What makes French Latin?

Clovis   Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:14 pm GMT
Ouest...es-tu déjà allé en France ? Es-tu allé en Allemagne ? En Italie ? En Espagne ?
Connais-tu le peuple français ? Es-tu allé en Alsace ? En Bretagne ? En Provence ?
De quel pays viens-tu toi ?

Moi je suis français et je tiens te dire une chose ! Si je te mettais en face un bretons, un parisien et un provençal tu ne pourrais pas les différencier...en tout cas physiquement ! Linguistiquement TOUS parlent le français avec quelques variations dûes à l'accent !
Ce qui t'égare c'est que la France est composée de régions ayant toutes eu une histoire différente. Par exemple le Nord-Pas-de-Calais a été bien plus concerné que le Languedoc par les invasions anglaises ! L'Aquitaine a dû faire face aux invasions arabes, la Bourgogne non.
Chaque région française a ses caractéristiques et la culture change de l'une à l'autre...il n'existe pas de "culture française "universelle"" mais un fond très commun !

Tu affirmes que le français est une langue germanique...as-tu déjà lu de l'espagnol ? De l'italien ? De l'allemand ? Certainement pas ! Fais-le et tu me diras si tu trouves que le français est plus proche de l'allemand que de l'espagnol ou de l'italien !

En France il y a eu un vrai mélange de beaucoup de peuples différents (des peuples celtes, germains, latins) mais notre culture nous l'avons héritée de Rome ! C'est un fait et toutes les démonstrations du monde ne le changeront pas ! Le français se sent lui-même plus proche de l'italien que du hollandais...et oui c'est comme ça !

Je terminerai en disant que si on doit considérer la France comme germanique on doit aussi considérer que l'Espagne est un pays arabe et que l'Italie est un pays germanique elle aussi !

Stan   Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:37 pm GMT
<<Tu affirmes que le français est une langue germanique...as-tu déjà lu de l'espagnol ? De l'italien ? De l'allemand ? Certainement pas ! Fais-le et tu me diras si tu trouves que le français est plus proche de l'allemand que de l'espagnol ou de l'italien !

One cannot adequately compare modern romance languages one to another to determine their placement,, a comparison to the original latin has to be made.
Each language: Spanish, French and indeed Italian also, has been affected exteriorly, and during the Mediaeval era, artificially from each other to form a sort of consolidated ''bloc''
Guest   Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:24 pm GMT
" <<<--so when you buck at the UNGODLY and UNTHINKABLE possibility that you (Frenchman, Spaniard, Italian...) might be a german, or worse yet, a BARBARIAN as you call those ancestors you'd rather not claim to admit, you only show distain and disgust for yourselves. Face it. Embrace it. >>> Thanks a lot, Guest2, that is exactly the point! "

what you seem to not understand is that identity is not a question of "ancestry". As many othersn the french population is made from diverse and long-time during migrations. having some ancestors that had spoken a germanic language 1500 years ago is not a tabu - not more than the celtic immigrants, romans, greeks, phenicians, arabs, slavs, jewish, africans, asians, etc.

" great parts of the Frenchmen (especially in the North and East of French teritory) are ethnically and in respect to culture and language NOT different from modern Alsatians"

Yes, it is widely known that corsicans are culturally and "etnically" identical to Alsacians ! And that Bretons eat choucroute, speak Alsacian and descent from Germans !!! ;)

" have Germanic ancestors, drink beer and wine "
French people drink much less beer than Spaniards (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bi%C3%A8re_carte_consommation.png, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wine_consumption_world_map.png) - the most widely spread spanish names are of germanic origins... so are spaniards similar to Alsacians ??

" work hard"

French people, work hard ???!!! hahahahah !!! France is one of the countries where people work less. country of inefficient bureaucracy, 35hours weeks, etc. , at least 5weeks of vacations a year, numerous various catholic or military holidays, massive strikes... is this "hard working" ?

" have good technical and organisational skills, hate curruption "

so, does it mean that only germanic peoples have good technics and hate corruption ??

" speak a Germano-Latin Creole "


" <<<Alsacians own a non-romane culture, language and bloodline. >>>
And so do the Frenchmen! "

Yes, Frenchmen of course speak german, are tall-blue eyed and drink beer.

" What is really irrational is that even young Alsatians, influenced by the French 19th century nationalistic propaganda still present in school books, start to think that they are descendants of Celts or Romans and that they are of Latin culture. Try to say on the maked place of Strasbourg that Alsatians are of Germanic decendance and you will see the reaction;-) "

what a good knowledge of Alsace !!...

