A message to Frederick From Norway and Fab

LAA   Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:18 pm GMT
There was a discussion yesterday on the meaning of the term "Latin", and what criteria constitutes a Latin nation.

One of the criteria points had something to do with the population having a significant, if not majority of its ethnic origin being "Latin".

Carlos, myself, and another person agreed to all the criteria.

Fab questioned the "ethnic" aspect of Latinity, and asked what was a Latin? Did it apply only to the people of Latium, only to the people of the Mediterranean, to the Arabs, just the Italians, or the people of Rome, or what?

I left the answer to that question to Carlos and the other fellow. Unfortunately, they have yet to respond to Fab's question, so I am more than delighted to answer it myself.

The term "Latin", when used in an ethnic context, is a rather ambigious term.

Generally speaking, "Latin" as it pertains to ethnic origins, is used interchangeably with "southern European", or "mediterranean".

That being said, most professional sources would classify the people of the Iberian peninsula, as well as Italy, as being "southern European", or sometimes the expression "Latin" is used.

The people of France's traditional ethnic group, the so called "Gallic majority", are considered to be "Celtic and Latin, with Teutonic". Whereas the people of Spain, Portugal, and Italy are classified as "southern European", also known as, "Mediterranean population", or sometimes the term, "Latin" is used.

Most people would say that Spaniards and Italians are distinctly different looking than the average Frenchmen. Most people don't categorize the French with the Mediterranean peoples of southern Europe, at least outside of France.

The typical Frenchman does not look Teutonic, like your typical Dutchman or German, with the exception of the people of the far north of France, who experienced the least Roman settlement, and the heaviest Frankish settlement.

The typical Frenchman also does not look like the typical Spaniard or Italian either.

The typical Frenchman is somewhat in the middle.

The south of France recieved very little Germanic settlement, while also experiencing, the densest Roman colonization.

The base group of the French were the Gauls, a Celtic people. These Gauls, were then Romanized culturally and linguistically, while predominantly in the southern regions, there was substantial mixing between them and the Romans, who were a mediterranean people.

Evidence of this can be clearly seen by the phenotype of the French people, particularly in the south. The average modern day Frenchman looks nothing like the Celts of Ireland. The French, particuarly in the south, look somewhat like a cross between a mediterranean people and a Celtic people, which they are.

The northern regions of France, recieved very little Roman colonization, as it was geographically more distant from Rome and the Italian peninsula, and because the climate was less suitable to the Roman's fancy, ie. - couldn't grow grapes as much, etc.

So, the majority of the Gauls of the northern regions remained, essentially Celtic in ethnic terms. Northern Gaul later became the recepient of the overwhelming majority of Frankish settlers, who then mixed with the native Celts, producing a people that was most definitely not mediterranean/Latin in origin.

The conception of France as a whole, for those of us outside of France, is that of Paris. In the eyes of most foreigners, Paris symbolizes all the things French, and sets the standard for French culture, language, etc. This is not a false notion, and is backed up by historical evidence. Paris, a northern region, and capital of the Franks, set the standard for the rest of France, and its language was imposed upon the rest of France for the purpose of national unity. Its language, the langue d'oil was more distant from the vulgar Latin descendant languages of the south of France, which had retained more of its Gallo-Roman culture, being that it was the most heavily Romanized, and the least settled by Germanic peoples. The langue d'oil recieved the most Germanic influence on the language, and this can be seen by its unique phonology. Paris and the regions of the north of France, which held a dominant position, being that it was the political, economic, and cultural center of the country, spread its language and culture to the rest of France, so that today, France is essentially thought of as Parisian.

For Fab and Greg, who insist on claiming that France is just as "Latin" as Spain or Italy, I give you this.

France is indeed a Latin country because its cultural historical base is Gallo-Roman, not withstanding significant Frankish influence, and its language and religion are derived from Rome. So, France is a Latin country.

But where Fab and myself/Frederick From Norway differ, is that we feel that France is more alienated from Latin culture than Spain or Italy are.

These are the reasons we do not identify France with Spain and Italy, the same way we do amongst each other.

Latin people are very exuberant, amorous, passionate, warm, familial, open, vivacious, and the culture is somewhat more effeminate, less war-like, etc. When I think Latin I think of the western Mediterranean countries, and vibrant colors, etc. They eat a Mediterranean cuisine, which is olive oil based, garlic, wine, light meals, etc. Northern European people are more reserved, restrained, less linked with the arts, less emotional, less family oriented, and less effeminate, more masculine. They are a stouter people. They eat big/heavy/hardy meals, featuring a lot of meat and potatoes. They are a beer based culture.

