English words vs Other languages

Guest   Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:22 am GMT
<<I don't follow. My English is impeccable.>>

Because you are stupid you can't even see an elemantery mistake, and I'm not even native! So it's true US American's don't even know English!

<< I doubt people would enjoy listening to you on an international stage. >>

But they will love listening to you, after all, all Germans are Nazi's in their hearts! You will strike a chord.
JLK   Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:32 am GMT
LOL, I know what you are referring to, my obtuse ami. The typo where I put an a instead of e. LOL. I type very fast, so you may see more of those, perhaps enough to make you fully employed, but I worry it may be too great a task for you. It's alright though. I very much enjoy making fools of twits like you.