French is more bitchy than Spanish and Spanish is more retarded than French.
Which language is better Spanish or French?
<<Not only that, but if France plays its cards right, French could be successfully peddled as a more politically correct lingua franca, replacing English in the medium-term future>>
Yes, in my opinion French can be the lingua franca between USA and England:)
PD. Are you jocking? French is a language in decline. It is a minoritary language everywhere, even in countries where the language is official. In Canada is more useful English, in Belgium and Switzerland too, or even German.
In French Africa, only minorities speak French. It is only useful in France.
Yes, in my opinion French can be the lingua franca between USA and England:)
PD. Are you jocking? French is a language in decline. It is a minoritary language everywhere, even in countries where the language is official. In Canada is more useful English, in Belgium and Switzerland too, or even German.
In French Africa, only minorities speak French. It is only useful in France.
Well, the comparison is obvious.
French is a stagnated language. It is spoken by some 200 million, and hardly 75 million as mother tongue. These figures are not very impressive. It is NOT in the top ten languages nowadays.
Do you think that an Indonesian, a Brazilian, an Indian or a Chinese can consider French as an important language, when their language is more spoken?
Top ten languages
1. Chinese
2. English
3. Spanish
4. Hindi
5. Arabic
6. Russian
7. Indonesian
8. Bengali
9. Urdu
10. Portuguese
PD. The number of speakers is obviously one of the most important points to consider in a language. And French is clearly a stagnated language in this point.
French is a stagnated language. It is spoken by some 200 million, and hardly 75 million as mother tongue. These figures are not very impressive. It is NOT in the top ten languages nowadays.
Do you think that an Indonesian, a Brazilian, an Indian or a Chinese can consider French as an important language, when their language is more spoken?
Top ten languages
1. Chinese
2. English
3. Spanish
4. Hindi
5. Arabic
6. Russian
7. Indonesian
8. Bengali
9. Urdu
10. Portuguese
PD. The number of speakers is obviously one of the most important points to consider in a language. And French is clearly a stagnated language in this point.
<<PD. Are you jocking? French is a language in decline. It is a minoritary language everywhere, even in countries where the language is official. In Canada is more useful English, in Belgium and Switzerland too, or even German. >>
No -- actually I was joking. :)
(just reacting to the 500,000,000 French native speakers claim)
No -- actually I was joking. :)
(just reacting to the 500,000,000 French native speakers claim)
I agree that having a large number of speakers makes a language important, but it's also important to consider how many people study the language as a second language.
Many people in the US study French and Spanish as a foreign language in school. They may or may not speak it, but it's still an important language for publishers of language materials and textbooks.
US inhabitants can see that French may be useful for them (especially those who live near parts of Canada) in a way that Bengali will not be. It's also useful for importers/exporters, and people who wish to deal with
Francophone Europeans.
Yes, the languages on the list are important. How many of them can you speak, fellow Antimooners?
Many people in the US study French and Spanish as a foreign language in school. They may or may not speak it, but it's still an important language for publishers of language materials and textbooks.
US inhabitants can see that French may be useful for them (especially those who live near parts of Canada) in a way that Bengali will not be. It's also useful for importers/exporters, and people who wish to deal with
Francophone Europeans.
Yes, the languages on the list are important. How many of them can you speak, fellow Antimooners?
Spanish: good for business.
La escuela española de alta dirección IE Business School ha sido elegida como la segunda escuela de negocios europea y la séptima del mundo en programas Executive MBA, según el ranking 2009 elaborado por Financial Times.
El IESE ofrece el mejor programa MBA del mundo
Este ranking consideró los programas Executive MBA de IE Business School entre los mejores del mundo por el desarrollo profesional de los graduados, el cumplimiento de expectativas y la progresión salarial de sus participantes, entre otros aspectos.
El director general de relaciones externas de IE Business School, Gonzalo Garland, destacó que el Executive MBA "es un programa consolidado con las señas de identidad de la escuela: internacionalización en claustro y alumnos, que este año proceden de 88 países, respaldo a la creación empresarial, innovación y formación en humanidades".
En esta edición, los responsables de 'Financial Times' evaluaron 16 parámetros de calidad de los programas Executive MBA de 98 escuelas de negocios de todo el mundo.