France is in between the two. They are more of a middle ground. Almost everyone you talk to, outside of France, will say the same thing. The people themselves are clearly not Teutonic looking for the most part, maybe with the exception of the far northern provinces. Yet, they are not Mediterranean looking for the most part either, so that they are sort of a middle ground between the phenotypes of the northern peoples and the southern peoples. The language is a Romance language, but yet, more flat, and without the same rhythm that Spanish and Italian have, which subconsciously gives you the impression that the language is less Mediterranean or southern European. The traditional religion of France was Catholicism, but the France was historically never as Catholic as Spain and Italy. France had the wars of religion, where the country was divided between the Catholics and the Protestants, so that there was a very large Protestant minority. Such a dissension from the Catholic faith would never have been tolerated or taken root in Spain and Italy. Whole sections of France were autonomous Protestant domains! King Henry was himself a Protestant when he ascended to the throne. When the revolution took place in France, the bourgeoisie confiscated the wealth of the Catholic Church, and slaughtered the clergy. This shows the anti-clerical/papist undercurrent of French society, which was not existent in all too Catholic Spain and Italy. Since then, the French government and society have undergone extensive secularization (1800-1900 time period). I know that nearly all western governments have done the same thing in the last century, but prior to that, in the 1800s, French society had already been secularized, while life in Spain and Italy was still dominated by the dictates of the Church. French cuisine is varied, but the French standard in international eyes, is Parisian cuisine. “What is often known outside of France as French cuisine is the traditionally elaborate haute cuisine, served in restaurants for high prices. This cuisine is mostly influenced by the regional cuisines of Lyon and northern France, with a marked touch of refinement.” French food is rich, full of thick sauces, a butter based cuisine like much of northern Europe, whereas Mediterranean cooking is olive oil based. The people themselves are in between the southern Europeans and the northern Europeans in their temperment and disposition. They don’t hesitate to show affection the same way northern European do. They kiss their friends on the cheek, etc. But they are also more reserved, more restrained than southern Europeans are. Ask anybody outside of France, and this opinion is nearly unanimous. The French are very concerned with manners and formalities, which is not a southern European characteristic. The climate, which subconsciously effects a person’s view of the country, is also very northern European. Southern France is very mediterranean yes, but to international eyes, France is seen through the prisims of Paris, which is situated in Northern Europe. It snows there, and is cold there, etc.

Those are all reasons why I don’t associate France with southern Europe as clearly as I do Spain and Italy. But, as I’ve said, I don’t associate France with northern Europe like Germany and Holland either.

These are what makes France “Latin”. The French have this Latin mentality to some extent, where you are supposed to take life slow, and enjoy it. Enjoy the fine things of life. Take the afternoon off, and enjoy the company of your friends or family, over a civilized lunch meal, with a glass of wine. Meals are not heavy like German or Dutch cuisine. The French are romanticists. They are occupied with love and romance. The French are very chic. France is famous for its fashion, design, art, etc. None of these factors are characteristics of northern European countries. Although the French language sounds more removed from the Latin base, it is still a Romance language nonetheless. And although France’s history is less of a Catholic one than Spain and Italy, French culture’s religious aspect was still shaped by a Catholic past. And there are parts of southern France which are very mediterranean. When you think of France, what often comes to mind, is rolling hills of vinyards, and the French riviera. French attitudes toward sex is also very southern European. French women frequently take their tops off at the beach, as if it were no problem. This is not as common among northern European cultures, and is considered more of a cultural taboo. The French are a very sensual, and volouptous people like the Italians and Spaniards are. This is not a northern European characteristic.

So, my opion, which is shared by most people I come in contact with outside of France, is that France is a Latin country, but is a middle ground between northern Europe and southern Europe.

The following are quotes from a discussion between Fab and Frederick. If you would like to read the debate in its entirety, you can select the link below.


"Although the French language is based predominately on Latin, the French people I have talked to ( from both France and Quebec) definitely don't like to be lumped together with the Spanish, Italians, Romanians and South Americans. When I told a French-Canadian friend of mine (Jean-Paul Gagnon) once that the Latin peoples were the "Spaniards, Italians, Romanians and possibly the French" he promptly corrected me and said said "No, we consider ourselves to be a Germanic people," and a French woman I met from Lyons about 25 years ago expressed nothing but contempt for the Spanish language when I told her that I had studied a lot of Spanish but not much French."

"might feel that French lacks, for instance, the typical –a and –o endings that make other Romance languages sound ‘Latin’." The French language itself sounds very distant from the other Latin languages, as opposed to say, Italian and Spanish.

"Of course linguistically the French are Latin / Romance, but ethnically I would say Gallic, just like the Spanish are Latin - Iberian.

Latin culture in Europe - isn't that in some way connected to Mediterranean culture? At least Provence feels more Latin than Normandy does!"

" don't think the Romans wiped out all Gauls and completely settled France with Romans. I was more like fabbrice says about Spain: Quite a lot of Romans came and mixed with the local Gauls, who then adopted the Latin language. I suspect you have read too much Asterix!

You don't have to have red hair to be a Celt! That is mostly people in Ireland and Scotland. Welsh people are known as not very tall, with brown hair and brown eyes, much like the French! Do all Bretons (who are also Celts) have red hair?

Of course most of France is Latin in the linguistical sense. But culturally I think Central France resembles Germany just as much as it does resemble Italy and Spain. (I suppose this will drive you crazy!!!) And I don't mean that Central France is Germanic, just that it is Central European."

"The fact that French differs much more from Latin than Italian and Spanish (especially when it comes to pronounciation) point to the fact that there was a large native Gallic population who adopted the foreign Latin language. "

"If Latin culture is defined as western Mediterranean culture then Italy, Southern France and Spain would have Latin cultures." - I agree.

"Italian and Spanish are closer to Latin than French is.
This may be because:
- Italy and Spain were more familiar to the homeland of the Romans (Latium), so they colonized it more thoroughly
- The influence of the Germanic migrations was smaller in Italy and Spain than in France"

" What is so Latin about Normandy, French Flanders, Artois, Ile-de-France, Champagne etc., except the language? People grow and drink wine, but that is done in Southern Germany, too! People have a midday break and hot lunch, but that is similar in much of Germany, too!"

"Linguistically and culturally all of you are Latin. But France is the bridge between Southern and Northern Europe. Today there is a common French culture in all France, but historically there has been a big divide between North and South in France. People in Normandy are not as warm-blooded, hot-tempered, life-enjoying, amourous as people in Provence, Languedoc etc, I think. The famous French "raison" does not seem very Mediterranean!

