the easiest IE language (morphologically)
I have not tried to learn Italian, so have no idea how well I would fare were I to try.
Finally! That's the POINT of the matter, you give breath to your mouth without knowing what you are talking about. Like everyone else. That's the point. You can say what you want AFTER you studied a language for 10 years and not talking because "I think that..., I heard that...:"
It's not what you said, but because you said it without any knowledge.
At least I'm talling to you in English so I'm kind, I can use another language and I doubt you'd be able to understand.
So stop saying idiocies about my English, you seem a 3rd grade boy (as I care about them). I have never had problems in communicating with english people who even made compliments about it. So you are doing a very shitty figure.
My english is certainly better than your Italian which is inexistent, don't be arrogant, you can do a better figure.
People don't learn Italian because it is useless, not because it is easy or difficult. So stop acting retarded.
Offended by the truth idiot? if you wouldn't be so retarded you could understand the core of the matter. Stop saying idiocies.
People learn English because they need it sometimes, otherwise nobody would give a shit about it
Sorry, I hadn't said anything at all about Italian in any of my posts prior to the one I wrote about not having learnt it. Maybe you are confusing me with one of the other guests you were speaking to before. Therefore I will call myself 'Saturn'.
All I have said to you is that you are in no position to judge how easy it is to learn English PROPERLY (not just to a level where you can communicate) because you still make a great many mistakes. And as a native English speaker I AM in a position to tell you that your mistakes are not just minor.
But anyway, you are right, I don't speak Italian, so cannot really comment on how difficult it is to learn. However, being interested in the structure of languages, I have some idea about the grammatical structure of Italian. I am well aware that it is morphologically more complex than English. But, as I said, I have also learnt German. I don't think many people would claim that German is less complicated than Italian in terms of morphology. The verbs probably are simpler, but overall I believe it is as complex, if not more, in this respect. Would you disagree with this? If not, then it is likely that I would have little trouble learning the structure of Italian, would you not say? That is not to say that it would be easy to master the language, just as it isn't English, but we are talking about morphology here. But you are not talking to a monolingual native English speaker who is clueless about any other language.
I am well aware that Italian is morphologically more complex than English. But, as I said, I have also learnt German. I don't think many people would claim that German is less complicated than Italian in terms of morphology. The verbs probably are simpler, but overall I believe it is as complex, if not more, in this respect. Would you disagree with this?
I totally agree!
"All I have said to you is that you are in no position to judge how easy it is to learn English PROPERLY (not just to a level where you can communicate) "
To tell the truth language students are the first to judge if they find a language simple or not, a motheryongue can't judge it I think.
Please don't tell other to judge since everybody here is doing it. Why don't you reply to the ones claiming learning Italian (or any other language) is a piece of cake? or cimilar idiocies?
If you say "PROPERLY" then I say that there is NOT any language easy to learn properly.
"I AM in a position to tell you that your mistakes are not just minor"
I can't see all this BIG mistakes in what he/she wrote, on the contrary then correct them. We are in a langauge forum but nobody here ever corrects mistakes. Everybody just talk.
Haha, stupid spaguettos.
Generally American spanish mix up s and c
AAHAH! stupid hamburger.
>>I can't see all this BIG mistakes in what he/she wrote, on the contrary then correct them. We are in a langauge forum but nobody here ever corrects mistakes. Everybody just talk<<
I did correct some of them. If you look back at one of my previous posts, I took 3 sentences that he/she had written and rewrote it in acceptable English. I'd be here all day correcting them all though.
No way, we are here to learn proper English, not to just talk. So it's expectable to be corrected by somebody.
>>I can't see all this BIG mistakes in what he/she wrote, on the contrary then correct them. We are in a langauge forum but nobody here ever corrects mistakes. Everybody just talk <<
You can't see them because you have not yet reached a level of English where you would be able to recognise them. To correct what you wrote, it should be 'I can't see all THESE big mistakes' and 'Everybody just TALKS' although in this instance the tense is inappropriate so it would be 'Everybody is just talking'
I'm sorry I don't like critisising, but when you are still making very basic errors, how on earth do you expect to be able to spot any other kind of mistake or something that simply sounds non-native?
You can't see them because you have not yet reached a level of English where you would be able to recognise them. To correct what you wrote, it should be 'I can't see all THESE big mistakes' and 'Everybody just TALKS' although in this instance the tense is inappropriate so it would be 'Everybody is just talking'
Have you ever heard of making a mistake through carelessness, typos etc. or do you really think ALL the mistakes you see in this forum are true mistakes?
I know perfectly that "these" is the plural of "this", that everybody need the third person etc., there is no need of a genius to understand these things, but a person can make errors in his/her first language writing fastly, let alone a foreign language.
I don't think you need to stay here "all day" to correct them.
Opposite to you I consider them VERY slight mistakes so easily corrigible, evidently you don't have idea of a text full of heavy mistakes! Until a text is perfectly understandable I consider the mistakes in it as not heavy.
People here don't need "to sound native" but just writing in an acceptable way, and I can't see all those huge mistakes....
I don't like critisising too, but you sound pretty much criticising to not liking it.
Anyway thanks for the corrections.
You English is very bad, I couldn't understand it. Try again, bitch.
Inglish es de isiest lenguesh tu lern, yu si?