Which language is better Spanish or French?
Well, the comparison is obvious.
Spanish is a sinking language. It is spoken by some 330 million, and hardly 301 million as mother tongue. These figures are not very impressive. It is NOT in the top languages of non-native or secondary nowadays and it will never be.
Do you think that an Indonesian, a Brazilian, an Indian or a Chinese can consider Spanish as an important language, when their language is more spoken?
Top languages with secondary and non-native speakers
1. English
2. French
3. Arabic
4. Russian
5. German
6. Italian
7. Portuguese
8. Chinese
9. Hindi
10. Japanese
PD. The number of secondary and non-native speakers is obviously one of the most important points to consider in a language. And Spanish is clearly a sinking language in this point.
euphrateous Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:55 pm GMT
<<PD. Are you jocking? French is a language in decline. It is a minoritary language everywhere, even in countries where the language is official. In Canada is more useful English, in Belgium and Switzerland too, or even German. >>
No -- actually I was joking. :)
(just reacting to the 500,000,000 French native speakers claim)
But you're not reacting to the claims of the Hispanic fanatics that Spanish has 500 million total speakers and the second most studied worldwide.
Why you're as silly and stupid as them or may be worse.
Stupid, Spanish is spoken by 500 million people. That is a fact. That is not a claim of Hispanic fanatics.
You can see that in Wikipedia, ENGLISH version.
It is also the second most studied language Worldwide, after English. Francophonie didn't say that it is not true.
PD. You can see in that webpage that there are at least 67 million of secondary Spanish speakers. So, it is obvious that Spanish is also an important language in this point. You should read updated data, mon ami.
Stupid, Spanish is spoken by 500 million people. That is a big lie. That is a claim of Hispanic fanatics.
You can see that in SIL-Ethnologue, in ENGLISH only.
It is also NOT the second most studied language Worldwide. Francophonie didn't say that it is true but French is second not Spanish.
PD. You can see in that webpage that there are at least 20 million of secondary Spanish speakers. So, it is obvious that Spanish is not an important language in this point. You should read updated data, mi amigo.
<< Tu si que estás hecha una buena loca. >>
J'ai jamais vu un dingue comme vous.
"This HISPANIC ANTI-CHRIST is not only stupid but who doesn't not respect the privacy of the visitors of this forum by accessing their PC with the use of our IP address, he changes the figures and he doesn't say the truth."
Has someone accessed your PC through a link placed here?
<<Spanish is the second language in USA, the only superpower.>>
USA is no more a superpower!
<<But you're not reacting to the claims of the Hispanic fanatics that Spanish has 500 million total speakers and the second most studied worldwide.
Why you're as silly and stupid as them or may be worse. >>
The claim of 500 million Spanish native speakers isn't quite as exaggerated -- as far as I know it's at least in the ballpark.
Also, look at the last line of the my original post
"(Of course, if Spain plays its cards right ...)"
El español jugará bien sus cartas, sobre todo si son de la baraja española. Tiene un as de bastos reservado para el francés que lo dejará K.O.
To Evinoria: yeah, the superpower is Brazil in reality.
Well, Evinoria is partially right.
At this moment there are several regional powers. Perhaps we are going to a new world order.
If that is true, English won't be so important than nowadays and several languages will have an important regional role: Chinese, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, etc.
It shows the same situation in Internet, where English was 10 years ago almost the only language on the net. Now, English is the most important yet, but not the only one. Chinese and Spanish, for example, have an important amount of users.
Recently astronomers discovered 32 new planets outside our solar system. Maybe French is official on one of them?
Both languages are ugly, no doubt
They may be ugly or not, who cares, but they are the only popular Romance languages.
<<USA is no more a superpower! >>
Correction: USA is not a superpower anymore!