Why Learn Portuguese?

Joao   Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:01 pm GMT
ha ha ha

My life changed after encountering Amazon (lol). It's like in those adds to get slimmer "before" and "after". ha ha ha
yt   Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:05 pm GMT
Joao you are a smart guy, believe me, I'm not kidding, but you ought to deepen your knowledge of phonetics, grammar and syntax, so you could realize that Continental and Brazilian Portuguese are not so similar
Guest   Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:09 pm GMT
They are similar. It's just another variant of the Portuguese language. Azorean portuguese is very different phonetically compared to EUPT and BRPT but once you get used to it you have no problem understanding it. All this does is enrich the language and make it more interesting.
poiu   Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:21 pm GMT
Joao   Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:32 am GMT
«Joao you are a smart guy, believe me, I'm not kidding, but you ought to deepen your knowledge of phonetics, grammar and syntax, so you could realize that Continental and Brazilian Portuguese are not so similar»

The phonetics are different in the same manner as many other languages. American English and Standard British English have very different phonetics as well. Scotish English has different phonetics as well. Dutch from the Netherlands and Dutch from Belgium (Flemish) have very different phonetics. Belgian French, French French and Canadian French are different. According to your point of view, these are then diferent languages.

The differences in syntax between BR PT and EU PT are minor. In many cases those variants can be used in both languages, yet Brazilians use one manner while the Portuguese use the other.
There are variations inside the tiny Portugal: Northern Portuguese, Southern Portuguese, Lisbon's Portuguese, Azorean Portuguese, Madeiran Portuguese, etc There are sharp variations in accent. Yet, it's one language.
Those who say that Brazilians speak a different language from Portuguese are not Portuguese speakers. They listen to the sounds without understanding the meaning and think it's a different language. It is the same as saying that Portuguese and Russian are simmilar languages, or Spanish and Greek are simmilar. They are not.
para mim   Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:05 pm GMT
I have been studying Portuguese for many years I have been to Portugal three times and I can say that the two varieties of Portuguese are quite different, much more than British and American English or American and European Spanish. That's a fact. They often sound completely different phonetically, to say nothing of grammar and vocabulary. I've studied linguistics deeply and I know what I'm talking about.
para ti   Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:06 pm GMT
I have been studying Portuguese for many years I have been to Portugal three times and I can say that the two varieties of Portuguese are not really different, not much more than British and American English or American and European Spanish. That's a fact. They may often sound completely different phonetically, but there's not much to say about grammar and vocabulary. I've studied linguistics deeply and I know what I'm talking about.
Guarapiranga   Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:26 pm GMT
Here's a song in dialect:


O Pidido

Já qui tu vai lá prá fêra
Traga di lá para mim
Água da fulô qui chêra
Um nuvelo e um carrin
Trais um pacote de misse
Meu amigo ah se tu visse
Aquele cego cantadô!
Um dia ele me disse
Jogano um mote de amô
Qui eu havéra de vivê
Pur esse mundo
E morrê ainda em flô
Passa naquela barraca
Daquela mulé reizêra
Onde almuçamo paca
Panelada e frigidêra
Inté você disse vã lõa
Gabano a boia bôa
Qui das casas da cidade
Aquela era a primêra
Trais pra mim uãs brividade
Qui eu quero matá a sôdade
Fais tempo qui fui na fêra
Ai sôdade...
Apois sim vê se num isquece
Quinda nessa lua chêa
Nós vai brincá na quermesse
Lá no Riacho d'Arêa
Na casa daquêle home
Feiticêro e curadô
Qui o dia intêro é home
Fiiho de Nosso Sinhô
Mais dispois da mêa noite
É lubisome cumedô
Dos pagão qui as mãe isqueceu
Do batismo salvadô
E tem mais dois garrafão
Cum dois canguin responsadô
Apois sim vê se num isquece
De trazê ruge e carmim
Ah se o dinheiro desse!
Eu queria um tracilin
E mais treis metro de chita
Qui é preu fazê um vistido
E ficá bem mais bunita
Qui Madô de Juca Dido
Qui Zefa de Iô Joaquim
Já qui tu vai lá prá fêra
Meu amigo trais
Essas coisinhas para mim...
Paraguaçu   Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:39 pm GMT
Another one

Samba do Arnesto

O Arnesto nos convidô prum samba, ele mora no Brás
Nós fumos não encontremos ninguém
Nós vortemos com uma baita de uma reiva
Da outra vez nós num vai mais
Nós num semo tatu!
Notro dia encontremo co Arnesto
Que pediu descurpas mais nós não aceitemos
Isso não se faz, Arnesto, nós não se importa
Mas você devia ter ponhado um recado na porta
Um recado assim ói: "Ói, turma, num deu pra esperá
Aduvido que isso, num faz mar, num tem importância,
Assinado em cuspo porque não sei escrever"

Paraguaçu   Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:41 pm GMT
Shakira   Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:07 pm GMT
Ahí viene um colombiano pelado y tarado com su saco en la mano, comiendo porras y corriendo para agarrar la buseta.
Luca   Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:14 pm GMT
I agree; brazilian and portuguese portuguese sounds different (personally I prefer the original one) but the written language does not differ so much; and every average educated people who knows the language can switch easily from one to the other (or at least understand it and make himself understood).
Joao   Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:44 pm GMT
«I have been studying Portuguese for many years I have been to Portugal three times and I can say that the two varieties of Portuguese are quite different, much more than British and American English or American and European Spanish. That's a fact. They often sound completely different phonetically, to say nothing of grammar and vocabulary. I've studied linguistics deeply and I know what I'm talking about.»

BS You are a cheating troll. It's not true if compared to the different dialects of English. There are differences but it's not completely different. I think you do not speak anything of Portuguese apart from "para mim", aka "to me"
Joao   Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:46 pm GMT
Luca, the written language is the same, apart from different words and some insigificant syntax differences.

The pronunciation is different in many aspects, just like the different dialects of several languages spread all over the world.