I do.
the easiest IE language (morphologically)
>> If Spanish and German are so easy why are you continuously writing in English?? I'm still wondering
I use English as an auxiliary language that everybody can understand (more or less)
I could also write in German, for example, but that would be quite impolite to the majority on this forum, who can only speak English.
There's also another big problem:
write something in German here, and the thread will be deleted ASAP
I use English as an auxiliary language that everybody can understand (more or less)
I could also write in German, for example, but that would be quite impolite to the majority on this forum, who can only speak English.
There's also another big problem:
write something in German here, and the thread will be deleted ASAP
I could also write in German, for example, but that would be quite impolite to the majority on this forum,
Also your messages would get deleted.
Also your messages would get deleted.
Well, if Greg always writes in French you could use German, it would be a useful way to practise it.
Notice how that f***g f*og always writes in French and his messages are not deleted. Try the same with German and you'll see how fast they are deleted.
I use English as an auxiliary language that everybody can understand (more or less)
Yes because it's the easiest language to learn
Yes because it's the easiest language to learn
No, because it's the most spreaded language because of historical reasons. You guys are obsessed about easiness of languages and pretend that English is the easiest thing in the world while your mother tongue are ultracomplicated, just to justify that they are not as important.
Yes it is, historical reasons are only a cause, its easiness it's the main reason. China and other countries reached a great economical power in a certain moment in history, but nobody adopted chinese (or other languages) as lingua franca!
You want to prove that English is difficult just to hide the truth and because you suffer from a complex of inferiority. You think you are so important.... I remember you (jut for example) that while the other European countries had thousands of history behind them, Great Britain was a damp Island ignored by everybody and on which nobody gave a shit until only 3 centuries ago. Their fortune was only the changement in marine commercial routes due to the discover of America which focus commerce on Atlantic instead of Mediterranean Sea like it was for centuries.
Everybody here is writing in English, if it were so complicated I don't think it would happen
You want to prove that English is difficult just to hide the truth and because you suffer from a complex of inferiority. You think you are so important.... I remember you (jut for example) that while the other European countries had thousands of history behind them, Great Britain was a damp Island ignored by everybody and on which nobody gave a shit until only 3 centuries ago. Their fortune was only the changement in marine commercial routes due to the discover of America which focus commerce on Atlantic instead of Mediterranean Sea like it was for centuries.
Everybody here is writing in English, if it were so complicated I don't think it would happen
China was only a country despite it was and still is very big and populated, and its influence was limited to Japan and Korea but nowadays US is very influential in many senses: economy, arts, technology, etc. Also English is spoken in five continents: US and Canada in America, UK and Ireland in Europe, Nigeria and many others in Africa, India in Asia and Australia which is a continent herself. These reasons make English to be the most studied language. If the most "difficult" language you can think about was so spread and the countries in which it was spoken were so big , rich and powerful as US it would be very studied too. So don't say nonsenses, I really don't think that you believe what you say. It has nothing to do with easiness. Just want to bash English, don't you?
the usual spoon-feeding arguments....
You are right to boast the "richness and power" of US since it derived from exploiting the planet.
The reasons because English is spoken worldwide?
1)Because G. britain ravaged, sacked and exploited half the planet (early US too, that's why they speak english)
2)Because they continue to defend their dirty interests in a sickening way for at least 2 centuries and after that came US which learned well from his previour master how to imperialize countries
3)Because English is an easy language. I don't say that necessary in a negative way, you think that because you are obsessed. "Easiness" can be positive. In fact English spreaded everywhere, if it was chinese I don't think so.
It is most straightforward and regular, Use chinese in commerce and then let me know....
I don't want to bash anybody.
Bashing and being racist is a typical english attitude
You are right to boast the "richness and power" of US since it derived from exploiting the planet.
The reasons because English is spoken worldwide?
1)Because G. britain ravaged, sacked and exploited half the planet (early US too, that's why they speak english)
2)Because they continue to defend their dirty interests in a sickening way for at least 2 centuries and after that came US which learned well from his previour master how to imperialize countries
3)Because English is an easy language. I don't say that necessary in a negative way, you think that because you are obsessed. "Easiness" can be positive. In fact English spreaded everywhere, if it was chinese I don't think so.
It is most straightforward and regular, Use chinese in commerce and then let me know....
I don't want to bash anybody.
Bashing and being racist is a typical english attitude
Afrikaans is easier than English. If you were correct it would be very studied, and even Italian is more studied than Afrikaans.
English is a very easy language to learn to communicate in at a basic level. However it is far from easy to learn to speak at native level. The posts on this thread attest to this fact. Yes, people are writing in English, but for the most part they are writing in bad English. What they write might be understandable, but it doesn't resemble how a native speaker would express themselves.
I do agree. English is easy at a basic level, but with other languages like Italian it happens just the opposite. At the beginning they seem to be hard (verb conjugations, gender and that stuff) but once you know the basics it is a piece and cake and it is not difficult at all to talk like native speakers. On the other hand it's very difficult to speak like a native English speaker.