I am an amateur in Romance languages, but to me Spanish and Italian look more similar. Casa, si, gracias/grazie etc.
But I can see the phonetic similarities between French and Italian (giorno / jour), and also that written French shows that French used to be much closer than today's spoken French is." - I agree!!!

"I think you guys are very post-1789 French, when France tried to establish a uniform French culture in all of France. England and Germany were the big enemies, so France had to prove that it was exclusively Latin and not Northern European at all!"

"Saying that people in Orleans and Napoli share the same Latin culture is like saying that Norway and Germany share the same Germanic culture. Maybe 50 % correct, but not more."

" And that idea is the idea of a LATIN France. We are not uncivilized barbarians like the Germans, the English or the Americans!!!!"

"Yes, linguistically you are all Latin. But culturally? That is more dubious... "

"To me, Latin is about sexiness (which central, rural France is not!), pulsating life, a live-and-let-go attitude, openness, superficiality, a distrust in the state, a strong belief in family, a cuisine with a lot of vegetables, spices and fish, strong colours, wine etc." - I AGREE STRONGLY!!!

"Take film for instance:
Italian and Spanish film have a sentimental simplicity that can be really heart-warming! Noisy, but loving. French films are more silent and sad..."

"No, not spicy as in Latin America. But like herbes de Provence...
Yes, white (and pink etc.!) houses! While in Northern France they are grey and brown.
Superficial at first glance, but (especially Spaniards) deep and tragic, yes! That is to me Latin: People sitting together, and suddenly wanting to laugh, sing etc just because they are together and they know the world is old and cruel, but also beautiful." - very true

"But France is often so very refined, so aristocratic, so pessimistic, so quarrelsome.
Although Spain and Italy can be refined they are simple and basic at the same time.
This is best seen in films and cuisine." - I AGREE STRONGLY WITH THIS QUOTE ALSO

"Of course my image of France is very coloured by Paris. Because Paris defines Frenchness" - to outsiders at least. I AGREE

"But don't misunderstand me, I love the more positive sides of France. The enjoyment of civilized company, of manners (bonjour, madame!), of living the perfect, Gallic lifestyle, the charmingly naïve beflief in that life outside France is not liveable, the passion people have for cheeses, the energy people use in keeping traditions alive just because they are French and lovely etc... " - I agree. I love the uniqueness of French culture. But these examples are not mediterranean.

"I have to say that my belief is: Culture changes a bit from region to region, and not in big jumps. Holland share something with Flanders and Flanders share something with Wallonia and Wallonia with Northern France and Northern France with Central France and Central France with Southern France and Southern France with Catalonia and Catalonia with Central Spain and Central Spain with Andalusia and Andalusia with Morocco....
Nationalistic powerhouses like Paris, Madrid, Rome, Oslo, London can influence the whole country, but less and less as you move towards the edge/border... " - I agree

viri amaoro   Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:25 pm GMT
Yo! If you expect people to read your postings, you should divide a text of that size in chuncks, otherwise it will be too cumbersome to read. This is a computer screen, not a piece of paper that you can handle easily.
Sergio   Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:38 pm GMT

I totally agree with Viri Amoro.
By the way, no offense but, ¿don't you work at all? You have started aproximately 6 threads in the past four days, which you then leave and disapear for a while, but keeping answering in other threads, or creating new ones. You do note answer a lot of questions made to you, or start writing in Spanish, you get an answer in Spanish, and then you just drop off. A little bit odd behaviour, I think.

As I said, don't be offended. Just kind of irritating.
Fredrik from Norway   Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:55 pm GMT
I appreciate your efforts, but I think it's impossible to discuss this without contradictions popping up everywhere.

For instance you write:
"Latin people are very exuberant, amorous, passionate, warm, familial, open, vivacious, and the culture is somewhat more effeminate, less war-like, etc."
I would think of Northern European culture as more quiet, but defininitely more effeminate and peaceful than loud, macho Southern European culture. (But that might be because I am Scandinavian.)

You wrote:
"Northern European people are more reserved, restrained, less linked with the arts, less emotional, less family oriented..."
Well if there is one region of the world that is family oriented, at least towards nuclear family, then it has to be Scandinavia! So it's not true for all of Northern Europe.

You wrote:
"The French are very concerned with manners and formalities, which is not a southern European characteristic."
Well, to us Northern Europeans, South Europe seems to be heavily preoccupied with manners. Perhaps not aristocratic/bourgeois manners, like the French, but more down-to-earth peasant manners. We easily think that all their gesturing and colourful arguing is pure impulsiveness, but in reality it is all part of a finely regulated system of behaviour.

You wrote:
"French attitudes toward sex is also very southern European. French women frequently take their tops off at the beach, as if it were no problem. This is not as common among northern European cultures, and is considered more of a cultural taboo."
No, nakedness and to a large extent also sex is very accepted in Germany and the Nordic countries. The UK and USA are the prudes.
Southern Europe used to be very prudish when the Catholic church reigned supreme, but this has changed.
fab   Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:29 am GMT
" There was a discussion yesterday on the meaning of the term "Latin", and what criteria constitutes a Latin nation. One of the criteria points had something to do with the population having a significant, if not majority of its ethnic origin being "Latin". Carlos, myself, and another person agreed to all the criteria "

You also agreed that in a latin country most people should have latin names - before I showed you that a lot of the most usual Spanish names were such as Sanchez, Lopez, Rodriguez, etc. are in fact of germanic origins. So ? Most Spaniards are not latin ? Or did you changed your mind after realizing that ?

" The term "Latin", when used in an ethnic context, is a rather ambigious term. "

I agree, you could add that it is also the case for all "ethnic groups" when attempting to define themselve with racial notions.