" Alsacians should not deny their Germanic origins and culture, I think that the Frenchmen should not deny their Germanic origins and culture either! "

first, you should really learn to differenciate "origins" and "culture". since french people have ancestors from so much different places, does it mean that french culture includes all those cultures ?

" They should learn the Germanic tongue of their ancestors (for example Francique, Allemanic and/or at least modern German) "

then you recognise we are not germanic, because we need to learn a germanic language... if we were we wouldn't need it !

" in school, and stop to adhere to absurd myths like France being the land of a Celtic/Ligurian people with Latin language and culture. "

you have never been in a french school. nothing such as this is learned.
Guest   Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:27 pm GMT
" <<<--so when you buck at the UNGODLY and UNTHINKABLE possibility that you (Frenchman, Spaniard, Italian...) might be a german, or worse yet, a BARBARIAN as you call those ancestors you'd rather not claim to admit, you only show distain and disgust for yourselves. Face it. Embrace it. >>> Thanks a lot, Guest2, that is exactly the point! "

what you seem to not understand is that identity is not a question of "ancestry". As many othersn the french population is made from diverse and long-time during migrations. having some ancestors that had spoken a germanic language 1500 years ago is not a tabu - not more than the celtic immigrants, romans, greeks, phenicians, arabs, slavs, jewish, africans, asians, etc.

" great parts of the Frenchmen (especially in the North and East of French teritory) are ethnically and in respect to culture and language NOT different from modern Alsatians"

Yes, it is widely known that corsicans are culturally and "etnically" identical to Alsacians ! And that Bretons eat choucroute, speak Alsacian and descent from Germans !!! ;)

" have Germanic ancestors, drink beer and wine "
French people drink much less beer than Spaniards (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bi%C3%A8re_carte_consommation.png, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wine_consumption_world_map.png) - the most widely spread spanish names are of germanic origins... so are spaniards similar to Alsacians ??

" work hard"

French people, work hard ???!!! hahahahah !!! France is one of the countries where people work less. country of inefficient bureaucracy, 35hours weeks, etc. , at least 5weeks of vacations a year, numerous various catholic or military holidays, massive strikes... is this "hard working" ?

" have good technical and organisational skills, hate curruption "

so, does it mean that only germanic peoples have good technics and hate corruption ??

" speak a Germano-Latin Creole "


" <<<Alsacians own a non-romane culture, language and bloodline. >>>
And so do the Frenchmen! "

Yes, Frenchmen of course speak german, are tall-blue eyed and drink beer.

" What is really irrational is that even young Alsatians, influenced by the French 19th century nationalistic propaganda still present in school books, start to think that they are descendants of Celts or Romans and that they are of Latin culture. Try to say on the maked place of Strasbourg that Alsatians are of Germanic decendance and you will see the reaction;-) "

what a good knowledge of Alsace !!...

" Alsacians should not deny their Germanic origins and culture, I think that the Frenchmen should not deny their Germanic origins and culture either! "

first, you should really learn to differenciate "origins" and "culture". since french people have ancestors from so much different places, does it mean that french culture includes all those cultures ?

" They should learn the Germanic tongue of their ancestors (for example Francique, Allemanic and/or at least modern German) "

then you recognise we are not germanic, because we need to learn a germanic language... if we were we wouldn't need it !

" in school, and stop to adhere to absurd myths like France being the land of a Celtic/Ligurian people with Latin language and culture. "

you have never been in a french school. nothing such as this is learned.
Guest   Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:30 pm GMT
" <<<--so when you buck at the UNGODLY and UNTHINKABLE possibility that you (Frenchman, Spaniard, Italian...) might be a german, or worse yet, a BARBARIAN as you call those ancestors you'd rather not claim to admit, you only show distain and disgust for yourselves. Face it. Embrace it. >>> Thanks a lot, Guest2, that is exactly the point! "

what you seem to not understand is that identity is not a question of "ancestry". As many othersn the french population is made from diverse and long-time during migrations. having some ancestors that had spoken a germanic language 1500 years ago is not a tabu - not more than the celtic immigrants, romans, greeks, phenicians, arabs, slavs, jewish, africans, asians, etc.

" great parts of the Frenchmen (especially in the North and East of French teritory) are ethnically and in respect to culture and language NOT different from modern Alsatians"

Yes, it is widely known that corsicans are culturally and "etnically" identical to Alsacians ! And that Bretons eat choucroute, speak Alsacian and descent from Germans !!! ;)

" have Germanic ancestors, drink beer and wine "
French people drink much less beer than Spaniards (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bi%C3%A8re_carte_consommation.png, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wine_consumption_world_map.png) - the most widely spread spanish names are of germanic origins... so are spaniards similar to Alsacians ??

