the easiest IE language (morphologically)
Por qué no escribes algo en italiano? No conoces ni una palabra????? mentira = bugia, menzogna, fandonia, intenta aprender al menos una palabrita, tontito!
Me encantaria conocer las faltas de este mensaje. Gracias
<<Me encantaria conocer las faltas de este mensaje. Gracias >>
Apparently, the principal complaint was the unbalanced question marks and exclamation points.
The easiest languages from the morphological point of view are:
Germanic languages: Afrikaans
Romance languages: Italian.
mary You're an expert linguist Cogratulations!
Mary do you know what morphology means??
<<The easiest languages from the morphological point of view are:
Germanic languages: Afrikaans >>
Some folks dispute that, claiming English is simpler in morphology.
You English is very bad, I couldn't understand it. Try again, bitch.
Maybe because you are so idiot, dickhead!
mary You're an expert linguist Cogratulations!
Mary do you know what morphology means??
No I'm an idiot, why?
Some folks here are very machist.
No, they make me sick. Only because I am a woman I don't deserve to speak and be respected?
Mary is probably from Iran
No, you are from Iran I think. Respect the women please, don't hit them.
Some women enjoy being hit
I'm sorry Saturn did not answer, because he/she seemed the only one with a working brain here.
First I'm not Italian like one idiot (or more) think here.
Second: I don't think to be arrogant at all, I was answering to Saturn and not to all the refined lords that wrote after.
It is enough to read all the posts in this forum to understand who are the gross ignorant arrogant people.
Third: every foreign person here speak English 100000 times better than you while speaking a foreigner language, simply because you don't know any.
It's umbelievable that people who don't know a word in any language different from their first one dare to try offending people, spit arrogant suggestions and this level of boorishness.
Congratulation for your refined answers, they show all your level.
Avoid to post answers because I'm not going to come here anymore. There are a lot of more interesting forums with people above 10 years old.
He said he spoke German, Guest. And you are Italian, don't lie. You like to lie a lot.