Why Learn Portuguese?

Visitor   Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:04 am GMT
Reality, you are wrong. Let me explain to you:

English and French are really important, but Chinese are not yet important. The last two are a less importnt thn regional languages like Urdu or Tamil.

Spanish is just spoken in Castilia and Hispanic America while Portuguese is are spoken in South America Africa and Asia.

You can be understood by 700 million people around the World and some 200 million of Internet users if you use French not Spanish.
Visitor   Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:08 am GMT
Reality, you are wrong. Let me explain to you:

English and French are really important, but Chinese and Spanish will never be important important. The last two are a less important than regional languages like Urdu or Tamil.

Spanish is just spoken in Castilia and Hispanic America while Portuguese is spoken in South America Africa and Asia.

You can be understood by 700 million people around the World and some 200 million of Internet users if you use French not Spanish.
Visitante   Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:30 am GMT
Visitor no se cuantos años tienes.

En cualquier caso, si te aburres y buscas una guerrita entre hispanos y franceses, mejor ponte una pelicula de Walt Disney.
Mokeka kapixaba   Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:50 am GMT
¡Yo soy brasileña y me encanta la lengua castellana!
Papoyla   Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:09 am GMT
O país de que menos gostas: Portugal

Não suportas a ignorância generalizada da população, a parolada amante de bacalhau, música pimba e novelas da TVI, o falso moralismo e a corrupção reinante. Achas o fado uma música nojenta e o chico-espertismo um cancro. E o Camões e os Descobrimentos já foram há 500 anos... ninguém sabe onde fica esse país irritante chamado Portugal. É uma província da Espanha?
Garota Marrenta   Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:17 am GMT
Sei lá, posso estar errada em meu comentário, mas esses 000,1 % que detém o poder econômico (e com isso se torna inimigo do mundo, porque coloca milhões de pessoas na mais completa miséria e falta de oportunidade), é quem, no final, dá as cartas, verdadeiramente. A diferença entre aí e aqui é basicamente o valor da corrupção. Não dá pra ter uma polícia decente, se ela ganha pouco. Aliás, aproveito: assista(m) o filme “Tropa de Elite”, e chorem, pq. é o que resta fazer. Levantar bandeira nesse país, é pregar num deserto de desajustados. Os motivos dos desajustes não vêm ao caso, até pq. não são só oriundos daqui. Essa terra nem tem idade, nem tradição para gerar problemas próprios. Ficou mais fácil importar os modelos europeus. Mas que concordo contigo que falar mal é coisa de português, concordo. E olha só, Portugal tá na Europa. É o ranço de uma belle époque tupiniquinzada… Aportuguezada. Não poderia dar certo mesmo…
Gabriella   Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:57 am GMT
Eu posso TENTAR entender o espanhol!
Mas não é a mesma coisa que falar!!!
Nao existe essa... ou voce fala ou voce fala!
Muito mais respeitável, principalmente a trabalho.
Se você falar Português, Russo ou Chines hoje em dia, esta um passo a frente! Pois são os idiomas dos paises do futuro.
A língua de um povo é uma parte muito importante de sua cultura. Se você a domina, está muito mais ligado e conectado àquela cultura, o que é muito apreciado em muitos países na hora de fazer negócios.
guest   Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:10 am GMT
Se você falar Português, Russo ou Chines hoje em dia, esta um passo a frente! Pois são os idiomas dos paises do futuro.

Well, it is difficult to know if Portuguese, Russian and Chinese will be important.

For example, Japan is the second most powerful country on Earth, after USA and in the Western World is not studied.

China is the third most powerful country on Earth and almost nobody study this language in the Americas or Europe.

Brazil is in the top ten countries, and Portuguese is not studied in USA or Europe, at least at the moment.

The most studied languages nowadays are English, French, Spanish and German, and the tendency to study these languages is still strong worldwide.
Daphne   Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:20 am GMT
Estas palabras aparecieron escritas con sangre en una de las paredes de la habitacion de la joven Daphne Wanninkhof al ser hallada asesinada en su casa mientras se encontraba sola el 1º de febrero del 89, con la cabeza rapada, sin la pierna derecha y sin 3 uñas que le fueron arrancadas . Nunca se pudo encontrar al culpable. Copia y pega este mensaje en este y tres hilos mas, o el fantasma de Daphne te asesinara esta noche
Passado   Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:14 pm GMT
Porhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M9OUd9T0Wstuguese is beautiful-listen to Joana Amendoeira.
Galicia   Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:59 pm GMT
portuguese is a waste of time
Joao   Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:51 pm GMT
"Galicia Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:59 pm GMT
portuguese is a waste of time"

You are a waste of time with your remarks
the truth   Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:38 am GMT
spanish and portuguese are useless. french and english are the only two global languages and the only two WORKING language of the UN, the olympic committee, nato, etc etc. french and english are also considered more prestigious due to their contributions to science and technology, whereas spanish and portuguese have virtually none.
la realidad   Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:53 am GMT
Nice try, mon ami!

"french and english are the only two global languages and the only two WORKING language of the UN"

NOT REALLY. In United Nations there are 6 official and working languages, English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian. French and English are working languages at the Secretariat, but in the reality it is only used English there.

In all othe bodies of the United Nations, Spanish and Arabic, official in a lot of countries, in reality, are at least so used than French.

The olympic comittee. NOT REALLY. English and French are official, but there are used other languages too, like for example Spanish or German translated and used in all the meetings.

"french and english are also considered more prestigious due to their contributions to science and technology"

COMPLETELY BULLSHIT. It is only English the language of science.

ALL the most important scientific reviews, papers, articles are in English. So, all other languages are not useful in the scientific field.

In theory, the second scientific-technological languages is Japanese, an obviously not French.

PD. The reality is that French WAS an important language in 1950, but not nowadays.

It is a language spoken as mother tongue in Quebec (a province of a country) and France (and around). It is also spoken in some African countries (the poorest countries on Earth) as second language. Total speakers, some 200 million. So, it is not in the top ten languages, and the importance of this language is in free fall, according to ALL experts in languages.
qwjkx   Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:25 pm GMT
When I chose to learn EU Portuguese I did it because I'm keen on learning languages and in my opinion European Portuguese is more conservative, interesting and richer than Brazilian grammatically and phonetically. That's probably just me. Anyway when I decide to pick up a new language to learn I am not generally interested in the numbers of speakers or the economic powerful of a country: the knowledge of English is enough in the bussiness world. Language lovers often have different criteria:some grammar, phonological or syntactical aspects are particularly interesting to me. That's why I would like to study Lithuanian, Basque, Greek, Estonian and some remote languages of Asia, Africa or America. Who cares about Spanish or French and how many speakers these languages have. Unfortunately, most threads on this forum only concern the latter languages and we have to read continuous annoying disputes amongst retarded teens.