" Generally speaking, "Latin" as it pertains to ethnic origins, is used interchangeably with "southern European", or "mediterranean". "

The word "latin" used that way is a inaccurate generalisation often made by mass medias. We can also hear a lot of time the word latin (especially in the US) linkd to only central and south Americans, and especially the mestizo population. NowadaysMost Americans generally think that "latin" is not linked to the mediterranean but to latin-America only, with the exclusion of all European, not only french but also Spaniards and Italians.
Is it because most people use this word that way that it is the correct meaning ?
On the other way, south European and mediterranean are the same thing ? Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, turquey or Greece are of course mediterranean; Are they of latin ethnicity ?
And where does south Europe beguins ? where is the precise limit that make you thinking that France canno't be included ?
The biggest Mediterranean port, Marseille, is France's second city. How can it be that it is in a non-mediterranean country ?

Como puede ser que Francia sea integrada a diversas organisaciones mediterraneas si no es un pais mediterraneao ?
ejemplo : arco latino http://www.arcolatino.org/es
Porque Francia participa a los juegos mediterraneos ?

" The people of France's traditional ethnic group, the so called "Gallic majority", are considered to be "Celtic and Latin, with Teutonic". Whereas the people of Spain, Portugal, and Italy are classified as "southern European", also known as, "Mediterranean population", or sometimes the term, "Latin" is used. "

Once again in this case the word "latin" is misused. Basically the french and Spanish "etnic people" are made of the same main groups; "Celt, latin with Teutonic" (among many others) - spaniards had also north African populations. For some reasons the CIA (in my opinion geoplitical reasons) tend to hide the fact that Spain is as etnically mixed as France (if not more).
If you like to use latin this way, feel free to do it, but it doesn' resist logic much longer time, and it would be like using "Chinese" to mean having an eastern Asian look or using "African" to speak about black people (wich exclude the huge northern African people who are not black). etc. These a comon misconceptions that are often used.

" The typical Frenchman also does not look like the typical Spaniard or Italian either. "

French people are very mixed since milleniums, who is the typical frenchman?
The images you have of both French and Spanish people are two opposite extremes in each country. To you the image you have the the tipical spaniard is Banderas, forgetting that the majority of Spanish people don't look like him. To your mind it should be someone who look like the image you have of the Gauls because you can't help yourself to think that the french look liek Obelix and Asterix... If you want to believe that France has a "gallic" etnic majority or such things and choose to stay ignorant I won't change your mind. those two "tipical images" doesn't represent the variety of the local populations.
Myself, I am free to deeplu believe that Mexicans are Aztecs and Mayas... Or that USA is populated by a majority of indian looking people because they were the ones who lived there when Gauls lived in France...

" But where Fab and myself/Frederick From Norway differ, is that we feel that France is more alienated from Latin culture than Spain or Italy are. "

You should better say "I feel France is more aliented to the stereotypes and clichés about "latin culture" than Spain or Italy are"

" Latin people are very exuberant, amorous, passionate, warm, familial, open, vivacious, and the culture is somewhat more effeminate, less war-like, etc. When I think Latin I think of the western Mediterranean countries, and vibrant colors, etc. They eat a Mediterranean cuisine, which is olive oil based, garlic, wine, light meals, etc. Northern European people are more reserved, restrained, less linked with the arts, less emotional, less family oriented, and less effeminate, more masculine. They are a stouter people. They eat big/heavy/hardy meals, featuring a lot of meat and potatoes. They are a beer based culture. "
The base group of the French were the Gauls, a Celtic people. These Gauls, were then Romanized culturally and linguistically, while predominantly in the southern regions, there was substantial mixing between them and the Romans, who were a mediterranean people.
Evidence of this can be clearly seen by the phenotype of the French people, particularly in the south. The average modern day Frenchman looks nothing like the Celts of Ireland. The French, particuarly in the south, look somewhat like a cross between a mediterranean people and a Celtic people, which they are. "

You should stop reading historuy books about Gaul and really need to visit Europe... And to live around and with French people and with other Europeans...
I should admit that you changed a bit your mind, not so long time ago you arrogantly claimed to knew better than anyone that the french population was "looking the same than the typical Dane or German"...

" So, the majority of the Gauls of the northern regions remained, essentially Celtic in ethnic terms. Northern Gaul later became the recepient of the overwhelming majority of Frankish settlers, who then mixed with the native Celts, producing a people that was most definitely not mediterranean/Latin in origin. "

A lot of things have changed since this time... there have been other people before Gauls and other after. Most cities of northern France have been founded and settled by Romans (who were also aethnically diverse people as we are). If you want to continue think that France is an country "fixed" in the 2th century, you can. I don't. The country I'm speaking about is a 21th century one.

" France is in between the two. They are more of a middle ground. "

Geographically no doubt that, when generalizing, France is clearly more northerner than Spain and Italy. Spain itself it more southern than Italy.

" Almost everyone you talk to, outside of France, will say the same thing. The people themselves are clearly not Teutonic looking for the most part, maybe with the exception of the far northern provinces. Yet, they are not Mediterranean looking for the most part either, so that they are sort of a middle ground between the phenotypes of the northern peoples and the southern peoples. "

We have of everything... ethnic french" as you say can be of mediterranean or "middle looking". but some "ethnic french" can even also be of "nordic" look and also black and mulatos.

" The language is a Romance language, but yet, more flat, and without the same rhythm that Spanish and Italian have, which subconsciously gives you the impression that the language is less Mediterranean or southern European. "

that is just an impression. I don't care about impressions. Portuguese to my ears sound more like a slavic language, i don't sonsider Portuguese apport because of that. The latin family is phonologicall diverse.