" work hard"

French people, work hard ???!!! hahahahah !!! France is one of the countries where people work less. country of inefficient bureaucracy, 35hours weeks, etc. , at least 5weeks of vacations a year, numerous various catholic or military holidays, massive strikes... is this "hard working" ?

" have good technical and organisational skills, hate curruption "

so, does it mean that only germanic peoples have good technics and hate corruption ??

" speak a Germano-Latin Creole "


" <<<Alsacians own a non-romane culture, language and bloodline. >>>
And so do the Frenchmen! "

Yes, Frenchmen of course speak german, are tall-blue eyed and drink beer.

" What is really irrational is that even young Alsatians, influenced by the French 19th century nationalistic propaganda still present in school books, start to think that they are descendants of Celts or Romans and that they are of Latin culture. Try to say on the maked place of Strasbourg that Alsatians are of Germanic decendance and you will see the reaction;-) "

what a good knowledge of Alsace !!...

" Alsacians should not deny their Germanic origins and culture, I think that the Frenchmen should not deny their Germanic origins and culture either! "

first, you should really learn to differenciate "origins" and "culture". since french people have ancestors from so much different places, does it mean that french culture includes all those cultures ?

" They should learn the Germanic tongue of their ancestors (for example Francique, Allemanic and/or at least modern German) "

then you recognise we are not germanic, because we need to learn a germanic language... if we were we wouldn't need it !

" in school, and stop to adhere to absurd myths like France being the land of a Celtic/Ligurian people with Latin language and culture. "

you have never been in a french school. nothing such as this is learned.
Guest   Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:35 pm GMT
" <<<--so when you buck at the UNGODLY and UNTHINKABLE possibility that you (Frenchman, Spaniard, Italian...) might be a german, or worse yet, a BARBARIAN as you call those ancestors you'd rather not claim to admit, you only show distain and disgust for yourselves. Face it. Embrace it. >>> Thanks a lot, Guest2, that is exactly the point! "

what you seem to not understand is that identity is not a question of "ancestry". As many othersn the french population is made from diverse and long-time during migrations. having some ancestors that had spoken a germanic language 1500 years ago is not a tabu - not more than the celtic immigrants, romans, greeks, phenicians, arabs, slavs, jewish, africans, asians, etc.

" great parts of the Frenchmen (especially in the North and East of French teritory) are ethnically and in respect to culture and language NOT different from modern Alsatians"

Yes, it is widely known that corsicans are culturally and "etnically" identical to Alsacians ! And that Bretons eat choucroute, speak Alsacian and descent from Germans !!! ;)

" have Germanic ancestors, drink beer and wine "
French people drink much less beer than Spaniards (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bi%C3%A8re_carte_consommation.png, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wine_consumption_world_map.png) - the most widely spread spanish names are of germanic origins... so are spaniards similar to Alsacians ??

" work hard"

French people, work hard ???!!! hahahahah !!! France is one of the countries where people work less. country of inefficient bureaucracy, 35hours weeks, etc. , at least 5weeks of vacations a year, numerous various catholic or military holidays, massive strikes... is this "hard working" ?

" have good technical and organisational skills, hate curruption "

so, does it mean that only germanic peoples have good technics and hate corruption ??

" speak a Germano-Latin Creole "


" <<<Alsacians own a non-romane culture, language and bloodline. >>>
And so do the Frenchmen! "

Yes, Frenchmen of course speak german, are tall-blue eyed and drink beer.

" What is really irrational is that even young Alsatians, influenced by the French 19th century nationalistic propaganda still present in school books, start to think that they are descendants of Celts or Romans and that they are of Latin culture. Try to say on the maked place of Strasbourg that Alsatians are of Germanic decendance and you will see the reaction;-) "

what a good knowledge of Alsace !!...

" Alsacians should not deny their Germanic origins and culture, I think that the Frenchmen should not deny their Germanic origins and culture either! "

first, you should really learn to differenciate "origins" and "culture". since french people have ancestors from so much different places, does it mean that french culture includes all those cultures ?

" They should learn the Germanic tongue of their ancestors (for example Francique, Allemanic and/or at least modern German) "

then you recognise we are not germanic, because we need to learn a germanic language... if we were we wouldn't need it !

