Is Galician Portuguese?
Todos os seres humanos podem invocar os direitos e as liberdades proclamados na presente Declaração, sem distinção alguma, nomeadamente de raça, de cor, de sexo, de língua, de religião, de opinião política ou outra, de origem nacional ou social, de fortuna, de nascimento ou de qualquer outra situação. Além disso, não será feita nenhuma distinção fundada no estatuto político, jurídico ou internacional do país ou do território da naturalidade da pessoa, seja esse país ou território independente, sob tutela, autônomo ou sujeito a alguma limitação de soberania.
Toda persoa ten os dereitos e liberdades proclamados nesta Declaración, sen distinción ningunha de raza, cor, sexo, idioma, relixión, opinión política ou de calquera outra índole, orixe nacional ou social, posición económica, nacemento ou calquera outra condición. Ademais, non se fará ningunha distinción baseado na condición política, xurídica ou internacional do país ou territoiro da xurisdicción do cal dependa unha persoa, tanto se se trata dun país independente coma dun territorio baixo administración fiduciaria, non autónomo ou sometido a calquera outra limitación de soberanía.
That is the same god damned language!
Cheing the spailling aend yoau keyn maik anytheing luk laik anotur laingwidg.
Brazilian is Portuguese, Portuguese is Galician, and Galician is Latin, diacronically/historically.
Interesing. So, Galician is the same language with less decadence?
Nope they are different languages but very very close ones. Spanish is very close to portuguese but galego is closer.
Some people think that galego is like a mix between spanish and portugues, catala is like a mix between french and spanish, occitan is a mix between italian and french and so on. Like ok? of course they are languages by theyselves.
<<Interesing. So, Galician is the same language with less decadence? >>
Galician depends to northern group of Portuguese dialects.It is heavily influenced by Castilian. It is like Kleverlaendisch dialect ,heavily influenced by Standard German,but belongs to Dutch dialects.
<<catala is like a mix between french and spanish, occitan is a mix between italian and french >>
Catalan derived from Occitan language.Catalan is heavily influenced by Castilian and Occitan -by French,Northern Italian dialect Piemonteis is mix between medieval Occitan and Standard Italian.
i hate galician.
seems like an stupid spanish trying to speak portuguese, but with full of flaws cuz his accent is still very evident and sometimes misses the words.
i think that they sounds more like an spanish than an portuguese when they speak.
i think galician is closer to spanish than portuguese.
translate the same text to spanish and compare the words.have more words of galician translation that matches with spanish than portuguese.
not to talk about accent.
<<i think galician is closer to spanish than portuguese.
translate the same text to spanish and compare the words.have more words of galician translation that matches with spanish than portuguese.
not to talk about accent. >>
You know nothing about Galician:
Example of Galician language:
"O Apalpador em Ferrol
O Apalpador voltou a Ferrol, por segundo ano consecutivo, para repartir castanhas e presentes artesanais às crianças da comarca. Depois de passar polo Centro Social da Fundaçom Artábria, agradecendo o labor de socializaçom da nossa própria cultura nacional e da figura do gigante carvoeiro, fijo umha visita ao local da Associaçom Vicinal de Esteiro, onde foi muito bem acolhido, igual que nas ruas de diferentes bairros da cidade. Um grupo de trasnos e a música tradicional galega acompanhárom com troula o passeio do Apalpador, que cumprimentou numerosas crianças ferrolanas.
Apesar da água, toda a gente deu cumprimentos ao Apalpador, nomeadamente as nenas e os nenos, que recebêrom presentes e castanhas em troca de um sorriso. Aos pais e às maes, a quadrilha do velho carvoeiro courelao repartiu-lhes folhetos explicativos sobre a figura do Apalpador e sobre a importáncia de recuperarmos e praticarmos os nossos próprios referentes culturais."
It seems they chose slightly different ways of expressing it in the two "languages". Is this just random due to translation, or is there another reason? Could the other structure be used in the other "language"?
Toda persoa - Todos os seres humanos
sem distinção alguma - sen distinción ningunha de raza
non se fará ningunha distinción - não será feita nenhuma distinção
For example, in Spanish, both ways of saying it exist:
toda persona - todos los seres humanos
sin distinción alguna - sin ninguna distinción
no se hará ninguna distinción - no será hecha ninguna distinción
Does the use of the second one make it a different language?
February: take out some ink
Cry out your heart, let it all out
Hearing the melting snow clink
and it the dark spring burn out
Portuguese and Brazilian stem from Galician-Portuguese language but Galician is not Portuguese. Both were the same language (Galician-Portuguese) ten centuries ago . Nowadays Galician is closer to Spanish than to Portuguese in some aspects like phonology. Perhaps Northern Portuguese is closer to Galician than Spanish is but the standard in Portugal is Lisboan Portuguese.
Galician and Portuguese are like Dutch and Afrikaans.
«Galician and Portuguese are like Dutch and Afrikaans.»
Exactly. Now you're right. It's comparable.
Afrikaans is more of a creole, more creole than Cape Verdian creoles.
Maybe you can compare Galician to Brazilian Portuguese like you can compare Flemish Dutch (more archaic than Hollandic Dutch) to Afrikaans?