" The traditional religion of France was Catholicism, but the France was historically never as Catholic as Spain and Italy."

Until the 18th century we have been a country ruled bu the religious class. Everything in the socity was ruled by catholic church. The popes have even had their capital in France for a while...

" so that there was a very large Protestant minority. "

1% of the population is protestant; I won't call it a important minority. 10% of French people are muslims, this is an important minority.
Once again I don't speak about the France of history books but the actual country. Was latin-america catholic during medieval times ? It was not even latin yet.

" French cuisine is varied, but the French standard in international eyes, is Parisian cuisine. “What is often known outside of France as French cuisine is the traditionally elaborate haute cuisine, served in restaurants for high prices. This cuisine is mostly influenced by the regional cuisines of Lyon and northern France, with a marked touch of refinement.a butter based cuisine like much of northern Europe, whereas Mediterranean cooking is olive oil based. ”

You forget to precise that the cooking methods who made this "haute cuisine" so specific are Italian, so south European. Lyon is geographically situated in the south half of Europe.
You also forget that south west cuisine ( along the pyrénées, is, with Lyon cuisine the most famous and most emblematic of France.
Wine, the main mark of southern European food culture is a french and Italian speciality.
Most modern french cuisine is cooked with olive oil, not butter.
Butter cuisine is traditional in northern France but also in northern Italy.

" The people themselves are in between the southern Europeans and the northern Europeans in their temperment and disposition. They don’t hesitate to show affection the same way northern European do. They kiss their friends on the cheek, etc. But they are also more reserved, more restrained than southern Europeans are. Ask anybody outside of France, and this opinion is nearly unanimous. "

Come to live in France and in Europe, after you would have the right you own opinion, not just spread ready-made ideas.

" The French are very concerned with manners and formalities, which is not a southern European characteristic. "

How do you know that ? Formalities ? if you speak about vouvoiement and such thing, this is precisely a romance thing (usted en espanol) that lacks English language. Italian is very formal, for exemple when speaking to a prefessor, or medecine you should use his title and not say "mister".
Italy is very bureacratic too, with a lot of formalities; it is more a southern European thing.

" The climate, which subconsciously effects a person’s view of the country, is also very northern European. "

Wrong, you should take geography lessons.
The main climate of France is the oceanic climate, with mild temperatures laong the year. it is not a northern European climate, snow is very rare here in Paris. When it happens it rapidely melt. You find oceanic climates in Portugal, northern Spain western France and in the British isles.
The other main climate is the mediterranean in the south-est, and the continental in the east and north-east.
You would be surprised to discover that Castilla y Leon whose climate is continental has colder winters than most of France. Even Madrid, whose climate is semi-continental has colder winters than Paris.
In Spain, the only east coast (of catalan language) and andalucia/murcia are regions of mediterranean climate. castilla-la-Mancha is semi-continental, castilla y leon, Aragon is continental and Galicia and asturias are of oceanic climate. Even in mediterranean climates it can snow!

Barcelona under snow :
Firenze (italia) under snow :

Southern France is very mediterranean yes, but to international eyes, France is seen through the prisims of Paris, which is situated in Northern Europe. It snows there, and is cold there, etc.
Guest   Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:06 am GMT
"Almost everyone you talk to, outside of France, will say the same thing "

people of northern European culture may have this opinion, but I found Spanish people opinions :

to the question "francia es un pais norte Europeo ? (is france a north European country: they all answered no.
65% said France was a south European country
35% said it was a middle western European country

to the question "Francia es un pais mediterraneo"
they all answered yes

to the question "francia es un pais latino ?"
75% answered yes
25% said that nowadays latino means only south/central Americans but recognise that frensh culture is latin-based.
Tiffany   Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:10 am GMT
The French again? Really, what is your obsession with this? Mi sembra che tu sia molto fissato.
Guest   Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:27 am GMT
25% said that nowadays latino means only south/central Americans but recognise that frensh culture is latin-based.

En todo caso esto es falso,si observamos la llamada América Latina desde el punto de vista étinico podemos observar que la llamada América Latina no existe y nuca existió.

Decir que el término "Latino" es un término exclusivo de los Sudamericanos es una muestra increible de ignorancia, ¿por qué? por que lo que hace a Latino América como tal es la CULTURA y no la ETNICIDAD, de lo contrario si anteponemos primero la etnicidad a la cultura (como ciertas gentes de los llamados paises desarrollados tiende a hacer) vemos que simplente la llamada América Latina no existe.

Veamos un artículo que habla mas al respecto:

Existe verdaderamente la llamada América Latina así como los susodichos Latinoamericanos?

Intisonqo Waman

En primer lugar, queremos que no nos "califiquen" de indígenas latinoamericanos ni tampoco nos llamen latinoamericanos, iberoamericanos o hispanoamaricanos. Pensamos que es absolutamente necesario empezar a comprender que dichas denominaciones representan no solamente verdaderos insultos sino que ellas vehiculan cargas históricas y culturales alienantes. Es claro que dichas denominaciones no expresan aquello que en realidad somos. En relación a la palabra "latinoamericano" podemos decirles que esta desafortunada denominación, representa aún para desgracia nuestra el presente del nefasto pasado colonial que hemos tenido, el mismo que aún continua estando presente en nuestra realidad continental.