" in school, and stop to adhere to absurd myths like France being the land of a Celtic/Ligurian people with Latin language and culture. "

you have never been in a french school. nothing such as this is learned.
Guest   Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:50 pm GMT
" <<<--so when you buck at the UNGODLY and UNTHINKABLE possibility that you (Frenchman, Spaniard, Italian...) might be a german, or worse yet, a BARBARIAN as you call those ancestors you'd rather not claim to admit, you only show distain and disgust for yourselves. Face it. Embrace it. >>> Thanks a lot, Guest2, that is exactly the point! "

what you seem to not understand is that identity is not a question of "ancestry". As many othersn the french population is made from diverse and long-time during migrations. having some ancestors that had spoken a germanic language 1500 years ago is not a tabu - not more than the celtic immigrants, romans, greeks, phenicians, arabs, slavs, jewish, africans, asians, etc.

" great parts of the Frenchmen (especially in the North and East of French teritory) are ethnically and in respect to culture and language NOT different from modern Alsatians"

Yes, it is widely known that corsicans are culturally and "etnically" identical to Alsacians ! And that Bretons eat choucroute, speak Alsacian and descent from Germans !!! ;)

" have Germanic ancestors, drink beer and wine "
French people drink much less beer than Spaniards (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bi%C3%A8re_carte_consommation.png, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Wine_consumption_world_map.png) - the most widely spread spanish names are of germanic origins... so are spaniards similar to Alsacians ??

" work hard"

French people, work hard ???!!! hahahahah !!! France is one of the countries where people work less. country of inefficient bureaucracy, 35hours weeks, etc. , at least 5weeks of vacations a year, numerous various catholic or military holidays, massive strikes... is this "hard working" ?

" have good technical and organisational skills, hate curruption "

so, does it mean that only germanic peoples have good technics and hate corruption ??

" speak a Germano-Latin Creole "


" <<<Alsacians own a non-romane culture, language and bloodline. >>>
And so do the Frenchmen! "

Yes, Frenchmen of course speak german, are tall-blue eyed and drink beer.

" What is really irrational is that even young Alsatians, influenced by the French 19th century nationalistic propaganda still present in school books, start to think that they are descendants of Celts or Romans and that they are of Latin culture. Try to say on the maked place of Strasbourg that Alsatians are of Germanic decendance and you will see the reaction;-) "

what a good knowledge of Alsace !!...

" Alsacians should not deny their Germanic origins and culture, I think that the Frenchmen should not deny their Germanic origins and culture either! "

first, you should really learn to differenciate "origins" and "culture". since french people have ancestors from so much different places, does it mean that french culture includes all those cultures ?

" They should learn the Germanic tongue of their ancestors (for example Francique, Allemanic and/or at least modern German) "

then you recognise we are not germanic, because we need to learn a germanic language... if we were we wouldn't need it !

" in school, and stop to adhere to absurd myths like France being the land of a Celtic/Ligurian people with Latin language and culture. "

you have never been in a french school. nothing such as this is learned.
Ouest   Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:40 am GMT
<<<what you seem to not understand is that identity is not a question of "ancestry". As many othersn the french population is made from diverse and long-time during migrations. having some ancestors that had spoken a germanic language 1500 years ago is not a tabu - not more than the celtic immigrants, romans, greeks, phenicians, arabs, slavs, jewish, africans, asians, etc. >>>

This statement above shows what the real taboo is: it is to admit that the most influential events in French immigration history are the Latin AND the Germanic one. The important Germanic cultural and ethnical root of France is
NOT <<As many others >>, does
NOT consist only of <<some ancestors that had spoken a germanic language 1500 years ago>> and is
NOT comparable to the influence of <<phenicians, arabs, slavs, jewish, africans, asians, >>

By the way: thank to their Latin AND Germanic ancestors, French are not of Arab decendence;-)
greg   Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:31 pm GMT
Contrairement à ce qui tu insinues, Ouest, il n'y a pas de tabou. Ça fait un bail que les vieilles lunes genre « nos ancêtres les Gaulois » ont été rangées au Musée des Antiquités.

Et encore une fois, tu n'as toujours pas compris que réfuter "ta" "théorie" du "créole" "germanolatin" ne signifie pas nier l'existence des invasions barbares, ni la survenance de changements socioculturels ultérieurs.

Mais comme toujours, dès que tu es en position de faiblesse (pour être poli) sur le plan linguistique, tu te réfugies dans l'extralinguistique. Ce faisant, tu anéantis les ruines éparses des quelques bribes que tu as pu copier-coller ça et là.
Elsasser   Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:24 pm GMT
"Try to say on the maked place of Strasbourg that Alsatians are of Germanic decendance and you will see the reaction;-)"

Don't try to speak about things you don't know. Each Alsatian native knows he's more near to the Germans than Frenchmen. Alsatia was German there is less than one century.

Concerning the french language whereas I speak French as well as Alsatian and I can say no doubt better than you that French isn't a germanic language unlike Alsatian.

