language switch in France, when and why did it happened?

El Cid   Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:45 pm GMT
"That is a blatant lie but is surprisingly accepted by many people. "

Text was coming from Wikipedia, so it is not a common " blatant lie"...

"The Spanish nobility dates back from the Reconquista, not before. "

Spanish say until today venir de los godos, coming from Goths, to design noblemen
Laus Spaniae   Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:03 pm GMT
Ah el noble pueblo VISIGODO:

De todas las tierras, cuantas hay desde Occidente hasta la India, tú eres la más hermosa, oh sacra España, madre siempre feliz de príncipes y de pueblos. Bien se te puede llamar reina de todas las provincias...; tú, honor y ornamento del mundo, la más ilustre porción de la tierra, en quien la gloriosa fecundidad de la raza GODA se recrea y florece. Natura se mostró pródiga en enriquecerte; tú, exuberante en frutas, henchida de vides, alegre en mieses...; tú abundas de todo, asentada deliciosamente en los climas del mundo, ni tostada por los ardores del sol, ni arrecida por glacial inclemencia... Tú vences a Alfeo en caballos, y al Clitumno en ganados; no envidias los sotos y los pastos de Etruria, ni los bosques de Arcadia... Rica también en hijos, produces los príncipes imperantes, a la vez que la púrpura y las piedras preciosas para adornarlos. Con razón te codició Roma, cabeza de las gentes, y aunque te desposó la vencedora fortaleza Romúlea, después el florentísimo pueblo GODO , tras victoriosas peregrinaciones por otras partes del orbe, a tí amó, a tí raptó, y te goza ahora con segura felicidad, entre la pompa regia y el fausto del Imperio.
Guest   Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:32 pm GMT
<<Was it because the old french people though it was more "cultured" and valuable that they switched to this romance language wrongly called "french" (how a romance language can be call by the name that refers to a german people)

At the time, Latin/Romance was considered no more cultured or sophisticated than Frankish. That is a later development of thinking.
Guest   Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:52 pm GMT
<<tras victoriosas peregrinaciones por otras partes del orbe, a tí amó, a tí raptó>>

The Germanic Isidoro de Sevilla recognized that the Visigoths as the rest of Germanics were rapists. I think that the Visigoths were the most incompetent and less Christian among the Germanic tribes. Spain was a mess during their rule and the achievements of the Roman administration were lost. It would be better that Spain was controlled by the Franks or by the Anglosaxons.
Guest   Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:05 pm GMT
Spanish say until today venir de los godos, coming from Goths, to design noblemen

No, in the Basque country virtually everybody was a nobleman (hidalguía universal) and they are not related with the Goths. Spanish nobility originated during the Reconquista when lords of war acquired lots of land from the King as a payment for their contribution to the Muslim defeat.
Ouest   Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:30 pm GMT
""""<<Was it because the old french people though it was more "cultured" and valuable that they switched to this romance language wrongly called "french" (how a romance language can be call by the name that refers to a german people)

At the time, Latin/Romance was considered no more cultured or sophisticated than Frankish. That is a later development of thinking. """


I don´t think so, terms like barbar etc. show how high the prestige and self-confidence of the Romans were. Germanics like the Franks adopted the Latin language as well as they could in order to get a higher status.
Guest   Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:56 pm GMT
Barbar meant a person who didn't speak the language of the Greeks. the Romans were Barbars for the Greeks because they could only hear "bar bar bar " from their mouths, that is , an unintelligible language. It was not a derogatory term. That meanng was added much later.
Leasnam   Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:12 pm GMT
<,Germanics like the Franks adopted the Latin language as well as they could in order to get a higher status. >>

How much higher a status could they have obtained? --they were already running the country :\ . ??
Minnesota   Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:27 pm GMT
Why did people in Nizza and Corsica give up on Italian? For example in Monte Carlo and in Istria (Slovenia&Croatia), Italian continues being spoken even tho' these territories are no longer Italian. Why is that France has to frenchify everything and turn it into bag of French fries???? 150 years ago you would read Dante in Nizza and Ajaccio and eat pizza, now you are obliged to speak the language of Napoleone Buonaparte (who was Italian too, but he solt his Italian homeland for a bag of ducats) and eat those greasy French fries.
jpl   Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:18 pm GMT
The traditional language of the County of Nice and the Principality of Monaco was not Italian, but Occitan (Nissart) and Ligurian (Monégasque), or some hybrid of the two. Both are now predominantly French-speaking. If you hear Italian being spoken in Monte Carlo, it's probably due to later migrations of Italians.
Tirant lo Blanc.   Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:28 pm GMT
¿Conoces, oh Laus Spaniae, el dicho castellano "alábate, Juan, que si no te alabas no te alabarán"?

Los delirios españoleros no conocen límites.
*%&statians*   Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:09 pm GMT
150 years ago PIZZA DIDNOT EXIST!
Louis Blanc   Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:13 pm GMT
Nissart is not Occitan. Nissart is an hybrid between Occitan and Gallo-Italian.
Guest   Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:34 pm GMT
<<did people in Nizza and Corsica give up on Italian? For example in Monte Carlo and in Istria (Slovenia&Croatia), Italian continues being spoken even tho' these territories are no longer Italian. >>

Because Montecarlo and Istria are not French. The French wiped out every single language appart from French. French should not be learnt by anybody because it's the official language of a country that hates the rest of languages.
non   Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:44 am GMT
<< Nissart is not Occitan. Nissart is an hybrid between Occitan and Gallo-Italian. >>