Según la ciencia occidental moderna (antropología física y cultural) los únicos pueblos latinos que existen en la actualidad en el planeta Tierra son aquellos que están conformados por: italianos, españoles, portugueses, franceses y rumanos. Una de las principales características que presentan dichos "autóctonos europeos" es que son grupos étnicos pertenecientes a la raza indo-europea, la misma que tiene como hogar ancestral el Asia central. Evidentemente, estos grupos étnicos europeos no son los grupos étnicos originales sino mas bien son el producto de una etnogénesis intrarracial europea (ocurrida sobre todo a partir del siglo III de la era cristiana). En otras palabras, italianos, españoles, portugueses, franceses y rumanos han salido de otros grupos protohistóricos, los cuales ingresaron a Europa hace tan solo unos 6,000 años. Este ingreso lo hicieron por oleadas migratorias y en forma asincrónica. Estos grupos protohistóricos constituyeron inicialmente pueblos-nación antes de la actual conformación de los estados-nación modernos en Europa (que empiezan a formarse a partir del siglo XIV).

Para hablar con propiedad sobre el tema es necesario comprender que el término América Latina nació como un concepto colonial francés en el siglo XIX. La idea de los colonialistas franceses era unificar a las supuestas naciones católicas y latinas del continente americano para formar un contrapeso a los nórdicos de origen anglosajón y protestante que ponían obstáculos a la influencia al Imperio francés en nuestro continente. El primero en utilizar dicho término fué Michel Chevalier (1806-1879), quien buscaba legitimar el expansionismo de Napoleon III y detener a su vez el expansionismo anglosajón sobre el continente. En el intento imperial de Maximiliano (1862-1865) de anexar México al imperio francés "surge la invención de América Latina" (1). Con el triunfo de los mexicanos sobre los colonialistas franceses dicha denominación cae en desgracia durante mas o menos cerca de 70 años, y se utiliza -indistintamente- términos como Iberoamérica, Hispanoamérica, América Portuguesa, etc. La denominación América Latina resurge a partir de la década de los años 1950, al influjo de los intelectuales franceses «de izquierda y progresistas», quienes - como siempre - fueron apoyados por los euro-americanos (2).

Esta tramposa denominación, es decir, "América Latina" o "Latinoamérica", sirve para indicar un espacio político-cultural europeo moderno en el continente americano, el cual, es -ya sea supuesta o realmente- mayoritariamente descendiente de los pueblos latinos de Europa. En estricto sentido, la denominación "Latinoamérica" o "América Latina" sólo es verdad en países como: Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil é incluso en el mismo Canadá francés (Quebec), más no en el resto de países del continente americano, donde a pesar de que también se hablan mayoritariamente los idiomas español o francés, o que impera la cultura impuesta por el invasor occidental, los descendientes de los "latinos" representan una absoluta minoría. Por ejemplo en países como: Guatemala, el 81% de la población es amerindia, el 15% es indo-mestiza y el 4% son euro-americanos; en Bolivia el 72,8% de población es amerindia, el 22% es indo-mestiza y el 5,2% son euro-americanos; en Perú el 43,5% de la población es amerindia, el 39,5% es indo-mestiza, el 12% son euro-americanos y el 5% otros (negros, árabes, japoneses y chinos); en México el 30% es amerindia, el 55% es indo-mestiza y el 14,8% son euro-americanos; en el Ecuador el 38,2% es amerindia, el 45% es indo-mestiza, el 12% son euro-americanos y el 4,8% otros (negros, árabes, etc.); etc. Asimismo, en las Islas Caribes la población mayoritaria es de RAZA NEGRA, el 92% de la media del total poblacional de las islas caribeña y antillanas son afro-americanos, así hablen inglés, francés o español (Jamaica, Bahamas, Haití, Grenada, República Dominicana, etc.). Hacemos notar que el hecho de hablar lenguas europeas o de tener una predominancia cultural de origen occidental moderno no hace de los afro-ameicanos ni "anglosajones" ni mucho menos "latinos". Duela a quien le duela, la verdad es que la población caribeña es mayoritariamente AFRO-AMERICANA y, están constituidos por grupos étnicos de la raza negra procedentes del Africa. (3)

Es necesario precisar que los únicos "latinoamericanos" que existen en nuestros países son los descendientes directos de los españoles, franceses y portugueses; quienes, anotamos de pasada, a pesar de que son una minoría absoluta, detentan todo el poder político, económico, militar y hasta religioso. Ellos son los que imponen en los planes de estudios la versión de los vencedores europeos así como el culto a los valores de la civilización occidental moderna. De otro lado, es bastante claro que el proceso educativo en nuestros países se transforma en un verdadero "lavado cerebral", en algunos casos se hace en forma sutil en otras es terriblemente brutal, todo ello al amparo de la "democracia", de los "derechos humanos" y de la "libertad". Si piensan que exageramos revisen los planes de estudios - de primaria y secundaria - de los países mencionados arriba, el objetivo es claro: hacer desarraigar al amerindio e indo-mestizo de su verdadera identidad étnica y cultural, castrarlo espiritualmente y anular su memoria histórica; al final de dicho perverso proceso - en el cual colaboran todas las confesiones cristianas- vemos ha amerindios así como a la mayoría de indo-mestizos acomplejados y estupidizados, listos para formar los mercados de "trabajadores marginales" (ya sean en sus propios países o en Europa, los EUA o Canadá). Es lastimoso incluso ver que muchos amerindios e indo-mestizos terminan por "tragarse el sapo" y, empiezan a buscar su árbol genealógico en Europa y son los que después sostienen, en forma hasta por demás "rabiosa", que su "madre patria" es España, Portugal, etc. avergonzándose de ser lo que en realidad son, es decir, los descendientes de los grupos étnicos de la raza roja o cobriza, autóctonos del continente americano, asi como también los directos herederos de los diversos pueblos-nación que constituyeron las grandes civilizaciones, culturas, sociedades y grupos tribales amerindios. Es bastante risible ver incluso como los mismos negros terminan afirmando que su "madre patria" es España, Portugal, etc. ¿No creen que esto es verdaderamente monstruoso y un chiste de mal gusto? ¿Cómo justificar la denominación de "latinoamericanos" a los actuales presidentes de Ecuador, Argentina, Honduras y Perú, cuando en realidad no tienen absolutamente nada de latinos ya que los tres primeros son árabes y el último es japonés occidentalizado, ambos grupos son desde el punto de vista étnico "químicamente puros"?

