Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
BS, why is it that wiping out the white race is "acceptable" but saying anything against the other races is "racist"?
BTW, that last paragraph where you said that whites are ugly is honestly laughable, we all know that Europeans are (generally) the most beautiful people in earth, of course there are exceptions but generally speaking that's the truth.
Latin Americans know this situation very well, they live in the most mixed region in the world, they know that usually the more European blood you have, the better looking you are.
Do you want the whole world to be so mixed where all the men are so focused on trying to date one of the few Nichole Kidmans out there? or all the women trying to date one of the few Orlando Blooms left?, I don't.
Europe is only becoming more darker because liberals in Europe is allowing it to happen.
Europe should be preserving the white race not importing 3rd world immigrants. Europeans should also do their own work instead of allowing people from the 3rd world to do the work people generally don't want to do.
If it wasn't for the European race, do you even think there would have been any railways, airplanes, internet? Can you imaginge what the world would look like if there is only Africans or muslims?
I like Europe to remain European.
Franco: "People with green or blue eyes will dissapear soon"
A paleontologist friend of mine used to say: "the destiny of all species is extinction."
We tend to think that things last for ever, but they don't. In Japan there are already robots that can work as front-desk receptionists. In many American stores you buy something and you scan your items and check out yourself with your credit card, no human cashier needed. Many people complain that people are losing jobs to machines. But if you think about it: why were humans doing the jobs of machines in the first place? It's denigrating.
To me it's no big deal that humankind were replaced by other forms of intelligent life. And here you are worrying about your green or blue eyes. Pathetic as you are. Ha ha. To your consolation: genetic engineering is spearing ahead non-stop. I don't think it'll be hard in the future to have any color of eyes. Pick your color. Pink would be nice.
Franco is for preservation of european genes.
I cant speak the same about the languages,since that he is an "the whole world speak spanish" fanatic.
Btw, franco is a Uruguayan troll.Was him who started this topic.
Whats the point of speak argentina,chile and uruguay?
Is the same of speak russia,brazil and haiti. The third country is irrelevant in both cases.
Uruguay is a shithole.
John: "I like Europe to remain European."
Fair opinion. To each his/her own. Obama's mother liked to marry Asian and Black and Muslim. Gave birth to a President of the U.S.A., a Nobel Prize winner. And you?
Is the Nobel Prize something one is supposed to be proud of? I mean, even Obama said he did not deserve the Nobel Prize. I would say instead that nobody deserves to receive such crap.
Probably if such thing as "Nobel Warfare Prize" existed it would be more valuable and interesting, as modern warfare requires a lot of investigation in many fields.
Franquito: "Franco is for preservation of european genes."
Cavalli-Sforza is the dude that best understands human genetics. Professor at Stanford University. Balzan Prize winner (even higher than Nobel Prize.) Yet, he is the guy that's most against racism. Look up in Wikipedia. Here is the quote:
"The classification into races has proved to be a futile exercise for reasons that were already clear to Darwin."
I do not pretend everybody to speak Spanish. In fact there are already too many blacks and mulattos who should not be allowed to speak Spanish. As for races, whether they exist or not, everybody are aware of the fact that there are physical features that are more desirable than others like: light eyes vs brown eyes ,tall vs short, etc. Some of these ones are in danger if people crossbreed carelessly. Probably people who have them will be benefited in the short term since their biological value will increase dramatically.
By the way he got nominated for the award only a couple of days after he got elected as president??
And how ironic he got the Nobel Peace Prize when America is still at war in Iraq and Afganistan. Thousands of people get killed in Iraq and he get's the Nobel Peace Prize. What a farce this Nobel Peace Prize has become!
Am I suppose to be jealous that he won a prize for what again??
To ''LITTLE FRANQUITO'' when you show your disrespect and called uruguay a ''shit..whatever'' you are showing that you are an uneducated ''shit head yourself'' what country are you from? and what is your level of education? I think that you write in this forum the same venomous comments under different names, I can only imagine that someone like you that lacks basic education, you must be one of those that was born, raise and grew up in a ''shit hole'' and because you never knew anything better to your very narrow mind the only thing you know is to throw dirt at other people's homelands..
