Which language is better Spanish or French?
<< It shows the same situation in Internet, where English was 10 years ago almost the only language on the net. Now, English is the most important yet, but not the only one. Chinese and Spanish, for example, have an important amount of users. >>
But don't you forget that much fewer articles in Wikipedia and other similar websites are written in Spanish language.
There more websites English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, and Swedish than Spanish.
Having the number of users does not guarantee the importance of a language. In the same way, number of native speakers doesn't automatically make language important than the others but also the number of its secondary and those who learned it as an acquired tongue.
Here are the criteria of a world language:
1. Number of native speakers.
2. Number secondary and those who learned it as an acquired tongue.
3. Number of countries where it is spoken.
4. Geographic coverage.
5. Ideas contributed by its speakers in science, technology, arts, etc.
English has 5 of these
French has 2,3,4,5
Russian has 1,2,3,4,5
German has 1,2,5
Spanish has 1,3,4
Chinese has 1,4 maybe 5
Arabic has 1,2,3,4
Portuguese has 1,3,4 maybe 5 because of Brazil
Italian has 2, 5
Japanese 1,5
<<But don't you forget that much fewer articles in Wikipedia and other similar websites are written in Spanish language.
Wikipedia is Jewish trash, it does not determine the importance of a language. Anyways according to Wikipedi itself the Spanish Wikipedia has more quality than most of Wikpedias .In other words, it may have less articles than French, but the quality of Spanish articles is higher.
<<There more websites English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, and Swedish than Spanish. >>
The world population of the following languages:
1. English: 1,263,830,976
2. Chinese: 1,373,859,774
3. French: 425,622,855
4. Spanish: 411,631,985
5. Arabic: 289,742,641
6. Portuguese: 247,223,493
7. Japanese: 127,078,679
8. Russian: 140,041,247 (excluding Ex-Soviet Republics)
9. German: 96,389,702
10. Korean: 71,174,317
This is one of the most accurate data that has ever been uploaded on the Internet. The total number of speakers of French exceeded that of Spanish's because of its 190 million secondary speakers 150 million speakers as acquired tongue, and 85 million native speakers.
The site is very fair because Spanish has indeed more Internet users but in the total number of speakers its French.
<<Here are the criteria of a world language:
1. Number of native speakers.
2. Number secondary and those who learned it as an acquired tongue.
3. Number of countries where it is spoken.
4. Geographic coverage.
5. Ideas contributed by its speakers in science, technology, arts, etc.>>
You are wrong in several things.
The top 5 languages in every point:
1. The number of native speakers is obviously important. It is one of the most important points. Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic and English are the most spoken languages, as mother tongue speakers.
2. Number of secondary speakers is important, but you should add ALL of them. The second point should be NUMBER OF TOTAL SPEAKERS, including secondary speakers. Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic are again the most spoken languages, total speakers.
3. Countries where it is spoken. Well, there are 3 languages spoken in a lot of countries as first or second language. English, French and Spanish. Arabic and Russian should be added in this group.
4. Geographic coverage. Here you should add big areas where the language is spoken by a large population as mother tongue and also as second language. They are English (North America), Spanish (Latin America), Chinese (Asia), Arabic (Africa) and Russian (Europe), the most spoken languages in each area.
5. Ideas contributed by its speakers in science, technology, arts, etc. "Ideas" is not a serious point. That is not important. All the technologic books are translated or written in English. All science books are in English, etc.
It should be change by "Economic languages". The most important languages in the economic field are English, Chinese, Spanish, German and Japanese.
According to this list:
1. English and Spanish, 5 points
2. Chinese, 4 points
3. Arabic, 3 points
All experts say that English, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic are the languages of the XXI century.
Internetworldstats is not an official organization or country. It is a private company with wrong data.
There is an official organization, Francophonie that says THERE ARE 195 MILLION SPEAKERS OF FRENCH, TOTAL SPEAKERS.
Not only that, only 136 of them are really Francophones (Bilingual people + mother tongue speakers).
<< Wikipedia is Jewish trash, it does not determine the importance of a language. Anyways according to Wikipedi itself the Spanish Wikipedia has more quality than most of Wikpedias .In other words, it may have less articles than French, but the quality of Spanish articles is higher. >>.