French was on begining a celtic area which was strongly romanized then for 5th century unified by somes Frankish lords who came what is daily Frankfurt. In sum up the true frenchmen (Oïl area) are from celtico-latin spring with a germanic Lordships reigning until the Bourbons arrival.

Now I suppose that you are a French nationalist who's jabbing on a made-up identity. If you wish so much to be Germanic civilian go to Scandinavia or Germany and stop your bullshits.
Jérémy   Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:37 am GMT
I am French too and French is definitely not Germanic !
French   Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:38 am GMT
In fact, French is more celtic than Germanic.
Guest   Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:47 am GMT
French is more Arabic than anything else
Guest   Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:56 am GMT
French is more Celtic, but Gaulish looked like to Latin, in Fact French is more Latin.........

<<French is more Arabic than anything else >>

Yes, now French is Arabising more fastly than other languages, the number of Arabic words in French are exceeding the number of Arabic words in Spanish!
Ouest   Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:46 am GMT
<<<Concerning the french language whereas I speak French as well as Alsatian and I can say no doubt better than you that French isn't a germanic language unlike Alsatian. >>>


<<<I am French too and French is definitely not Germanic ! >>>

I never said that French is a purely Germanic language like Alsatian or modern German. Scientists like professor Cerquiglini (professeur de linguistique à Paris VII, directeur, entre autres fonctions, de l’Institut national de la langue française) in his books

<<CERQUIGLINI, Bernard. «H comme Histoire. Le français: un créole qui a réussi» dans Le français dans tous ses états, Paris, Flammarion, p. 109-123, 2000.


Bernard Cerquiglini
Une langue orpheline, 240 p. ,2007, 21,50 €
ISBN : 9782707319814
GENCOD : 9782707319814

who state and demonstrate that French is a Germano-Latin/Celtic Creole or "contact language".

Again here some extracts from reviews accessible on the WWW under

L’histoire de la langue francaise, dit Bernard Cerquiglini d’entrée, « rassure une identité linguistique nationale en l’enracinant ». Elle fortifie « la superbe d’un idiome à vocation universelle ; mais c’est un mythe ». C’est cette légende fondatrice que le linguiste va déconstruire avec brio.
...le français s’abreuve à une « source bourbeuse ». Il est « la moins romane des langues latines », un créole de latin parlé, de gaulois et de langue germanique franque. Le « paradis de la latinité » est perdu. De ce manque, de ce deuil, va naître le purisme, si fort en France, « cette forme supérieure de la nostalgie », cette « pensée du déclin »
En 1750, un certain Bonamy, mal nommé, révèle les origines fangeuses de notre langue nationale. On s’était bercé, jusque-là, de toutes sortes de fables. Le français serait venu en droite ligne du latin. Ou du grec, ou de l’hébreu, ou du celte. En tout cas, nécessairement, d’une source noble, régulière et avouable. Ce savant découvrait soudain tout autre chose : le français dérive d’un latin populaire, oral, parlé par les soldats, les paysans, le bas-peuple. La langue de cour a donc pour ascendance une parlure rustaude, abâtardie, grossière, fautive, très éloignée de la langue régulière de Cicéron ou de Virgile.
Les enfants de Racine, Boileau ou Vaugelas n’étaient pas encore au bout de leurs peines. Ce bas-latin si fruste, l’historien montrait qu’il s’est « créolisé », comme on dit aujourd’hui, de formes celtes (héritage des Gaulois) et d’apports germaniques (héritage des Francs). Le résultat fut la plus horrible, la plus monstrueuse des langues romanes, la plus rugueuse, la moins latine. Est-ce pour effacer cette « source très bourbeuse et très ignoble » que l’on finit par s’inventer le rêve d’une pureté pérenne, le souci de normes rigides, l’obsession du bon usage..
Que le français descende du latin, on n’en doute plus depuis longtemps ; les délirants celtomanes qui ont fleuri jusqu’au XIXe s. ont disparu. Mais le XVIIIe s. soulignera que le latin d’origine était double : un latin policé, celui des grands écrivains et un latin vulgaire que les soldats d’occupation acclimatèrent en Gaule. Et puis ce furent les invasions germaniques, franques particulièrement ; jusqu’au IXe s., l’aristocratie franque était bilingue ; Hugues Capet en 987 est le premier roi unilingue roman. Étrange « créolisation » qui a fait que « le français est sans doute la moins romane des langues néo-latines ».
L’influence franque n’ayant guère dépassé la Loire, le pays se trouva divisé : langue d’oïl au nord, langue d’oc au sud.
Après 1870, les philologues sont au pouvoir. La défaite a été amère : il faut dissimuler la bâtardise du français, magnifier devant les Germains la dignité du français...