John: "Am I suppose to be jealous that he won a prize for what again??"
Nahh, but I would like you to hold a black baby once in your arms, like Heidi Klum the German supermodel.
Perhaps, then, you will understand how Obama's mother and grandmother felt. Perhaps, then, you will understand that we are all on this planet together. We are family.
Matter of feeling is up to each individual. Even in South Africa Nelson Mandela never touched the topic of racial integration. Leave a private matter as private.
And here is what a white Jamaican has to say:
<<Nahh, but I would like you to hold a black baby once in your arms, like Heidi Klum the German supermodel. >>
In my opinion black people are like chimpanzees. They are cute when they are babies but they become ugly when they grow up.
I'm sorry but if the whole of Europe marry black men there wouldn't be any white people left. White people have less babies than Africans and Muslims so the white man will become extinct. In Europe you will find these black and muslim people having 6,7,8 babies where the average European couple only have about 1 or 2 babies.
I would not be happy if Europe is no longer a white continent. Which it is becoming. :-(
If any species in the animal kingdom get's endagered, you get people worried about that species. If the white man is threaten in Europe, you are not allowed to say anything because then you a racist?
Dear Christ... What a crapload of racist posts in here... A language forum.
Most of the comments here show a total lack of knowledge and understanding of the most basic dynamics of the past and present societies, and how things have changed.
From the very moment when human beings started to form clans, tribes, up to the moment they formed entire nations, they never really liked "the others". Then with organisation came wealth... The more wealth they have, the more they want, they become greedy and consume and consume everything until it's all depleted.
That's when "inferior" nations come in. The ones that have the most destructive military power will usually prevail if they are smart and quick enough. This is especially true when inferior nations won't fight back or are afraid of the enemy because of whatever reason (usually moral and religious, and also because of lack of stability).
But in order to subdue a nation and oblige them to accept you and the new rules, you can't just beat them to death or say that you come in the name of God (A god that they don't know of course). You must destroy their culture, destroy their organisation, try to prove their religion is false or worthless and finally; make them believe that's the way it's meant to be. "you" are the one to be dominated, "We" am meant to rule.
Then the dominating ones become more powerful once more until there is a disbalance again. Other powerful nations become jealous (as per usual), and trouble will be coming soon.
The dominated original nations have disappeared now or reduced to almost nothing, everything that reminded them of themselves is either destroyed or is now worthless and forgotten. But, in this cultural chaos, new nations are born. Funnily, the ones dominating fall for some of the dominated ones and sucumb to such a basic instinct in all living creatures... reproduction. And many actually start to put some value, pity upon, or love what they destroyed... And so they create a new nation... One that has no identity yet, no defined race, religion, place in society...
It's like a forsaken child, you don't know your parents, don't know who you are and why you're here. Then the long search starts. To give your life, your identity a meaning.
And that's why most underdeveloped nations and third-world countries like Peru, my country, keep looking BACK to the ancient ones and wonder why? And with a sort of nostalgia feeling try to rescue that memory (with no success of course)... OR keep looking UP to the dominating nations, and wonder why can't we be like them? And we believe they are better, more beautiful, that their culture and livestyles are very desirable.
The always neglected, dominated nations fail to see that we are all bones and blood when we're gone... only that THEY, were the lucky ones.
The dominating nations think the same of course, elegance, beauty, power, everything. If you're doing very well in life, wouldn't you be pleased with yourself?
All this will continue this way until the disbalance becomes unbearable. But now, the magnitude of it is greater. Since the greed of the dominating nations and the stupidity and ignorance of the dominated ones make them turn the blind eye to the reality that our world, as we know it, will sooner or later come to an end.
Sooner, I believe, and then... I don't think there will be money, power or blue eyes that could save you from this inevitable fate.
Sorry for the long post
Kind regards