<< Internetworldstats is not an official organization or country. It is a private company with wrong data. >>
The 132,963,898 Spanish Internet user is not true because Internetworldstats is is a private company with wrong data.
<<There is an official organization, Francophonie that says THERE ARE 195 MILLION SPEAKERS OF FRENCH, TOTAL SPEAKERS.
Not only that, only 136 of them are really Francophones (Bilingual people + mother tongue speakers). >>
The number of French speakers, according to the same Conseil economique et social de Paris, is some 500 million.
The number of Spanish speakers, according to the same SIL-Ethnologue not the lying INSTITUTO CERVEZA, is some 330 million.
Number of discussion lists?
Are you jocking?
If a company from Nepal wants to sell its products around the World, they need a webpage in the language of the Internet users.
The Internet users speak English, Chinese and Spanish. This company from Nepal covers over half of the potential customers of the World.
Period. Next question.
You are wrong in several things.
The top 5 languages in every point:
1. The number of native speakers is obviously important. It is one of the most important points. Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic are the most spoken languages, as mother tongue speakers.
2. Number of secondary speakers is important, but you should add ALL of them. The second point should be NUMBER OF SECONDARY SPEAKERS AND THOSE SPEAK IT AS AN ACQUIRED TONGUE only. English, French, Russian, Arabic, German, and Italian are again the most spoken languages, in non-native speakers.
3. Countries where it is spoken. Well, there are 6 languages spoken in a lot of countries as first or second language. English, French, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, and Spanish.
4. Geographic coverage. Here you should add big areas where the language is spoken by a large population as mother tongue and also as second language. They are English (North America), French(Africa), Spanish (Latin America), Chinese (Asia), Arabic (Middle East and North Africa) and Russian (Eurasia), the most spoken languages in each area.
5. Ideas contributed by its speakers in science, technology, arts, etc. "Ideas" is not a serious point. That is not important. All the technologic books written and tanslated in French, Russian, German, and Italian not just English and writing and translating in Spanish is obviously absent in this field because of its zero contribution
It should be change by "Economic languages". The most important languages in the economic field are English, French Russian, Chinese, German, Italian and Japanese.
According to this list:
English has 5 points
French has 5 points
Russian has 5 points
Arabic has 4 points
Portuguese 4 points
All experts say that English, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Arabic are the languages of the XXI century.
Number of discussion lists?
Are you lickin' male asses and in sodomy?
If a company from Nepal wants to sell its products around the World, they need a webpage in the language of the Internet users.
The Internet users speak English, French, German. This company from Nepal covers over half of the potential customers of the World.
Period. Next question.
<< Has someone accessed your PC through a link placed here? >>
Dear K.T.,
I'm referring to the wickedness of these Hispanic Fanatics. They can access our PC's by determining our IP addresses and knowing what's on our PC screen. I know it because of the ant-threat in installed in my PC and showing their IP addresses too. These Homo Hispanic fanatics have no respect to privacy.
In Africa the most spoken language is Arabic. After Arabic, English is the second.
After them, Swahili, Hausa and French are fighting for the third place. So, French is the dominant language NOWHERE.
In European Union, the same .English is the most spoken language, including second language users. German is the second. So, French is only third.
French is the mother tongue of 75 million people (less than Vietnamese). If you add all bilingual people, it is spoken by 136 million.
Finally, if you add partial Francophones (all people that speak French around the World), THE TOTAL SPEAKERS OF FRENCH ARE 195 million.
It is a point about technological or scientific languages that is a nonsense.
For example, an Italian that study Medicine. He/she needs to study in Italian and some books are also in English.
He doesn't care which is the second most important language in Medicine, because there is NOT a second language.
ALL important books are in English. You don't need more to be a doctor.
In Western Hemisphere the most spoken language is English. After English, Portuguese is the second.
After them, French, Guarani and Spanish are fighting for the third place. So, Spanish is the dominant language NOWHERE.
In European Union, the same .English is the most spoken language, including second language users. German is the second. But Spanish is behind Italian, Dutch, Polish, and Swedish.
Spanish is the second tongue of 20 million people (less than Western Saharan). If you add all bilingual people, it is spoken by 320 million.
Finally, if you add those who speak Spanish as an acquire tongue(all people that non-native Spanish speakers around the World), THE TOTAL NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS OF HISPANOPHONES ARE 30 million.