The importance of russian language studies

Guest   Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:30 pm GMT
They say "criminal song" here:

There should be a site with song lyrics of Severniy but I can't find it...
Guest   Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:35 pm GMT
Guest   Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:44 pm GMT
There you go:

My favorite:


Ах, Йозеф, Йозеф, старый добрый Йозеф,-
Какие есть на свете имена!
Состриг ли ты свою больную мозоль,-
Иль до сих пор она в тебе жива?

Ах, Йозеф, Йозеф, старый добрый Йозеф,
Состриг ли ты любимую мозоль?
Лучше чтоб не знали все,
Лучше чтоб упали все,-
Выставить лишь ножку ты изволь!

С добрым утром, тётя Хая, ай-ай-ай!
Вам посылка из Шанхая, ай-ай-ай!
А в посылке три китайца, ой-ой-ой!
Три китайца красят яйца, ой-ой-ой!

Я как-то встретил Йозефа на рынке,-
Он жидкость от мозолей покупал.
В зубах держал сметаны Йозеф крынку,
Ну а руками - руками мозоль обнимал.

Хотел я поздороваться с ним чинно,
Улыбку сотворил и шляпу снял,-
Но Йозеф вдруг заметил тётю Хаю,-
Вильнул кормой - и мимо прошагал!

С добрым утром, тётя Хая, ай-ай-ай!
Вам посылка из Шанхая, ай-ай-ай!
А в посылке три китайца, ой-ой-ой!
Три китайца красят яйца, ой-ой-ой!

Так вот она, какая тётя Хая,-
И Йозеф с нею, видно, не в ладах,-
Ей кто-то шлёт посылки из Шанхая,
А Йозеф умирает в мозолях!

Но Йозеф сострижёт больную мозоль
И кой-кому, ой, кой-кому намнёт бока!
И встретит он тогда и тётю Хаю,
И ей подставит ножку, а пока...

С добрым утром, тётя Хая, ай-ай-ай!
Вам посылка из Шанхая, ай-ай-ай!
А в посылке три китайца, ой-ой-ой!
Три китайца красят яйца, ой-ой-ой!

<<Три китайца красят яйца<< HA, HA, HA...XD
K. T.   Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:11 am GMT
I think all languages have beautiful sounds if one listens to them closely and learns to appreciate them.-Vytenis

Well, if one considers the tower of Babel and all languages to be confused fragments of an original language (given by God), then yes, I could accept this opinion. It's always dangerous here to express a preference for the sounds of one language over another, but it's a pretty common phenomenon. I wonder how many people choose a language simply because they like the way it sounds. Until recently, I didn't have this luxury. I studied what languages were available or what languages I needed in the countries where I lived.

I like all the languages I speak, but I enjoy some languages more than others. I also listen for fun to different asian languages on TV, but I am not fond of all their sounds. I know that I like the sounds of Chinese from Shanghai over other Chinese versions, for example.
K. T.   Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:20 am GMT
Thanks for the song/poem, guest.
Guest   Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:15 am GMT
I'm hoping no one actually believes the Babel story right?
Guest   Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:16 am GMT
The story of tower of Babel (K.T.'s favorite) is scientificaly proven correct. Think about genetics. There wwere Adam and Eve and there was one language. How close they were to God is another thing, but IMO they could be very close. Nothing to do with fundamentalism (creationism).
Guest   Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:10 pm GMT
I enjoy this very much:
Thnx Vytenis
Guest   Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:22 am GMT
My favourite, eh? I did mention that story in regard to the Omniglot site.

I think Chinese characters are fascinating (ideograms), and sometimes I wonder if they were developed because people who could not communicate with words, were able to communicate with pictures.

Adam and Eve were a long time before Babel. Then there is the story of Noah and the Ark (also before Babel). If you believe these things, you believe them, if not, they are still interesting as examples of ancient stories.
K. T.   Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:24 am GMT
Oops, I forgot to sign in. I haven't heard that the tower of Babel was proven to be scientifically correct. Any resources on that? Thanks.
Guest   Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:58 am GMT
There's a resource:

"DNA studies suggest that all humans today descend from a group of African ancestors..."

You're wellcome.
Guest   Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:17 am GMT
Of course, there was no tower. That is a metaphore.
But there WAS one language and that is what I ment.
K. T.   Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:51 am GMT
I'm not a student of Biblical archaelogy, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some ruins supporting this story as people in that area of the world used to build big temple towers. As to the African story, my spouse told me about that (but I couldn't open your link)...Thanks, anyway.
K. T.   Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:07 pm GMT
At least one of them was inappropriate, but I didn't say anything. I know that you know French and are studying Arabic. Brennus knows Spanish and probably another language. What languages does the other moderator know.
K. T.   Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:15 pm GMT
I don't envy you for your job, Josh. I think you are doing a good job, but you probably cut some things even I wouldn't cut. Perhaps it is because you are Canadian and have greater sensitivity to what is PC in your country. I'm American and not particularly PC, but I try to mind my manners.

A lot of the inappropriate messages are short messages in Romaji and Cyrillic script, but not all of them.

I wish people would stick closer to discussing languages instead of looking to shock people or looking for a date here. As always, jmo.