Entre ellos, analizaron el grado de satisfacción de los participantes, su progresión profesional, el incremento salarial en los años posteriores a su graduación, la diversidad del claustro y del alumnado, la proyección internacional del programa, el grado de cumplimiento de las expectativas o el nivel investigador de cada escuela de negocios.
El resultado del ranking de 'Financial Times' consolida los resultados obtenidos por IE Business School este año en las clasificaciones internacionales de programas MBA como el de 'América Economía', que lo sitúo como el segundo del mundo, la revista 'Forbes', que lo eligió tercero del mundo, y el 'Wall Street Journal', donde apareció en la primera posición del ranking.
La escuela española de alta dirección IE Business School ha sido elegida como la segunda escuela de negocios europea y la séptima del mundo en programas Executive MBA, según el ranking 2009 elaborado por Financial Times.
El IESE ofrece el mejor programa MBA del mundo
Este ranking consideró los programas Executive MBA de IE Business School entre los mejores del mundo por el desarrollo profesional de los graduados, el cumplimiento de expectativas y la progresión salarial de sus participantes, entre otros aspectos.
El director general de relaciones externas de IE Business School, Gonzalo Garland, destacó que el Executive MBA "es un programa consolidado con las señas de identidad de la escuela: internacionalización en claustro y alumnos, que este año proceden de 88 países, respaldo a la creación empresarial, innovación y formación en humanidades".
En esta edición, los responsables de 'Financial Times' evaluaron 16 parámetros de calidad de los programas Executive MBA de 98 escuelas de negocios de todo el mundo.
Entre ellos, analizaron el grado de satisfacción de los participantes, su progresión profesional, el incremento salarial en los años posteriores a su graduación, la diversidad del claustro y del alumnado, la proyección internacional del programa, el grado de cumplimiento de las expectativas o el nivel investigador de cada escuela de negocios.
El resultado del ranking de 'Financial Times' consolida los resultados obtenidos por IE Business School este año en las clasificaciones internacionales de programas MBA como el de 'América Economía', que lo sitúo como el segundo del mundo, la revista 'Forbes', que lo eligió tercero del mundo, y el 'Wall Street Journal', donde apareció en la primera posición del ranking.
This Hispanic fanatic fan (SFF) is not only stupid, he changes the figures and he doesn't say the truth.
The number of French speakers, according to the same Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 500 million.
The number of Spanish speakers, according to the same SIL-Ethnologue not the lying INSTITUTO CERVEZA, is some 330 million.
The number of French speakers, according to the same Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 500 million.
The number of Spanish speakers, according to the same SIL-Ethnologue not the lying INSTITUTO CERVEZA, is some 330 million.
<<Yes, the languages on the list are important. How many of them can you speak, fellow Antimooners? >>
Just one (and darned proud of it, too).
Remember that in some circles here in the US, unnecessary knowledge of foreign languages is looked upon with suspicion, and may cause certain folks to question your patriotism. Maybe you're one of those urbane, sophisticated, cosmopolitan "pointy-headed intellectuals", or have left-leaning political views, favoring multi-culturalism, political correctness, and all that.
Just one (and darned proud of it, too).
Remember that in some circles here in the US, unnecessary knowledge of foreign languages is looked upon with suspicion, and may cause certain folks to question your patriotism. Maybe you're one of those urbane, sophisticated, cosmopolitan "pointy-headed intellectuals", or have left-leaning political views, favoring multi-culturalism, political correctness, and all that.
This HISPANIC ANTI-CHRIST is not only stupid but who doesn't not respect the privacy of the visitors of this forum by accessing their PC with the use of our IP address, he changes the figures and he doesn't say the truth.
The number of French speakers, according to the same Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 500 million.
The number of Spanish speakers, according to the same SIL-Ethnologue not the lying INSTITUTO CERVEZA, is some 330 million.
The number of French speakers, according to the same Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 500 million.
The number of Spanish speakers, according to the same SIL-Ethnologue not the lying INSTITUTO CERVEZA, is some 330 million.
The first link is NOT official. It is a particular website.
There is an official organization, Francophonie, the most prestigious and serious organization of the French language, and it says that 195 million people speak French, not more.