No sólo es curioso sino una verdadera muestra de cómo es que las cosas son en realidad, por ejemplo: los italianos, franceses, portugueses y españoles de los EUA y Canada, quienes son mucho más "latinos" que los acomplejados amerindios e indo-mestizos de México, América Central y América del Sur, rechazan en forma prepotente y violenta que se los denominen "latinoamericanos", a pesar de que realmente si lo son, es decir, son étnicamente "latinos" nacidos en América, por lo tanto son "latinoamericanos", debido a que para estos grupos humanos los "latinoamericanos" son los amerindios, indo-mestizos y los negros "subdesarrollados y muertos de hambre" que se encuentran al Sur del río Grande (EUA-México) o que viven como "espaldas mojadas" o "traqueteros pasadores de droga" en los suburbios marginales estadounidenses, y de ninguna manera ellos. Los italianos de los EUA y Canadá prefieren autodenominarse Italo-americanos (incluso criminales como Al Capone se hacían llamar italo-americanos y no latinoamericanos), así mismo los españoles y portugueses de los EUA y Canadá dicen que son Ibero-americanos y los franceses de los EUA y Canada dicen que son mas bien Acadianoso Quebecois y que su madre patria es la Francia ¿Se dan ahora cuenta de la gran estupidez de llamarnos "latinoamericanos" a los amerindios e indo-mestizos? ¿ Es que acaso los chinos de Hong Kong son "anglosajones" debido a que hablan inglés y tienen una predominancia cultural europea anglosajona ? ¿Es que acaso los árabes y bereberes del Norte de Africa (Marruecos, Argelia, Túnez) son latinoafricanos debido a que hablan la lengua francesa y tienen una predominante cultura europea francesa? ¿ Es que acaso los negros de Mozambique son latinoafricanos debido a que su lengua oficial es el portugués, son católicos y tienen nombres y apellidos de los colonos portugueses? ¿Es que acaso los filipinos son latinoasiáticos ya que la mayoría de ellos son católicos y tienen nombres y apellidos de los colonialistas españoles?

Por otra parte, en forma irresponsable y por lo demás sospechosa, se pretende hacer creer que existe un supuesto "indígena latinoamericano" (sic), lo cual es absolutamente falso. Veamos algunas razones de ello:

a) Como hemos indicado arriba la palabra "Latinoamérica" o "América Latina", designa más a un determinado espacio de carácter político-cultural moderno que a la aplastante realidad geográfica, étnica y metahistórica que existe en el continente americano. Asi mismo, reiteramos que tras la "inocente" palabra "Latinoamérica" o "América Latina", se designa también ha un amorfo poblacional no autóctono de carácter heteróclito y de origen europeo, el mismo que ocupa en forma prepotente y agresiva nuestros territorios desde fines del siglo XV (a partir del desgraciado arribo de Colon en 1492) y que se prolonga abusivamente hasta la actualidad; territorios y recursos que pertenecen a los pueblos-nación autóctonos del continente americano (Abya Yala). Por el momento, podríamos concluir afirmando que, "Latinoamérica" o "América Latina" no es para nada una realidad territorial, sea de carácter subcontinental o regional, sino mas bien ella es la expresión hegemónica de una minoría de origen europeo (los latinos), quienes gobiernan nuestros países, y son propietarios de la riquezas nacionales.

b) Por otro lado, la misma palabra "indígena" en éste contexto es incorrectamente empleada, ya que la palabra indígena significa - según el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española - "originario del país del que se trata" y, ya que "Latinoamérica" o "América Latina" no es una realidad territorial continental o subcontinental, sino -fundamentalmente- una acepción política y cultural exógena, entonces ella no puede pues tener "indígenas". Ahora que llega la tendencia modernista de lo "políticamente correcto" y con ella la del "lenguaje políticamente correcto", que no es ni más ni menos que un lenguaje lleno de eufemismos con el que se pretende cambiar la forma de pensar de los hablantes. Y los seguidores de esa absurda moda occidental han pensado que sería bueno dejar de usar la palabra "indio" al hablar del autóctono de América, pues la encuentran peyorativa y despectiva, y proponen usar en su lugar otras palabras que no contengan - según ellos - "cargas negativas", entre éstas propuestas de palabras tenemos: indígena y campesino. Con respecto a la palabra indígena, los promotores de la globalización y de lo "políticamente correcto" no se han parado a pensar o a mirar en el diccionario qué significaba la palabra indígena y han comenzado a usarla como sinónimo de indio, cuando su verdadero significado en español es "originario del país del que se trata", es decir: si estoy hablando de España, puedo afirmar que el actor Antonio Banderas y el escritor Camilo José Cela son indígenas de este país, del mismo modo que Boris Yelsin es un indígena de Rusia o Karol Wotyla (a) Papa Juan Pablo II es indígena de Polonia. Y nosotros los indios o amerindios, como mejor nos preferimos llamarnos, también somos indígenas de nuestro país de origen; pero no sólo nosotros, sino todas las personas nacidas en los estados-nación modernos y registrados civilmente como tales, en la que se incluyen los mismos euro-americanos.

