French are not the target of of people on this forum. It is the Spaniards. That's the reason why one of the rules on this forum is this one:
"you will not post:
1.Messages not related to languages, for example, messages about war in Iraq, the Spanish, TV shows, hispanic gay sex, the weather, etc.
french and english are the only two global languages. they are the only two working languages of the UN and are more official in more organizations than spanish will ever be.
both are more prestigious than spanish, a language known around the world as the language of thugs, gangsters, illegal immigrants and drug dealers, which is often shown in movies and whatnot.
numbers don't mean much. those hispanics in latin america can keep reproducing like pests for all i care but that won't make spanish more prestigious. what has spanish contributed to maths, science and technology? even russian has done more than that.
as for tourism, france has beautiful islands in the caribbean, pacific and around madagascar, and france itself is a top tourist stop. the alps, the mediterannean, paris, etc, france has got it all. even in latin america i'd rather visit the US or brazil over any hispanic country.
spanish has those annoying inverted question and exclamation marks, and the tilda n (can't they just use "ni" for the sound?) that is considered part of the alphabet. plus the spanish spoken in spain (which has that gay lisp) is different to the spanish of latin america, with different pronunciation, vocabulary, sometimes grammar and accents. who knows? maybe spanish in the future will have significantly varied dialects that may be considered languages in their own right. and unlike latin which had prestige spanish would be forgotten.
as for illegal immigrants in US refusing to speak english, all schools there are taught in english, so their second or third generation descendants will speak fluent english. plus, the people who matter speak english there. the people who don't speak spanish.
sure french is hard to pronounce, but that's what makes it fun. it's a challenge. don't you people like at least a little challenge when learning other languages? or are you typical americans who are lazy and choose the easiest language? if you are, then spanish grammar is arguably harder than french? especially when you get past the basics and into the deep. The Spanish subject pronoun is usually dropped, thus it is essential to have all verb conjugations memorized in order to recognize (as the listener) and express (as the speaker) which subject is performing the action. The French subject pronoun is always stated, which means that verb conjugations - while still important, of course - are not as vital to comprehension: your own or your listener's. In addition, French has just two words for you (singular/familiar and plural/formal), while Spanish has four (singular familiar, plural familiar, singular formal, and plural formal), or even five - there's a different singular/familiar used in parts of Latin America with its own conjugations.
final note. french and english are like brothers. they both have 26 letters. in fact more than half of all english words are derived from french, so it would help both languages if you study french.
oh and don't believe everything you read in wikipedia. you should know when something looks fishy in favour of the spanish language. wikipedia can be easily edited (in fact very very easy) and judging by hispanics on this forum who like bragging about the spanish language i think that's what they do.
also, don't trust other websites either, especially those written by hispanics. instudio cervantes or whatever you call it is one of them.
don't get me wrong. i'm not french. spanish still has more speakers than french, but so what?
French language has a world population for this language of 425,622,855 while Spanish has 411,631,985 that is according to internet World Stats.
This data is not an estimation but the exact figure based on the study. Clearly, this is more accurate than that of Ethnologue's.
I prefer the OFFICIAL data of Francophonie and Instituto Cervantes, and not some private webpages.
According to the Francophonie there are some 200 million of French speakers and according to Instituto Cervantes, some 500 million of Spanish speakers.
I prefer the THOROUGH and EXACT NOT APPROXIMATE data of Internet World Stats, and not some private webpages.
According to the IWS there are 425,622,855 of French speakers and 411,631,985 of Spanish speakers.
Both are ugly and not useful: The knowlegde of English is enough nowadays but if you are keen on languages I suggest you to study some more peculiar and interesting languages. French and Spanish are boring and banal