The Vlach (aromanian) language

Georgero   Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:07 am GMT
The fact that Italians use it, doesn't make it for sure a Latin word. Romans used the word <quod> and <autem> if I remember well.
Igor   Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:44 pm GMT
I can not recognise a language on a board in Skopje, Macedonia, and I was wondering if it could be Aromanian. The sentence is: "Yu arutsa cupria?" It should mean: "Where will you throw the garbage?"
Thanks for your help.
Igor   Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:57 pm GMT
About the word "ama": it is used in almost all languages that back in time were spoken in the Otoman Empire - with slight differences in its meaning. I would say it is comming from Turkish. It is true that it probably has the same semantics as the word "but" in some latin languages: IT - ma, FR - mais. But in Italian "but" is also "pero", and "pero" is also the word in Spanish...
Georgero   Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:12 pm GMT
To Igor

It sounds Aromanian.
to throw = a arunca, aruncare (RO) = a aruntsa, aruntsare (Aromanian) = eruncare (Latin)

But I can't be 100% sure. It could also be some kind of Romales (Gipsy) language.
Georgero   Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:02 pm GMT
Some of Romales people are also some kind of cans manufacturers. One of their tribes are called "Căldărari" (Latin = caldaria). (Bucket makers). These gipsy guys are metal scavangers. But they don't throw away the metal they find (sometimes stolen), they make pretty good copper cans and buckets. That's why they may identify <cupria> (copper) with rubbish.
These Gipsies were slaves in Wallachia until 1850 and they borrowed some Latin words from Romanians.
Roman   Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:53 am GMT
Some borrowed some words and some even borrowed the Romanian language as a whole. In Bulgaria for example as I heard some Gipsies use the Romanian language as their mother tongue.
Marius   Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:06 pm GMT
"Some borrowed some words and some even borrowed the Romanian language as a whole. In Bulgaria for example as I heard some Gipsies use the Romanian language as their mother tongue."

Those gypsies were just migrating from Romania deep in the Balkans and Bulgaria. There are gypsies in Transylvania that speak Hungarian as their mother tongue and then there are gypsies in Hungary that speak Slovak as their mother tongue.

Nothing uncommon considering gypsies as migratory people without a country.
Alexandru   Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:00 pm GMT
Latinized Hellenes ??? – That was an unsuccessful nationalistic Greek propaganda! Those people in Greece speak very clearly a dialect of Romanian. Megleno-Romanian

Is hard to say is a dialect of romanian......
The dialects of romanian language are moldavian wallachian and transylvanian.
An romanian can't understand more than 65% from what said an aromanian and vice versa.
But....we have more in common with romanians then with greeks in special traditions exclamations proverbs grammar.....
Latinized Hellenes? who said that or he dont't know what is aromanian or is crazy or is greek propagandist.

"wever, his Aromanian writing doesn't look very authentic to me"
Ce-ai vrut sa spui aici ca sunt putin nelamurit:)?
Georgero   Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:58 am GMT
Am vrut să spun că, sincer, am vz cum scrii în machedoneşte şi nu mi se pare că este limbă autentică. Scuze, dacă mă înşel.

I wanted to say that, sincerely, I saw you writing in Aromanian, and it didn't look like an authentic language to me. Sorry, if I'm wrong.
Alexandru   Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:29 pm GMT
Familia mea e originara din Grammos si eu vb gramosteana poate de aia ti se pare mai ciudat.Tu stii sigur cum arata farserota si de aia..... poate sa fi gresit si eu ca nu stiu asa bine cum stiu ai mei armaneasti desi nu cred ,ca nu tin minte sa fi scris in machidoneste pe aici...:)
Igor   Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:37 am GMT
Thank you all for useful info.
Georgero   Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:53 pm GMT
A few Latin proverbs in Aromanian and similar in some other Romance languages:

Aro: Care s'minteaşte cu miare şi nu'şi alindze dzeadzitili?
Ro: Cine umblă cu miere şi nu-şi linge degetele?
Sp: El que ende anda con miel se moja los dedos
It: Chi maneggia il mele si lecca le dita

Aro: Bosca n'are urec'le, ma un trat veade si avde
Lat: Campus habet ocuos, silva aures
Ro: Câmpul are ochi, pădurea urechi
It: Il piano ha occhi e il bosco orecchi

Aro: Câţi oamini, tut ahânti minţă
Ro: Câţi oameni, tot atâtea minţi
Lat: Quot homines, tot sententiae
It: Tanti uomini, tanti pareri

Ar: Corb cu corb nu'şi scot ocl'i
Ro: Corb cu corb nu-şi scoate ochii
It: Corvi con corvi non si cavano gli occhi
Sardinian: Corvu cum corvu non sinde bogat s'oju

Ar: Cu ună lilice nu's face (primu)veara.
Ro: Cu o floare nu se face (primă)vara.
Lat: Unu flos non facit (prima)ver.
Po: Uma flor nao faz (prima)vera

Ar: Bolu s'leagă di coarne, omlu di limbă
Ro: Boul se leagă de coarne, omul de limbă
Lat: Taurorum cornua funes, verba ligant homines
sergiu   Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:50 pm GMT
"sugar" , Adam, means sibling...a breast fed baby!
Georgero   Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:33 am GMT

The guy wanted to know the equivalent of English word <sugar, zahar>", not the Romanian\Aromanian <sugar, baby>. ;)
Alexandru   Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:53 am GMT
I've seen a discussion here about "ama" from aromanian...
I believe isn't from turkish,more from latin because in aromanian exist tendence to add at many words "a" like armanu=raman=to remain,aspuni=spune=to say,arosu=rosu=red