classical Latin vs. Vulgar Latin

"Church" in Classical Latin= Basilica>>Romanian=Biserica
"Church" in Vulgar Latin= Eclessia>>French-eglise,Italian-chiesa,Spanish-iglesia,Portuguese-igreja.

Unfortunately in this days there is a big nomber of Trolls insolting and poluting here antimoon.
Philx   Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:07 pm GMT
Italano = basilica.
limba romana= lingua romana
Luis Zalot   Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:03 pm GMT
Pure nationlism! nonetheless!

All the romance languages and even greek have similarities with Classical & Vulgar Latin.

Romanian and Esperanto are just "new-bies." The way Modern hebrew is to Archaic Hebrew; spoken in 500b.c. (WHICH WAS BROUGHT BACK TO USAGE, BY THE ISRAELIS "IMPOSED" BY U.N in ISRAEL.) Hence, nationalism at bring something back from the past; it's just that "Romanian" had a fraction of latin words (back in the 19th century), mostly academic latin: not everyday used in EVERYDAY life. Until they found out they've been ruled by "real" Romans back in 200-400 a.d (Which this nationalism inspired them to re-do their language.) And they even had to ask for guidence from the REAL Neo-Latin tongues for advice, that's why some words from Romanian stem from French origin with less of Italian origin etc, And this spark the intiative: that THEY had and decided to RE-LATINIZED their lingua franca to literally; "Latin or Classical latin." Morever S.P.Q.R has a point on Romanian only perserving the "declension" that's all; and has some words: but is polluted with Slavic/baltic pronunciation and syntax word order formation (even how it's written sounds barbaric.) It has a lot of tildes!

For your information "classical latin is an artificial language: which was never used amongst the romans, just by poets and politicians."While Vulgar latin was the REAL latin language that everbody spoke and understood, thus the real latin language. AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT.

"Ne Plus Ultra."
S.P.Q.R   Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:18 pm GMT
I agree with you Louis Zalot!
Classical latin was not a real language! Was a litterary language, never used in daily life, plus romanain resembles less of all the syntactic system of classical latin.
The soldiers who conquered dacia spoke like cicero? No.
Cicero   Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:15 pm GMT
I think S.P.Q.R is pathetic. He is a syntax maniac and freak desperately trying to ignore and deny Romanian’s conservative structure, when you can clearly see the conservative Romanian being the closest to Classical Latin.

There are at least 9 points found only in Classical Latin and Romanian, non-existent in other Romance or Vulgar Latin.

1. Neuter gender of nouns from Classical Latin present only in Romanian
2. Romanian is more archaic and conservative than any other Romance.
3. Declension categories for the NOUN, just as in the case of Classical Latin.
4. Romanian verbs continues the CLASSICAL LATIN forms:
5. four conjugation types, having the same thematic vowels
6. three personal moods (indicative, subjunctive, imperative) three non-personal moods (infinitive, gerund, participle).
7. Phonetically, Romanian kept Latin diphthongs from classical Latin, unlike other Romance languages. Classical Latin "au" remained "au" in Romanian:
8. Endings in “U”. Only Romanian, Sicilian, and Sardinian kept its endings in “U” from Classical Latin, versus “O” in Vulgar Latin and western Romance.
9.Romanian maintains from Classical Latin the synthetic Genitive and Dative

It is also true that Romanian syntax was influenced by Slavic to some extent. But that influence still makes Romanian the closest to Classical Latin. Basically, S.P.Q.R has proved 1 point (the syntax) promoting other Romance languages. But Romanian has at least 9 strong points in common with classical Latin.

Something very amusing and however proving Romanian as “the closest”. You can clearly see the Classical Latin diphthong “AU” in Romanian and inexistent in Spanish.

>>Classical Latin "taurus" (bull) - Romanian "taur" - Spanish "toro"
scuse me ? what is "toro"? I cant see any O in Classical Latin "taurus" only in "LOL<<
S.P.Q.R   Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:00 am GMT
Yes, it is closer to classical latin, because the soldier who conquerd dacia where cicero,tacitus,caesar virgil and ovid.
William baker   Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:20 am GMT
Romanian's history is 'simply'-wishy washy- nevertheless. Despite it's current language; which claims to be a direct and conversative decendant. That's a BUNCH of baloney!

What I think;

Sardinian and the rest are real testaments and have proved for centuries and millenniums that their the real decendants of Classical & vulgar latin; not some esperanto like tongue invented in the baltic region.

Romania? I wonder if they'll convert to "catholicism" next. Only time will tell, apparently with this country "EVOLUTION" proves to work at accelerative rates.
asturianu   Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:23 am GMT
I agree 100%........*open your eyes people*
Stefaniel P Spaniel   Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:58 am GMT
"not some esperanto like tongue invented in the baltic region."

I can't really see what Latvia, Sweden, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Germany and Poland have to do with all this.

"milleniums" - should be "millenia" - it is a latin derived word :)
asturianu   Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:25 am GMT
"Romania? I wonder if they'll convert to "catholicism" next. Only time will tell, apparently with this country "EVOLUTION" proves to work at accelerative rates."

this is golden!
S.P.Q.R   Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:21 pm GMT
In what the romanian is conserative if a rokmanian uses the same constructs as a slavic person?
Sorin   Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:39 pm GMT
“Brennus Monday, April 25, 2005, 22:09 GMT

"Romanian" is right to some extent. While the Romanian language is not without its Vulgar Latin elements it contains more words of a Classical Latin nature to like - a sopti - "to whisper" from sopteo "to sigh", - înteleg - "I understand from Intellego (used by Cicero)

The only genuine person who knows the Romanian language in this forum is Brennus. The rest are just TABULA RASA infantile and insecure Latin trolls.

Cicero’s Classical Latin (intellego) – “to understand” preserved in Romanian (Inteleg).

Classical Latin---Intellego (understand)
Romanian --------Inteleg


Classical Latin------------------------Romanian
1st sing.-----intellego ----------------inteleg
2nd sing.----intellegis --------------- intelegi
3rd sing.----intellegit---------------- intelege
1st plur --- -intellegimus------------ intelegem
2ns plur.----intellegitis-------------- intelegeti
3rd plur.----intellegunt --------------inteleg

Everyone can see how conservative is Romanian, preserving even Cicero’s Classical Latin. (intellego). The etymology for “Intelligence”

S.P.Q.R Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:00 am GMT
Yes, it is closer to classical latin, because the soldier who conquerd dacia where cicero,tacitus,caesar virgil and ovid.

No, Cicero didn't conquer Dacia (but only Romanian preserved “Intellego” from Cicero’s Latin.) Hence Romanian being the clossest to Classical Latin.

I gave you examples and academic references; you post only insults, spam, nonsense and infantilisms.

"Cainii latra, caravana trece."
"The dogs (TROLLS) bark, the caravan goes by."