the easiest IE language (morphologically)
In fact it's the contrary: English seems a piece of cake at the beginning and it becomes even easier after. Once you learn the pronounce of some words which is the only difficulty of the language you can learn to speak it very fastly. Italian seems difficult at the beginning and is even more after.
While stupid people think to be able to speak it decently they are speaking it in an horrible way. Foreigners can't speak decently Italian but for an unknown reason they think they are
Let's learn Portuguese the nicest language
Guest (the one stating it is the contrary)
Your post simply proves how difficult it is to speak English well. It is full of mistakes and non-native sounding constructions. Only once you have mastered English (which will probably take you a long while yet) will you be in any position to judge how difficult it is to learn properly. Don't be so arrogant!
Learn Italian, its easier to pronounce.
learn Spanish. It has so fewer phonemes, just 24-25. It's a childish language It's the easiest latin languages. Even latin americans can speak it
Even dirty Italians learnt Spanish when they migrated to Argentina like rats, so it must be very easy.
Let's take these three sentences:
>>While stupid people think to be able to speak it decently they are speaking it in an horrible way. Foreigners can't speak decently Italian but for an unknown reason they think they are<<
This is not good English I'm afraid. A native speaker might have written it as follows:
While stupid people might think they are able to speak it decently, they actually speak it in a horrible way. Foreigners can't speak Italian decently, but for some unknown reason they think they can.
You might think the mistakes you made don't matter much, but I'm afraid it's the difference between good and bad English. I suppose they just aren't quite as obvious as a wrong gender or verb conjugation and as such it's not as obvious to the learner that they are making mistakes.
This guy can't be more ridiculous, he says English is easy and can't speak without making mistakes
In this forum there are lots of ridiculous people. Most of the forumers are
Spanish sounds like the rustic version of Italian and Portuguese
Who cares, it's more spoken and studied than they both. Only gays are so worried about beauty of languages.
Your post simply proves how difficult it is to speak Italian, nobody here is able to do that. I make only slightly mistakes easily corrigible, you don't speak a word. Who is ridicolous? who is arrogant?
considering the level of this forum, it must be frequented by retarded american and english teenagers (the most ignorant in the world)
>>Your post simply proves how difficult it is to speak Italian, nobody here is able to do that. I make only slightly mistakes easily corrigible, you don't speak a word. Who is ridicolous? who is arrogant? <<
How on earth does my post prove anything about Italian? The fact that not many people try to learn Italian says nothing about its level of difficulty, or whether if they tried to learn it, they would be able to or not. I have not tried to learn Italian, so have no idea how well I would fare were I to try. However I have managed to learn German to a reasonable level. Na, vielleicht sollen wir uns doch ein bisschen auf Deutsch unterhalten. Was sagst du? Hast du Lust dazu? Ich würde sehr gerne mit dir ein bisschen Deutsch üben. Mach doch bitte mit. Or maybe you can't speak German? That would obviously prove it is extremely difficult if you can't speak it, wouldn't it? Even if you haven't tried... But anyway, I don't wish to be arrogant, but if I can cope with the morphological complexity of German (as a native English speaker) I reckon I could cope with Italian. Sure, I believe there are more verb conjugations and tenses to learn, but not the same complex noun declension by any means.
As for your mistakes, they are not 'slightly' as you put it. I agree that your English is comprehensible and you have not totally mangled your sentences, but your English is still extremely clumsy and far off the level of a native speaker.