En realidad hay mucho mas de que hablar sobre este espinoso asunto, y por el momento lo dejamos así. Bueno, antes de concluir afirmamos lo siguiente:

Que, estamos muy orgullosos de lo que somos, es decir amerindios e indo-mestizos.

Que, nuestra Madre Patria es el continente americano (Abya Yala).

Que, nosotros hemos conformado pueblos-nación miles de años antes de los actuales Estados-nación modernos, "creados o fundados" por los euro-americanos desde hace tan solo unos 200 años.

Que, formamos parte de la Raza roja o cobriza y, que no hemos llegado - como pretenden hacer creer la ciencia occidental moderna - a través del estrecho de Bering procedentes del Asia, hace no más de 11,500 años.

Que, no somos ni inferiores ni superiores a ninguna raza humana; y todos somos parte del Gran Misterio.

Que, tenemos un hogar común para todos, nuestra Madre Tierra, a la cual hay que cuidarla y protegerla de la ambición y rapiña del occidental moderno (léase "hombre blanco") y de sus incondicionales y obsecuentes secuaces que también existen entre nosotros (portadores del mismo espíritu maligno que animó traiciones y deslealtadas, representado por Malinche, Pocahontas y Felipillo).

Intisonqo Waman (Año 5506 de la Era Andina, Agosto de 1998 de la era vulgar)

(1) Sergio Marras (ed.), América Latina, Marca Registrada, Barcelona, Editorial Andres Bello / Grupo Zeta / Universidad de Guadalajara, 1992, pags. 3-9.

(2) Euro-americanos son los descendientes de los occidentales modernos quienes llegaron al continente americano a partir de 1492. Los euro-americanos están constituidos por dos grupos étnicos europeos: anglosajones (que se asentaron -principalmente- en EUA y Canadá), y latinos (descendientes de españoles, portugueses y franceses).

(3)La información estadística que les hacemos llegar líneas arriba pueden encontrarla en los datos oficiales aportados por Handbook of Nations, 18 th edition, compiled an Published for Government Use by U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, New York, 1998.

Fredrik from Norway   Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:45 am GMT
You who occupy yourself so much with the differences between Northern and Southern culture, should absolutely read Thomas Mann's fantastic little novel "Tonio Kröger".
Arthur   Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:50 am GMT
Hei Frederik,

Antingen sovar du inte, eller du är någonstans i Amerika.... det är redan clockan kvart i tre i Norge!!!


Fredrik from Norway   Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:09 am GMT
Nei, jeg er ikke i Amerika, men i Tyskland. Forsåvidt er klokken det samme her som i Norge. Jeg er oppe om natten fordi det er så utrolig varmt om dagen at det nesten ikke er levelig. :-)
Aldvs   Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:14 am GMT
Yo que pensaba que era latino por el idioma. Que cosas. :)
Sigma   Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:27 am GMT
Nei, jeg er ikke i Amerika, men i Tyskland. Forsåvidt er klokken det samme her som i Norge. Jeg er oppe om natten fordi det er så utrolig varmt om dagen at det nesten ikke er levelig


Jag förstar, det samma, jag talar inte svenska men jag vill lära mig svenska. Ursäkta mig jag talar inte Norska, jag pratar Spanska, Engelska, Franska och lite Tyska. Jag är Mexikan

Tack sa mycket
greg   Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:45 am GMT
LAA : « Latin people are very exuberant, amorous, passionate, warm, familial, open, vivacious, and the culture is somewhat more effeminate, less war-like, etc. »

L'infirmière !!! Ou est passée l'infirmière ?!
Sander   Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:46 am GMT
Oh boy,

>> Latin people are very exuberant, amorous, passionate, warm, familial, open, vivacious, and the culture is somewhat more effeminate, less war-like, etc. <<

Less warlike ... That, is just plain ridiculous. Have you ever heard of the Romans, Napoleon, the spanish, french and portuguese colonial empires? All those revolutions that became a sysnonym with South America?

Not even mentioning the the most murderous country in earth is "latin", columbia.

As for love, care to explain why ''Northern Europe'' is still populated? Or are they just interested in procreation?

>>When I think Latin I think of the western Mediterranean countries, and vibrant colors, etc. They eat a Mediterranean cuisine, which is olive oil based, garlic, wine, light meals, etc. Northern European people are more reserved, restrained, less linked with the arts, less emotional, less family oriented, and less effeminate, more masculine. <<

Yes of course, Northern Europe doesn't care for arts! (Who were Dürer, Rembrandt, Edvard Munch anyway) they are just illiterate barbarians (which is why "Northern Europe" has the highest levels of education) and less emotional? Sure! I've never seen a Northern European cry at a funeral or when the children get married (note the irony).

French are romanticists. They are occupied with love and romance. The French are very chic. France is famous for its fashion, design, art, etc. None of these factors are characteristics of northern European countries.<<

Like I said before, I was born out of a primal urge for procreation, that still makes me wonder why my parents married though but he.

>> French attitudes toward sex is also very southern European. French women frequently take their tops off at the beach, as if it were no problem. This is not as common among northern European cultures, and is considered more of a cultural taboo. The French are a very sensual, and volouptous people like the Italians and Spaniards are. This is not a northern European characteristic. <<

Hahaha, dear man. The tops were off in Northern Europe far before any Southern European would dream about doing it! It would be ironic though, that in the countries who first legalised pornography and have legalized prostitution that taking your top off would be a problem.

But then again, I don't know how the mind of someone who thinks he's a roman citizen works.