Nina   Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:14 am GMT
So Basques have brothers :)
Kimura-sensei   Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:16 am GMT
I'll be very glad to end with the Basque "we're unique" assertion, which seem to serve no purpose other than ethnocentrism.
Ikasi   Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:54 pm GMT
The basque have other strange similarities, look this exemple:

Saldu(english Sold)
GORA (serbo-croatian GORE): at the top.
BI (latin BIS): Two.
EGUN (sanscrit AHAN): day.
ERDI (sanscrit ARDHA), half.
LAPUR (serbo-croatian LOPOV), thief .
ETCHE (greek OIKIA), house.
ELKAR (dutch, ELKAAR, ELKANDER): together, mutually
TCHAR, TXAR (armenian TCHAR): bad
HIRU (hungarian HAROM; finland KOLME), three.
HILTZE (hungarian HALNI; turkish EULMEK; finland KUOLLA), to die.
HORA (finland KOIRA), dog.
ATE (hungarian AJTO), door.
AITA (hungarian ATYA), door.
BOST (turkish BECH; finlandais VIISI), bost.
BESTE (turkish BACHKA), other.
NORA (turkish NEREYE), where, (lat. QUO).
BARATZE (turkish BAKHTCHE): garden.
DIRA (turkish DIRLER): they are.
TOKI (japonais TOKOR): location
NAGUSI (japanese NUSHI), lord.
HORI (japanese KORE), this.
HAGUIN (japanese HA): tooth.
GARE (basque sp. GERA; japanese ARU), we are.
ZARE (basque sp. ZERA; japanese ARU), you are.

Basque: MUTIKO ( M from P latin) ETA (or TA) MIRABEARI.
Japanese: MUSUKO TO MUSUME NI: To the boys and to the girls.
EGUN, day (to EG-UN), compare to the turc GUN, day; in ESKAR, thanks (to ESK-AR), compare to the arabic CHUKR, thanks, and in BAKARIK (to BAT-GARIK), only, compare to the japanese BAKARI, only, juste.
Guest   Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:55 pm GMT
<I'll be very glad to end with the Basque "we're unique" assertion, which seem to serve no purpose other than ethnocentrism.>

This will be decided by science,not by speculations.
suomalainen   Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:42 pm GMT
Bird names often imitate the sound of the bird. I would claim that this is the most plausible explanation why 'crow' has rather similar counterparts in different languages. In Finnish it is 'varis'.
Guest   Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:47 pm GMT
<<Bird names often imitate the sound of the bird. >>

as the other animals.
Guest   Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:56 pm GMT
Hizkuntza, giza taldeen ahozko komunikazioaren sistema bat da. Hizkuntzalaritzak aztertzen du.

Izakiak komunikatzeko dugun gaitasuna, mintzamena edo lengoaia da, hau lortu dezakegu bai zeinu-sistema baten bitartez edota mingainarekin. Ez dugu nahastu behar hizkunea edo hizkuntza lengoaiarekin, hauek horren errepresentazioa baitira.