The second link is NOT official. It is also a particular website. Besides, the data are not updated.
Instituto Cervantes says that there are some 500 million people that speak Spanish, and it is the second most studied language Worldwide.
Francophonie respects this data, and they never said that is not true. I think the data of Francophonie and Instituto Cervantes are true, and you should think the same too, you like it or not.
There is an official organization, Francophonie, the most prestigious and serious organization of the French language, and it says that 195 million people speak French, not more.
The second link is NOT official. It is also a particular website. Besides, the data are not updated.
Instituto Cervantes says that there are some 500 million people that speak Spanish, and it is the second most studied language Worldwide.
Francophonie respects this data, and they never said that is not true. I think the data of Francophonie and Instituto Cervantes are true, and you should think the same too, you like it or not.
According to Francophonie French has more secondary speakers than English and native speakers are 2000 millions.
The first link is a particular website. It is official.
There is an official organization, Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 500 million, the most prestigious and serious organization of the French language, and it says that 500 million people speak French, not more.
The second link is a particular website. It is also official. Besides, the data are accurate it's updated because Ethnologue's estimation of Spanish including its secondary speakers is 329 million.
SIL-Ethnologue says that there are just 330 million Spanish speakers worldwide as opposed to the lies made by Instituto Cerveza and it is the only website or organization that mentioned that it is second most studied language worldwide but non-francophone organizations particularly those from English speakers says that French is the second most studied language and they didn't even mentioned that Spanish is the third most studied.
Conseil economique et social de Paris respects this data, and they never said that is not true. I think the data of Conseil economique et social de Paris and SIL-Ethnologue are true, and you should think the same too, you like it or not.
There is an official organization, Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 500 million, the most prestigious and serious organization of the French language, and it says that 500 million people speak French, not more.
The second link is a particular website. It is also official. Besides, the data are accurate it's updated because Ethnologue's estimation of Spanish including its secondary speakers is 329 million.
SIL-Ethnologue says that there are just 330 million Spanish speakers worldwide as opposed to the lies made by Instituto Cerveza and it is the only website or organization that mentioned that it is second most studied language worldwide but non-francophone organizations particularly those from English speakers says that French is the second most studied language and they didn't even mentioned that Spanish is the third most studied.
Conseil economique et social de Paris respects this data, and they never said that is not true. I think the data of Conseil economique et social de Paris and SIL-Ethnologue are true, and you should think the same too, you like it or not.
According to Instituto Cervantes, Spanish has more native speakers than English and native speakers are 400 millions.
Yes. You are right. The number of Spanish speakers as mother tongue are some 400 million. They are 500 million, total speakers.
You can see the number of speakers in every country in Wikipedia, English version: Geographic distribution
You can see the number of speakers in every country in Wikipedia, English version: Geographic distribution
The first link is a particular website. It is official.
There is an official organization, Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 80 million, the most prestigious and serious organization of the French language, and it says that 80 million people speak French, not more.
The second link is a particular website. It is also official. Besides, the data are accurate it's updated because Ethnologue's estimation of Spanish including its secondary speakers is 500 million.
SIL-Ethnologue says that there are just 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide according to Instituto Cervante and it is one of many websites or organizations that mentioned that it is second most studied language worldwide but non-francophone organizations particularly those from English speakers says that French is the tenth most studied language and they mentioned that Spanish is the second most studied.
Conseil economique et social de Paris respects this data, and they never said that is not true. I think the data of Conseil economique et social de Paris and SIL-Ethnologue are true, and you should think the same too, you like it or not.
There is an official organization, Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 80 million, the most prestigious and serious organization of the French language, and it says that 80 million people speak French, not more.
The second link is a particular website. It is also official. Besides, the data are accurate it's updated because Ethnologue's estimation of Spanish including its secondary speakers is 500 million.
SIL-Ethnologue says that there are just 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide according to Instituto Cervante and it is one of many websites or organizations that mentioned that it is second most studied language worldwide but non-francophone organizations particularly those from English speakers says that French is the tenth most studied language and they mentioned that Spanish is the second most studied.
Conseil economique et social de Paris respects this data, and they never said that is not true. I think the data of Conseil economique et social de Paris and SIL-Ethnologue are true, and you should think the same too, you like it or not.